Tom Quinn's Reviews > Humanism: A Very Short Introduction

Humanism by Stephen Law
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it was ok

I adore this series, perfect for college firstyears and curious laypeoples, but this entry is not its strongest. Big style but light substance comes across as cheek, and before long you've quit learning and you're just cracking wise. Case in point,
Without God, it is suggested, humanity amounts to little more than a dirty smudge on a ball of rock lost in an incomprehensibly vast universe that will eventually bare [sic] no trace of us having ever existed, and which will itself collapse into nothingness. So why bother getting out of bed in the morning? (119)
Har har, but the chapter heading here is "The Meaning of Life" and I'd like us to focus up, please.

2.5 stars. Consider it the briefest of broadest of strokes about a topic that is admittedly really easy to summarize, then go follow up with something weightier. Humanism is where it's at, and it deserves more consideration than this sophomoric smugness.
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October 1, 2022 – Shelved
October 1, 2022 –
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0.0% "Snagged on impulse at the library's quick-grab rack while checking out a board game to play at home, an intersection of community and family that feels like mainlining Humanism in its purest form."

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message 1: by Liz (new) - rated it 2 stars

Liz You've summed it up well for me. Totally agree, and was definitely looking for a more rigorous discussion. I would also have liked to hear more about humanism v polytheism (eg hindiusm) and humanism v (no creator god religions eg Buddhism and Jainism). Very light on substance as you say.

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