Hannah B.'s Reviews > Cream and Punishment

Cream and Punishment by Susannah Nix
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it was ok
bookshelves: should-have-dnfed

✨🍦Here’s the scoop…🍦✨

This book was an ice cream sandwich, with Tanner and Lucy being two sweet cookies unrelentingly duty bound to their families, and stuffed with just horrible family situations that will have you SCREAMING bloody sprinkle for them to get the hot fudge out of this town. They rarely popsicle stick up for themselves and when they do it’s two scoops too late. Tanner did it first and has my respect, but Lucy really melts my custard. She refused to do anything for herself and expects me to feel bad for her? I’m sorry but I’m a frozen asshole apparently but all she did was piss me off. No cone-test.

Most of the characters were unlikeable for one reason or another. Mainly they were all just wishy washy. I will simply never like the “overwhelming sense of familial duty” theme when the families in question are legitimate dumpster fires and unworthy of our main characters dying on the blades of self sacrifice.

We literally start the book out with Tanner dressed in an ice cream cone mascot costume as punishment from his father. He was like I should quit but I want his money and I’m too scared to leave the sweet embrace of workplace nepotism. The book tries to make him self-aware of his special treatment but I still don’t like how Lucy couldn’t get her promotion (even if he had quit). Would it have been unfair? Sure but his salary would have been gone (with that money going to her promotion raise) and there were a lot of unfair things about the creamery. His father doing a cone-plete 180° at the end was unbe-sprinkable. I don’t buy it one bit it felt waaaay too easy.

Lucy’s brother can literally go choke on a popsicle and her mother deserves to be dipped in a vat of melted chocolate a la Scooby Doo monster mode. She deserves to be forced to truly think about all that she did, ON the page. I never got a true sense of justice for that waffle cone wench.

Tanner gets brownie points for leaving the company when he did although it should have been as soon as he was told to put on an ice cream cone cop mascot costume. He says he doesn’t deserve all the jobs and chances but he never refuses them and I don’t like that one brownie bits. Lucy took too long and her “cone” to Jesus moment wasn’t remarkable. It was the same situation that happened the entire time throughout the book, but THIS time she decided to take umbrage (it’s my word of the day).

She finally realized her mother was a selfish sundae and was like “omg who knew this entire time she was playing me like a fiddle.” Meanwhile we’re all like WE KNEW BITCH SHE WAS PLAYING TCHAIKOVSKY. WITH CANNONS. Her brother was just as clueless and selfish as his mother. He gaslit her into thinking she was in the WRONG for “not asking for help more obviously.” She should not have to have a mental breakdown for him to finally be like “oh I see you don’t like being Cinderella.”

Of course she could have been more blunt but she was pretty fuckin crystal. He’s fucking selfish for needing to “tune out” the mother while Lucy is just left out to suffer her foolishness. His coping mechanism severely fucked her over and I’m supposed to “see him in a whole new light?” Sorry honey but the lights have been turned on this entire time. “You never asked me to,” ohhhkay you little conesucker I’m gonna cone YOU instead. Matt got coned! Matt got coned! Don’t get me wrong I’m really not team Lucy but I’m also not team of the man-child brother.

Now for a new segment I like to call: Toxic Time with Hannah, where I name a scenario that’s toxic but not as bad as the other toxic shit in the book! It sounds fucking terrible of me to say and not healthy but Lucy’s whole thing is wanting to be able to move out… This man literally gives good dick and has a house RIDDLE ME THAT. Idk be his roommate with benefits for all I care, but just be selfish for ONCE. This also made her initial reason for breaking up with him just… utt-dairy-ly ridiculous. But she explained it later and I actually got on board with her reasoning and liked how she realized he messed up.

I liked their chemistry from the beginning and loved the workplace drama. However, it didn’t last very long and they banged it out around 50%. The first bang was good and hot but the rest were all closed door lickity banana split and to that I say, of course! Because I can’t have ONE nice thing. Also his dirty talk was alright except for when he used the words “bountiful” and “succulent” like she was a prize thanksgiving turkey. She apparently liked his poetic foreplay but I choked on my cake cone. I liked their frozen treat photoshoot and really craved ice cream throughout this whole book.

