Karen's Reviews > Zoo

Zoo by James  Patterson
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WOW. I wonder, as I read reviews of this book, what the heck are people expecting from books nowadays? Did this book make my heart race? YES. Did this book keep my interest? YES. Did this book keep me up at night? YES. Did this book make me look behind me for animals? YES. Did this book make me think - is this so far off in the future? YES. So really, I have to wonder what are people interested in? This book gets a 4-1/2 from me only because it lost some of it's momentum 3/4 the way in... but then picked up again. So hopefully others won't pass this up because of some "NEVER-HAPPY" reviewers. :)
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October 17, 2012 – Shelved
November 4, 2012 – Started Reading
November 11, 2012 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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message 1: by Sharon (new) - added it

Sharon After seeing previews for the book being made into a TV show I decide to read it before the show came. But after all the negative comments I was about to change my mind. Then I read your review. Thanks for writing it. Now I think I'll take a chance and make up my own mind.

Karen Oh the pressure. ;). Please let me know if you liked it. If you didn't, well.... ;)

Kylee You sum it up perfectly! I devoured this book because the storyline was just so crazy, yet I also worried that it's something that could become real. Am I really concerned about whether the author is using the right scientific jargon? What's the point in reading fiction is you can't just enjoy the journey, instead of worrying about that nonsense?! Any book that keeps my attention is a win for me.

message 4: by Justice (new)

Justice Sharon, they should be paying US to read this book. I quit halfway through and I've never before quit on a book.

message 5: by MARGO (new)

MARGO Well one of the bad reviewers actually made me think that I will enjoy reading it. She said it was like the Da vinci Code - which I really enjoyed. I have always liked James Patterson Books even the ones he helps another author write. Thanks so much for putting things in perspective. Books are made to take us away from reality for a while and this type of book if it makes the reader's heart race, well it has done its job well.

message 6: by Jam (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jam Sinclair I totally agree with you Karen. Well said :)

Readergirl77 Haven't read this one yet, been catching up on the Murder Club books. I actually like that the chapters are short. Makes it easy to stop often, when needed, and get some pages in without a lot of time. So tired of hearing people complain about his short chapters...don't read him then. Problem solved. :)

Marianne Adoor Glad to see some positive reviews! Why are there so many haters out there? My husband and I are enjoying the book AND the tv series, BECAUSE IT IS FUN! Looking forwsrd to Tuesday's episode, and will continue reading thr book.

Misty Bass I came to read your full review. So far it is the only one i have seen that i agree with. I couldn't help reading the comments too. I find it humorous the people that review someone else's review. :-)

message 10: by Suraj (new) - added it

Suraj Sajnani ppl have too high expectations, really..the book was really interesting especially visualizing it in your mind, but the ending was a bit of a downer...has me motivated to see the tv show though

message 11: by Jan (new)

Jan Maher Loved this book!

message 12: by Tama (new) - rated it 1 star

Tama Gorelick Personally, I want better writing!

Cynthia Hrobowski The audio version is great! Great to listen to while driving. Definitely keeping my attention. I agree with your review!

message 14: by Ali (new)

Ali Saucedo Do you recommend this book for a 13 year old who loves biology? Does it have a positive message or too many adult scenes?

Karen It’s been a long time since I read this. Every 13 year old is different. I suggest you read and see if your 13 year old would enjoy.

message 16: by Linda (new)

Linda O Sounds like a brain buster! Adding it to my TBR list. Thank you 😊

Kelly Henry The ppl that hate this book were obviously looking for something else or they hate everything. Four stars for me

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