Andy Marr's Reviews > The Thorn Birds

The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough
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It took 200 pages of this book for me to confirm that the novel's 'hero' is a pedophile, and that his love interest is the young child that he meets as a girl and spends years grooming in the presence of her family. A horrible book.
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Reading Progress

August 31, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
August 31, 2022 – Shelved
September 29, 2022 – Shelved as: dnf

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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Bonnie G. I thoroughly agree with everything you say, but also I loved this when it came out. LOVED. It is gratifying to see how in time we see this for what it is, but in the 70s this was still seen as romance. Times actually have changed! Who knew?

message 2: by Andy (last edited Sep 29, 2022 12:22PM) (new) - added it

Andy Marr Bonnie G. wrote: "I thoroughly agree with everything you say, but also I loved this when it came out. LOVED. It is gratifying to see how in time we see this for what it is, but in the 70s this was still seen as roma..."

It's really interesting to note how much times have changed, isn't it. I have two daughters at primary school, and there's a far, far greater emphasis on kindness, empathy and equality than when I was at school in the early 90s. The world is a scary place right now in a million different ways, but this, at least, is a very positive change!

Bonnie G. Andy wrote: "Bonnie G. wrote: "I thoroughly agree with everything you say, but also I loved this when it came out. LOVED. It is gratifying to see how in time we see this for what it is, but in the 70s this was ..."

I agree. My son is 23 and I work with graduate students, so I am around a lot of people in that particular age group. It makes me so happy to see these women who expect to have agency over their lives including their sexuality, and who would never think a priest wrestling with pedophilia was a romantic hero or that a teenager who had drawn his notice was lucky. And it makes me happy to see these men who don't question that. Beats the hell out of the 70's and 80's for sure.

message 4: by Zain (new)

Zain In what way is he a hero?

message 5: by Andy (new) - added it

Andy Marr GirlWithThePinkSkiMask - Ding good choice 👌 😃

message 6: by Andy (new) - added it

Andy Marr Hey Zain 👋  He's the novel's 'hero' in the traditional sense - that is, the main character who has to overcome conflict and trials. However, I also had the sense that McCullough genuinely wrote this is an epic story of love and romance rather than one of a man's unhealthy yearning for a child.

message 7: by Zain (new)

Zain 👍🏽🙃

message 8: by Erin (new) - rated it 1 star

Erin You have summed up perfectly why I never loved this book. Yet it still amazes people as it was a favorite because of the mini-series.

message 9: by Andrea (new)

Andrea Not read the book,but enjoyed the mini series..🌞

BAM doesn’t answer to her real name I read this so long ago so long that what you said must have just gone straight over my head because I see where I gave it five stars. Now I need to read this again. I agree with what Andy said in his comment box though. It’s most definitely one of those books (like Nabokov Lolita) that makes you wonder if those books could be published today. Sorta the opposite of dear Vanessa

message 11: by John (new) - rated it 5 stars

John Gilbert I loved this book when I read it 40 years ago, as a matter of fact, it was the only book I read about Australia before moving here 36 years ago (I also saw Crocodile Dundee in Aukland the night before I first flew here). Certainly do not remember any of the themes you talk about, but the age of consent in Oz is 16, so many books here have younger sexual connections than the US where it is still 18. As it was written by one of Australia's greatest writers and she is female, I was not concerned at the time of 'pediphilia' and I do not intend to re-read it to see if it now offends me. Fair enough Andy, if it made you uncomfortable, than stay away from it, maybe today I would also change my mind if I read it again.

message 12: by AMLAS (new)

AMLAS well that sounds awful.

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Oh wow. I've had this on my list since 2014 and i was going to try it this year. it now goes to abandoned, thank you for lowering my TBR. This one subject I do not care to read about.

Teresa I read this years ago and didn't look at it like that at all! Maybe I was naïve. The book as a whole I found to be a brilliant story.

message 15: by John (new) - rated it 5 stars

John Gilbert Teresa wrote: "I read this years ago and didn't look at it like that at all! Maybe I was naïve. The book as a whole I found to be a brilliant story."

I'm with you on this Teresa, I don't remember anything other than a young woman on a sheep property who was enamoured of the visiting young priest. The tv version had Richard Chamberlain as the priest and Rachael Ward as the young woman. Never felt anything untoward at the time myself.

Teresa John wrote: "Teresa wrote: "I read this years ago and didn't look at it like that at all! Maybe I was naïve. The book as a whole I found to be a brilliant story."

I'm with you on this Teresa, I don't remember ..."

Thank you John, thought it was just me. I loved the tv series!!

message 17: by John (new) - rated it 5 stars

John Gilbert Teresa wrote: "John wrote: "Teresa wrote: "I read this years ago and didn't look at it like that at all! Maybe I was naïve. The book as a whole I found to be a brilliant story."

I'm with you on this Teresa, I do..."


message 18: by Meg (new)

Meg I've only seen the mini series and that was a nope for me ... im also named after the fmc. Both mc are horrible people and yet it's one of my mums favourite books

Petra is wondering when this dawn will beome day Given the priest's occupation and religion is his sexual preference any surprise? LOL. Actually, you have destroyed my memories of reading this book when I was much younger and didn't think of things like paedophiles and perverted priests. I will get over it!

message 20: by John (new) - rated it 3 stars

John I get it, I was close to dnf about halfway through but I powered through it.

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