jessica's Reviews > My Killer Vacation

My Killer Vacation by Tessa Bailey
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really liked it

romantic suspense is my all time favourite romance subgenre, so i was excited to see how TB would handle it. shes the queen of romcom banter, but can she do high stakes murder investigations??

and the answer is… no. not really. hahaha. i mean, the suspense elements of this story are so severely lacking. it obviously takes a back seat to the lustfest that is myles and taylor. and when they revealed who was behind it all, well, i just rolled my eyes.

that being said, i adored this. its a fun and cute beachy summer read. it doesnt take itself too seriously and its lighthearted enough that you can breeze right through this. so not a dealbreaker that half of the plot wasnt as engaging as i would have liked.

more TB standalones, please!

3.5 stars
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message 1: by Lexie (new)

Lexie Is there a romantic suspense book you would recommend? :)

jessica yessss! here are some of my faves:

- the where... series by mia sheridan
- ‘till death’ by jennifer l. armentrout
- the adair family series by samantha young
- ‘verity’ by colleen hoover
- ‘the good lie’ by a.r. torre

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