A Mac's Reviews > Interview with the Vampire
Interview with the Vampire (The Vampire Chronicles, #1)
Louis never wanted to be a vampire, nor did he even believe in their existence. But in Louisiana in the 1800s, he discovers there’s much more to his world than he ever knew. But his maker, Lestat, does not make his life easy and even goes out of his way to antagonize Louis. A third vampire eventually joins their group, which creates a nice balance at first. But when things begin to unravel, Louis is forced to choose between his companions, a decision that will affect the rest of his immortal life.
I was a little concerned with the way the story is told that it wouldn’t be that engaging or come to life. Since it’s written as Louis telling his story to someone else, it’s not set up in a way that traditionally encourages engaging descriptions or a meaningful atmosphere, but the author did a decent job incorporating both of those things (more descriptions than atmospheric, though). I did like that the vampires in this book were all awful in their own way. There was no sexy, brooding vampire that humans can’t help but love. They were all despicable to varying degrees, and the author didn’t shy away from the bloody horror of vampirism.
I enjoyed how character-driven this tale was and how it examined relationships. I think the discussion on the power of the “creator” over the newly created vampires was fascinating, especially surrounding the concept of how a newly created vampire might be in for a struggle if their creator is a toxic megalomaniac who is unwilling to share vital information. In fact, relationships were the strongest aspect of this work. I loved the incorporation of a child vampire and the many issues/struggles that entailed as well – it seems that many vampire books stay away from that topic.
There were some (many) instances where Louis waxed poetic and it got rather boring, but overall, it was an engaging vampire read.
I was a little concerned with the way the story is told that it wouldn’t be that engaging or come to life. Since it’s written as Louis telling his story to someone else, it’s not set up in a way that traditionally encourages engaging descriptions or a meaningful atmosphere, but the author did a decent job incorporating both of those things (more descriptions than atmospheric, though). I did like that the vampires in this book were all awful in their own way. There was no sexy, brooding vampire that humans can’t help but love. They were all despicable to varying degrees, and the author didn’t shy away from the bloody horror of vampirism.
I enjoyed how character-driven this tale was and how it examined relationships. I think the discussion on the power of the “creator” over the newly created vampires was fascinating, especially surrounding the concept of how a newly created vampire might be in for a struggle if their creator is a toxic megalomaniac who is unwilling to share vital information. In fact, relationships were the strongest aspect of this work. I loved the incorporation of a child vampire and the many issues/struggles that entailed as well – it seems that many vampire books stay away from that topic.
There were some (many) instances where Louis waxed poetic and it got rather boring, but overall, it was an engaging vampire read.
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Interview with the Vampire.
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(last edited Jun 20, 2023 05:00PM)
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Jun 20, 2023 03:15PM
Delighted that you are just now being introduced to this iconic series.
Ah, I'll be very interested to see what you think of this one when you get to it! Especially knowing your feelings on vampires.
Thank you, Sujoya! I honestly don't know that I'll read anymore of her works, but I've been curious about this one for a long time.
Completely understandable - I almost ran out of time on my library loan because I was just having a hard time getting through it.
Haha fair enough - I'll be very interested to see your thoughts on this one, especially because it gets somewhat philosophical which seems right up your alley!
Yeah unfortunately it didn't live up to my hopes and dreams, and I probably won't read more of the series - it's a bummer!
Haha I think maybe I saw so much praise for it that I got my hopes too high and it just didn't live up to it.
Thanks so much, Amina! I wonder if it was more of the author's writing style, but since I haven't read anything else by her I'm not sure.
Ha, scandalous indeed! I think I'd be hard-pressed to call this one horror, so maybe you can be forgiven for this one.
I've never heard of it, but that premise looks hilarious - I'll have to see if I can find it online!
Haha thank you, Regina!
Thank you, Thibault! I believe I watched the movie when it first came out, but I remember nothing about it (not even if I liked it or not!).
It's true, it was a bold and fascinating move! Thank you so much, Zainab!
I'm going to be honest, I do have a soft spot for a sexy, brooding vampire so I was a little disappointed, too - thank you, Deeksha!
Delighted that you are just now being introduced to this iconic series."
Ha! It's been on my TBR list for years, and I'm just now getting around to it!
Haha understandable - I don't know if the movie was a good representation of the book (I watched it a looong time ago), but I imagine neither would be for you!
Fair enough on that one - thank you, Tina!
It was honestly a bit of a slow read, so I'm not too surprised - I don't know if I would have liked it as an audiobook. Thank you, Coco!