Noëmi's Reviews > Grimm
Stolen characters, stolen quotes and stolen ideas. Not worth to read! The author is even proud to have stolen from famous movies and TV shows (and I know bcs I talked to him on facebook)! He even tried to educate me and that I didn't understand his idea. Oh I did. And I think after I've read more than 8000 books in my life I know shat a good book is! This book could have been better if the author would have used own stuff! But stealing from Doctor Whoand Torchwoo so obviously is just cheap!
If you're a whovian don't read it! You will get angry and you will get pissed off!
And other readers: it's full of mistakes! A german teacher would return that book all covered in red ink!
I succssesfully persuaded my public library to take the book out of their stocks. They agreed with me. Especially on the mistakes after all it's a book for young people and it will only teach them that stealing is ok!
I also wrote to BBC, after all the characters are protected and belong to the BBC. I think this author will realise one day that taking without permission isn't ok!
Dear Christoph: if you call yourself an author use your own imagination, learn german and if you take something from others than at least say thanks! And don't be proud to be thief!
If you're a whovian don't read it! You will get angry and you will get pissed off!
And other readers: it's full of mistakes! A german teacher would return that book all covered in red ink!
I succssesfully persuaded my public library to take the book out of their stocks. They agreed with me. Especially on the mistakes after all it's a book for young people and it will only teach them that stealing is ok!
I also wrote to BBC, after all the characters are protected and belong to the BBC. I think this author will realise one day that taking without permission isn't ok!
Dear Christoph: if you call yourself an author use your own imagination, learn german and if you take something from others than at least say thanks! And don't be proud to be thief!
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October 11, 2012
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