jay's Reviews > Exquisite Corpse

Exquisite Corpse by Poppy Z. Brite
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really liked it
bookshelves: the-moon-is-trans

“What are you?” he asked.
I touched my fingers to the bead of scarlet on his throat, brought them to my lips and tasted his blood for the first time. “I’m your nightmare. Did you think you were done with nightmares, now you’ve become one?”

i like books that make me feel a little bit insane.

there's something about relating love and lust to death and cannibalism that makes the whole experience more intimate. to quote richard siken

"...but we both know how it goes.
I say I want you inside me and you hold my head underwater,
I say I want you inside me and you split me open with a knife."

like yes!!! the inherent violence of love!!! give me more of that!!! (but in the cool poetical way not in the average dark romance way cause yikes)

also like siken, this book was beautifully written. i loved the prose, i loved the characterisation of the characters and their dynamics, i loved the discussions of death and the role aids played in the lives and experiences of every character.

if you like your books a little fucked up and obsessive and enjoy literature on a deeper level than "but he kills people!!!:(" or if you ship hannigram - i can't recommend this one enough.

tw: death, murder, gore, cannibalism, mutilation, suicide, necrophilia, ...

read as part of 202-Queer 🌈✨

april reading: 18/26
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Reading Progress

November 26, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
November 26, 2022 – Shelved
February 26, 2023 – Shelved as: the-moon-is-trans
April 9, 2023 – Started Reading
April 9, 2023 –
page 112
46.67% "weird chapter"
April 10, 2023 –
page 142
59.17% "fun chapter"
April 19, 2023 –
page 142
59.17% "i haven't touched this in so long idk who anyone is anymore 💀"
April 23, 2023 –
55.0% "ah.. it's still good if i force myself to actually read it"
April 23, 2023 –
64.0% "good for them"
April 23, 2023 –
69.0% "how has he never gotten food poisoning though"
April 23, 2023 –
100.0% "and now, time for lunch"
April 23, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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Ana (Hiatus) A fellow Hannigram shipper. I'll have to read this now.

Regulus I am concerned and impressed at the same time

richa ⋆.˚★ that last scene - a hug from the lover would have been better

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