Crystal's Reviews > The Widow

The Widow by Valerie Keogh
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After only 3 months of marriage, Allison's *wealthy* husband is dead after falling (or being pushed) in front of a train.
Poor Allison! They were still in their honeymoon phase and now she has to face being a young widow without the love of her life by her side. But is she really grieving? Or is she taking this as a chance to live the life she's always dreamed of?
Unfortunately for Allison, her husband's death is the only thing she has to worry about. Allison has a very dark that someone seems to know about. And that someone is ready to seek vengeance and ruin Allison's one chance at happiness.

This was a fun read full of untrustworthy characters with sordid motives. The three main women in this book were all so manipulative and deceitful, which was a delight to read.

This story, however, was overly long and could have done with an edit. But the main reason I'm giving this book 3 stars is because all the twists were predictable. I'm fine with that if they're done well but that coupled with it being too long and drawn out made the book feel tedious to get through.
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message 1: by Pat (new)

Pat Great review Crystal, it’s a pity it was only so so,

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