Amy Littleford's Reviews > Tempt My Heart

Tempt My Heart by Jade  Church
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** spoiler alert ** *3.5 stars. Firstly I'd like to thank the author, Jade Church, for the eARC for an honest review as part of her ARC team. I was really looking forward to this one because I really loved the first one in the series - In Too Deep.

I did find the beginning a little slow. I was just waiting for Ali to tell Christopher about the private video her ex was threatening her with. I did have a problem with this storyline from the beginning due to the fact that threatening someone with a private video has been illegal since 2021 thanks to the TheNakedThreat campaign. If the police are in his pocket go to different police. He ended up getting arrested in the end anyway. A lot of trouble could have been saved. But it's fiction so we move.

I enjoyed the spice in this book which I always do with Jade Church's books. I did find this book rushed. There was a tiny bit of slow burn but then they fell in love and the fake dating trope lasted a very short amount of time which was really disappointing as it's one of my favourite tropes. Also the resolution with the ex being arrested seemed to happen pretty quickly. I also love the 'touch her and die' trope but it didn't fit in this book. Christopher is a softie and that is how he is presented throughout - the touch her and die situations just didn't fit with who he is as a character.

I did enjoy having Rose and Blake in this book! My favs from In Too Deep. When I finished the last chapter and turned to the Epilogue I was shocked to see it so quickly end. Overall, it was a quick easy romance read with a few flaws.

Amy x

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December 10, 2022 – Shelved
December 10, 2022 – Shelved as: to-read
June 10, 2023 – Started Reading
June 19, 2023 – Finished Reading

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