Robert's Reviews > Papillon

Papillon by Henri Charrière
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it was ok

Papillon was an enjoyable enough summer read; it was just a little hard to suspend my disbelief at times for a supposedly nonfiction endeavor. I was unsurprised to see in my post-reading research that large portions the story were disputed and that several of Charriere's fellow inmates have claimed over the years that he incorporated the experiences of other would-be escapees and presented them as his own story. I guess this book was a precursor of sorts to A Million Little Pieces in that both are perfectly good stories that would go down a lot smoother were they not presented as fact.

I would like to re-read this book soon knowing what I know now, and just accept the story as a communal history of the penal colony prisoners, with Papi as the proxy for several inmates' experiences.
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August 27, 2007 – Shelved

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Anastasia Sounds like it could be similar to Shantaram:

Charlie Stanton Where did you find the these fellow inmates ? Please share this new found information , I am a bit taken back by yor claims as I would have thought that after all these years and what with the movie and follow up book Banco that this sortof information would have come out over the last 35 years since the book came out .

message 3: by Mark (new)

Mark I feel the same way about it. I just read AMillion Little Pieces a month ago but at least I knew the score with that one. I just bought Papillion yesterday and my boss saw it on my desk and told me about the bullsh*t factor. That's $40 of my hard earned money spent on donate to frauds in one month, not happy. I don't think I'll be reading any more memiors for a while

Charlie Stanton Yes Robert Bentley if that's your real name :) Where is your proof ? Who are these inmates ? Papillon came out early seventy's he died before moive release I would think that these fellow inmates that you speak of are just doing what many people do when someone gets famous they are suddenly the fifth beatle !! And to the other self appointed offical fact finder to the stars Mark do our home work Pipillion is a very real story. Your misinformed on this one. I don't know about the other book , only what the aurthor stated never read it. Oh yeah the moon landing was a fake

Peter Preciado Pretty easy to find that info if you are still interested. It's all over the web. I still love the story and it could be true. And even if it is embellished, all memoirs are. The truth is relative. That being said, there are many people out there disputing it. Haters gone hate. 😂

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