Andy Marr's Reviews > The Thorn Birds
The Thorn Birds
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Bonnie G.
rated it 4 stars
Sep 29, 2022 11:14AM
It's really interesting to note how much times have changed, isn't it. I have two daughters at primary school, and there's a far, far greater emphasis on kindness, empathy and equality than when I was at school in the early 90s. The world is a scary place right now in a million different ways, but this, at least, is a very positive change!
I agree. My son is 23 and I work with graduate students, so I am around a lot of people in that particular age group. It makes me so happy to see these women who expect to have agency over their lives including their sexuality, and who would never think a priest wrestling with pedophilia was a romantic hero or that a teenager who had drawn his notice was lucky. And it makes me happy to see these men who don't question that. Beats the hell out of the 70's and 80's for sure.
I'm with you on this Teresa, I don't remember anything other than a young woman on a sheep property who was enamoured of the visiting young priest. The tv version had Richard Chamberlain as the priest and Rachael Ward as the young woman. Never felt anything untoward at the time myself.
I'm with you on this Teresa, I don't remember ..."
Thank you John, thought it was just me. I loved the tv series!!
I'm with you on this Teresa, I do..."