scthoughts's Reviews > Funny You Should Ask

Funny You Should Ask by Elissa Sussman
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it was ok

Funny You Should Ask, this almost gave me an ulcer.

~~The story felt as if going at both warp speed and at a snail's pace simultaneously.

1) You get the full details of events in the past. (through the single pov of our fMC, Chani)
2) Then the details of them in published articles, posts, reviews, etc. across various media platforms.
3) In the present, through Chani's pov, her rehashing all the details and Gabe, our mMC, tossing in his version of the events.

You're tricked by the pace of short chapters bc eventually, you just end up continuously reading the same things being told to you THREE TIMES, sometimes back-to-back-to-back. It sent me into a downward spiral of insanity by page 200.

⬇️ a main plot spoiler below ⬇️

~~Chani kept whining the whole time about Gabe lying to her about his situationship with Jacinda and them marrying soon after. Aside from Gabe's addiction, it's pretty much the main plot of the book and it never makes sense.

She writes for a magazine that focuses on celebrity bullshit. That means she should already know a celeb could have a damn near sex show with someone in pictures and then will still say "Oh, we're not dating and are just good friends." He's a damn celebrity being asked by an interviewer (her) about his dating life, OF COURSE HE'S GOING TO DENY/LIE ABOUT IT. It's common knowledge and what they and their publicists do.

Chani and Gabe literally didn't even know each other outside of that one weekend for the interview ten years ago. She even acknowledges at one point (in the past timeline) about seeing the pictures herself of Gabe and Jacinda being close and thought something more than just friendship was definitely going on. IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE FOR HER TO BE MAD.

Also, her writing? Subpar at best. The book fails to convince me that she was someone worthy to even write a piece for Vanity Fair. She couldn't even ask any decent questions.

~~The chemistry between the characters were off the charts. By that I mean, it was never there to begin with.

Both Chani and Gabe had more chemistry with Ollie (the designated gay side character and plot device) than with each other. In the past, it was more sexual attraction than anything else. In the present, chemistry was nowhere to be found. Dead air.

~~The overall plot and writing gave me nothing.

Imagine being stuck in an empty room that only has white noise playing on a continuous loop. The emptiness is the lack of substance/character intrigue throughout the story. The white noise represents the dialogue.
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Reading Progress

August 7, 2022 – Started Reading
August 7, 2022 – Shelved
August 8, 2022 –
page 11
3.13% "I forgot Montana even existed lol"
August 8, 2022 –
page 25
7.1% "Is Gabe supposed to be the quirky one?"
August 9, 2022 –
page 102
28.98% "I need Chani to get herself together and call her therapist."
August 9, 2022 –
page 145
41.19% "I think I can tell what direction this is about to go in"
August 9, 2022 –
page 147
41.76% "Yup, and there it is."
August 9, 2022 –
page 186
52.84% "I don't feel as if this book is accomplishing what I think it's trying to do.

Let's see how the second half goes."
August 10, 2022 –
page 351
99.72% "Imagine being stuck in an empty room that only has white noise playing on a continuous loop. The emptiness in the lack of substance/character intrigue throughout the story. The white noise represents the dialogue."
August 10, 2022 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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Victoria Omg yes the repetition of the past to present chapters back to back, without adding like any new details, made me think that there was a length requirement to get this book published.

message 2: by scthoughts (last edited Dec 08, 2022 08:23PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

scthoughts Victoria wrote: "Omg yes the repetition of the past to present chapters back to back, without adding like any new details, made me think that there was a length requirement to get this book published."

I'm glad I got it from the library instead of buying it. 😂

message 3: by hillary (new)

hillary I might take this off my tbr, repetition is one of my pet peeves ugghh! Thank you for saving me 😫

scthoughts Hilly wrote: "I might take this off my tbr, repetition is one of my pet peeves ugghh! Thank you for saving me 😫"

No problem 👍🏾 You're not missing out on anything fun.

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