Overall, I wasn’t totally sure at the beginning because the writing style wasn’t totally my thing, but I really did think it was going to turn around after the sex. I liked the characters when not considering their families. I liked their tension and drama. Ultimately, I was too annoyed with their self-sacrificial, half-pint attempts at fixing their families. I never felt like there was enough yelling and making everyone else feel bad to justify the actions.

⭐️⭐️.5/5 🌶🌶.5*/5

*This technically qualifies as three peppers because it had an explicit sex scene but seeing as it cone-blocked me for the rest of the book, I’m not feeling too generous.

✨Thank you to the author for an advanced review copy. All opinions are honest and my own.✨

Initial thoughts:

I thought I could like it but I just can’t
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Reading Progress

December 17, 2021 – Shelved
December 17, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
January 15, 2022 – Started Reading
January 15, 2022 –
13.0% "We’ll see how this goes. The dude was literally working as an ice cream cone mascot bc his daddy told him to and he’s too scared to work somewhere not in the family also bc he wants daddy’s money. She also has family issues and gets taken advantage of and currently doesn’t do anything about it. Initial thoughts and hopefully their arcs get going pretty soon and it ends on a high note."
January 15, 2022 –
26.0% "Like the drama of the working together and they’re good people aside from each having an overwhelming and annoying sense of family duty. Oh and ✨💖Nepotism💖✨ I don’t get why they wouldn’t/couldn’t promote Lucy if they weren’t paying Tanner’s salary. It’s weird and I don’t like it"
January 16, 2022 –
61.0% "The sex was good but her brother and literally go choke on a popsicle and her mother deserves to be dipped in a vat of hot chocolate a la Scooby Doo monster mode"
January 16, 2022 – Shelved as: should-have-dnfed
January 16, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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message 1: by Natalie (new) - added it

Natalie I’m confused, are you saying Lucy wanting to move out of her mum’s home is toxic or the fact she didn’t move in with Tanner? Why is that toxic?

Hannah B. Natalie wrote: "I’m confused, are you saying Lucy wanting to move out of her mum’s home is toxic or the fact she didn’t move in with Tanner? Why is that toxic?"

Oh no so basically Lucy is living at home paying for her mother and brother to survive bc they mooch off of her salary and she can’t afford to move out and also keep them afloat.

So in the past when she was dating Tanner the first time, she got scared when he said I love you and she left the relationship. She dumped him bc her home life was too much and she wanted to work on getting a promotion and moving out of her house (and claimed she couldn’t do that with a full on relationship).

So I was basically suggesting a toxic scenario where she should have just moved in with Tanner instead of breaking up with him initially bc it killed two birds with one stone (move out of bad family environment and also have hot and sexually amazing dude as a “roommate”). It’s shitty bc she didn’t love him and it would’ve been using him but it would have solved her issues and tbh her home life was just bad and I wanted her out of there. The toxicity of her using him for a house outweighed her staying with her family toxicity in my fictional scenario (bc breaking up with him didn’t get her out of her family’s house any quicker bc she kept letting them use her, etc).

But no she didn’t make a toxic choice by wanting to move out on her own terms, that was healthy lol. It was just frustrating that she let her family use her for so long and she kept making excuses! Technically, if she would’ve just thought about his “I love you” for a moment and not initially break up with him, a lot of her issues would’ve been immediately solved but the book wouldn’t exist lmao.

Hopefully this made sense but moral of the story it was me (not too seriously) suggesting she just use the man for room and board and deal with those consequences later instead of the book we got.

Scgoff Bahahaha you said exactly what I was thinking but WAY FUNNIER.

Beth Mallett Same! But like Scgoff said, way funnier and with PUNS! I literally don't need to write a review, I'll just point folks to Hannah! :-)

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