Canadian Jen's Reviews > The Good Left Undone

The Good Left Undone by Adriana Trigiani
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: 5-star-favourites, historical-fiction, wwii-war, italy

I grew up with Italians. I was indoctrinated into their culture learning the curse words, the talking with the hands, the loud passionate voices, the delicious Nutella, gnocchi, pasta and later the homemade wine! Ooooh lala. Even some of those Italian mamas chasing my friends with a slipper or a wooden spoon.

This story was much more than what I was expecting. It’s a beautiful multi generational story. Matilda, the matriarch, is facing old age and death. It’s her reflection on her life, her mother’s own love stories that she shares with her granddaughter.

It spans from the 30’s to present. Trudging through the war, the losses, the grief and at the heart of it, the family. The strong and courageous women of generations.

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Reading Progress

April 19, 2022 – Shelved
April 19, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
July 5, 2022 – Started Reading
July 6, 2022 –
page 140
July 9, 2022 –
page 262
July 10, 2022 – Shelved as: 5-star-favourites
July 10, 2022 – Shelved as: historical-fiction
July 10, 2022 – Shelved as: wwii-war
July 10, 2022 – Finished Reading
March 27, 2023 – Shelved as: italy

Comments Showing 1-50 of 83 (83 new)

message 1: by Ann (new) - rated it 3 stars

Ann I'm so glad you liked it!!!

message 2: by Susan (new) - added it

Susan Great review Jen!!! I need to move this up on the neverending tbr!!!

Canadian Jen Ann wrote: "I'm so glad you liked it!!!"

Thanks Ann. There were many great themes like you mentioned but also many characters to keep track of. I haven't read any others by her but do own a few so I am looking fwd to them too!

Canadian Jen Susan wrote: "Great review Jen!!! I need to move this up on the neverending tbr!!!"

Thanks Susan. Such a torture, I know :)

message 5: by Jenny (new)

Jenny Glad you loved it Jen! Great review!

message 6: by Debra (new)

Debra Great review, Jen!

message 7: by Zoeytron (new)

Zoeytron This sounds kinda wonderful, Jen. Glad it struck all the right chords with you.

Sujoya - theoverbookedbibliophile Fabulous review! Glad you found a 5-star read!😊

message 9: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Ooooh Lala! Wonderful review! 💖

message 10: by Rich (new)

Rich Good review Jen...sounds good. I like the homemade wine as well...🙂

Cathrine ☯️ So glad you liked it. It's waiting patiently on my Kindle.

message 12: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Your review is Grandiose! We have Italians in our family too!

Canadian Jen Thanks Jenny, ZT & Debra :)

Canadian Jen Sujoya wrote: "Fabulous review! Glad you found a 5-star read!😊"

I have been fortunate to find others who found this one first to be so. Thanks Sujoya!

Canadian Jen Jayme wrote: "Ooooh Lala! Wonderful review! 💖"

Thanks Jayme!

Canadian Jen Rich wrote: "Good review Jen...sounds good. I like the homemade wine as well...🙂"

I knew you'd like that, Rich. TY

message 17: by Lisa (new)

Lisa My husband says my dad's family has two volumes loud and louder, so I smiled at your comment about loud passionate voices. This sounds like a fun and wonderful read.

message 18: by Angela M (new) - added it

Angela M Jen, I’m so happy to see your 5 stars . On my list when I get to I suspect I will appreciate given that all of my grandparents were born in Italy ! Great review.

Canadian Jen Cathrine ☯️ wrote: "So glad you liked it. It's waiting patiently on my Kindle."

I'm waiting patiently for your thoughts, C :)

Canadian Jen Holly wrote: "Your review is Grandiose! We have Italians in our family too!"

Grazie, Holly!

Canadian Jen Lisa wrote: "My husband says my dad's family has two volumes loud and louder, so I smiled at your comment about loud passionate voices. This sounds like a fun and wonderful read."

That's too funny, Lisa. Hope you get a chance to check it out :)

Canadian Jen Angela M wrote: "Jen, I’m so happy to see your 5 stars . On my list when I get to I suspect I will appreciate given that all of my grandparents were born in Italy ! Great review."

