Katrina Passick Lumsden's Reviews > The Language of Flowers

The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh
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I don't really know what to write about this book. It was well-written, but I'm not sure I liked it. I didn't hate it, though. For me, it's one of those books that left me going, "Umm...OK...". I like the flower communication and all, but the whole story just sort of took some weird turns and ended up feeling like it wasn't going anywhere. And then it didn't. It just kind of ended.

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Reading Progress

November 25, 2012 – Shelved (Hardcover Edition)
Started Reading
January 7, 2013 – Finished Reading
January 9, 2013 – Shelved

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message 2: by Jason (new)

Jason my mom and sister are both reading it. we differ so much in our likes and dislikes that i decided to avoid this one. i love the short and sweet review.

Katrina Passick Lumsden Thanks, everyone!

I can definitely see why some people really liked it, the emotional aspect of it is well-written and kind of poignant, but given that the main character has some serious intimacy issues, it's really hard for even the reader to connect with her. And since I couldn't connect with her, I definitely couldn't sympathize. To me, she came across as kind of dumb and unbelievably selfish, which I know isn't fair since she would need a team of therapists working on her for 10+ years to overcome all her issues....but that just makes the ending all the more unbelievable, as well!

I guess that's my biggest gripe; it's inconsistent, therefor frustrating.

Tasha Meh sums it up PERFECTLY!!

Laurel Norton I share your thoughts. I liked reading this book, but kept waiting for it to "bloom" in some way. I thought it was well written. I found myself wanting to skip over the main character, Victoria, because of her fears. It was my unease with her running away from things...agh! I found the ending almost too simplistic and akin to a Hallmark card. But I was inspired by the language of flowers, the Victorian method of floral communication, and I did like how that was woven throughout the story.

Katrina Passick Lumsden Yes! Exactly. It never "bloomed". And the ending was indeed abrupt, simplistic, and reminiscent of sappy Hallmark sentimentality. The only thing I truly enjoyed was the aspect of flower language.

Nickey-Ann Leon I felt the EXACT same way!!

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