Aoife - Bookish_Babbling's Reviews > Funny Feelings

Funny Feelings by Tarah DeWitt
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bookshelves: ffs-frans-fault-shelf, read-in-2022, read-kindle

This new trend for covers is giving me life 😍 🤩 🥰
I am an unashamed magpie and have totally been known to pick a book up based off its cover & I have zero regrets on this occasion 😎

Alongside the eye-catching cover, my dear @PbB put this on my radar and she never leads me astray - so this will be joining its frendos on my FFS shelf 🤭

Don’t let the fact the title contains the word “Funny” lull you into a sense of frivolity. Please don’t get me wrong it is very entertaining (the swimsuit legit made me cackle 🤣), the jokes are present but more background and not overtly in your face. This story delves a little deeper and plays with societal perception of the funny/loud girl + how people react to & treat them as well as how different it can be for men/women on the comedy circuit.
The dedication at the start addresses this in such a wonderful way that I encourage you not to skip over it as I will never be able to do it justice but love how it resonated.

FF follows Farley (Fee) an up and coming comedienne, to take the next step in her career a suggestion is made that she might “fake date” her manager Meyer who had his own comedic success at an earlier age but leans more into writing now as he balances working with being a single dad to his deaf daughter Hazel (totes book MVP btw she is legit the best!) & wouldn’t you know it but the MCs have lowkey been pining/in love with each other for a while but are each scared of tipping the precarious relationships they have carved out after years of working together following a chance encounter and honestly wonderful meet cute.
Seriously tho how that meet cute comes full circle and the way TD brings it all together under the same ☂️ (ella ella – sorry my brain…I just 🙈 sometimes) is such lovely storytelling.

Reading this hot on the heels of two BK Borison books might have been a slight mistake as this was a very different feel. I picked it up looking for something more humorous but surprised myself by really digging the depth/angsty vibe this brought. It was such a well-rounded story shared through alternating timeline and a dual PoV, which iykyk is often such a win and catnip for me – the more info I can get about the characters my nosy af brain is happier when I close the book at the end 🤗
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Reading Progress

December 21, 2022 – Started Reading
December 21, 2022 – Shelved
December 21, 2022 –
0.0% "Love when an author gives us a playlist, the dedication is fab 🤩

Not ready to read final book from Inglewild, so bouncing over the this other fab cover'd book that thanks to Fran will be joining the FFS shelf 🤞😇"
December 21, 2022 –
18.0% "The swimsuit 🤣
December 22, 2022 –
31.0% "Awww that ☂️ connection...bless 🥺

The big feelings quote is gonna come back to haunt tho right - hopefully homeboy (homedad?) was listening carefully so as to navigate when time comes 😬"
December 22, 2022 –
40.0% ""Sometimes I really think my mouth is an entirely separate being from my brain, or that it's running at a different speed. Maybe in a completely different race."

100% yes and always at the most inopportune time 😅"
December 23, 2022 –
66.0% "Well that's a novel way to snap someone out of a mind spiral before sending them onstage for an improv set 😉"
December 24, 2022 –
94.0% ""What they lack knowing, we make up for in showing"

Yes kiddo, you tell him what's what!
Loved when this first showed up & like even more how it's wielded here - Hazel is adorable 🥰"
December 24, 2022 –
98.0% "Love that we're back with Able + Betty and the gangs all here 🤩"
December 24, 2022 – Finished Reading
January 8, 2023 – Shelved as: ffs-frans-fault-shelf
January 8, 2023 – Shelved as: read-in-2022
January 25, 2023 – Shelved as: read-kindle

Comments Showing 1-4 of 4 (4 new)

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preoccupiedbybooks Glad you enjoyed this too Aoife!

Aoife - Bookish_Babbling preoccupiedbybooks wrote: "Glad you enjoyed this too Aoife!"

Am looking forward to the co-op which i also snapped up on the kindle 🤞
Thanks for another fab tip for a good read hun 🙃

Arini i listened to this book the other day. you definitely enjoyed it more than i did, but the pining was 🤌 i loved it. i dived in without knowing much about it cause i also read it for the cover lol 🙈 i thought Meyers name was spelled Myer haha. great review, Aoife! 💗

Aoife - Bookish_Babbling Arini ~ Miss Casually Reading wrote: "i listened to this book the other day. you definitely enjoyed it more than i did, but the pining was 🤌 i loved it. i dived in without knowing much about it cause i also read it for the cover lol 🙈 ..."

Thanks hun, just saw your review - sorry this one didn't work as well for you.
100% agree the cover is 😍

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