I think you will appreciate this one, Angela. At least I hope you will. Can't wait for your thoughts :)

message 23: by Diane S ☔ (new)

Diane S ☔ Lovely review. Jen.

Karen Yay!
So happy that you loved this too!
I love your review, Jen!

message 25: by Heidi (new)

Heidi Lovely review says the reader who inherited the hands and voice from the Italian side of her family! 😎

message 26: by Tina (new)

Tina This sounds wonderful! I can relate to this as my heritage is not too far off of the Italians! Ha ha about the slipper or wooden spoon on your friends 🤣 Great and fun review!

message 27: by Bianca (new) - added it

Bianca Grazie mille for the enthusiastic review. I'm adding it.

message 28: by Catsh (new) - added it

Catsh That sounds very tempting! Thanks for the great review. Will order asap

Canadian Jen Diane S ☔ wrote: "Lovely review. Jen."

Thanks Diane :)

Canadian Jen Karen wrote: "Yay!
So happy that you loved this too!
I love your review, Jen!"

Glad you enjoyed this one too, Karen! TY :D

Canadian Jen Heidi wrote: "Lovely review says the reader who inherited the hands and voice from the Italian side of her family! 😎"

LOL - it's contagious even if you aren't Italian!

Canadian Jen Tina wrote: "This sounds wonderful! I can relate to this as my heritage is not too far off of the Italians! Ha ha about the slipper or wooden spoon on your friends 🤣 Great and fun review!"

Thanks Tina. I'm surprised my own mom didn't try that tactic LOL. But there were 4 of us kids and she would have lost too many slippers to count.

Canadian Jen Tina wrote: "This sounds wonderful! I can relate to this as my heritage is not too far off of the Italians! Ha ha about the slipper or wooden spoon on your friends 🤣 Great and fun review!"

Thanks Tina. I'm surprised my own mom didn't try that tactic LOL. But there were 4 of us kids and she would have lost too many slippers to count.

Canadian Jen Bianca wrote: "Grazie mille for the enthusiastic review. I'm adding it."

Grazie Bianca. Hope you adore it !

Canadian Jen Catsh wrote: "That sounds very tempting! Thanks for the great review. Will order asap"

Thanks Catsh. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

message 36: by JackieBeau (new) - added it

JackieBeau in a bad reading slump Wow great review Jen ! On my TBR list for sure ! Even made me hungry reading your review 😃

Canadian Jen Jackie wrote: "Wow great review Jen ! On my TBR list for sure ! Even made me hungry reading your review 😃"

Thanks Jackie - and you are a fellow Canadian :) Thanks for the friend invite and hope you enjoy this one too

message 38: by Jaidee (new) - added it

Jaidee Bravissima ! Added bella!

message 39: by Ellie (new)

Ellie Spencer (catching up from hiatus) Ohh this sounds so good! I love it when books follow a family over a long period of time! Wonderful review Jen, I am so glad you loved this! 🧡

Canadian Jen Jaidee wrote: "Bravissima ! Added bella!"

LOL - Hope you like it, Jaidee. don't curse at me if you don't (in Italian that is)

Canadian Jen Ellie wrote: "Ohh this sounds so good! I love it when books follow a family over a long period of time! Wonderful review Jen, I am so glad you loved this! 🧡"

Then I think you will enjoy this one, Ellie. TY :)

message 42: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Lovely review Jen!

message 43: by Rosh (new)

Rosh Nice review, Jen! So it's not just Indian mothers who used slippers, eh? 😂 Glad you enjoyed this read.

message 44: by Beata (new)

Beata Bravissimo, Jen! :)) Lovely review :))

Canadian Jen RoshReviews wrote: "Nice review, Jen! So it's not just Indian mothers who used slippers, eh? 😂 Glad you enjoyed this read."

Lol Rosh.....too funny :) Apparently not.

Canadian Jen Maureen ( NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS) wrote: "Lovely review Jen!"

Thanks Maureen :)

Canadian Jen Beata wrote: "Bravissimo, Jen! :)) Lovely review :))"

Grazie, Beata, Grazie :D

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Fabulous review, Jen! I am glad this storry took you on an unexpected journey,

Canadian Jen Thanks Meredith 😊

Marilyn (not getting notifications) Glad this book brought good memories. Wonderful review, Jen❤️

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