Rebecca (life's chaotic catching up)'s Reviews > Mixed Signals

Mixed Signals by B.K. Borison
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really liked it

3.5 stars rounding up bc Caleb was so sweet. (Also bc she mentioned the best novella to ever grace spanish television "Corazon Salvaje") If you know, you know!

Third book in the series, this book follows Layla and Caleb. She is the owner of the bake shop at Lovelight who is been on an awful dating streak and Caleb who is a substitute teacher and also has bad luck with dating and has been crushing on Layla for a while. They come up with an "arrangement" to date each other so they can figure out what they are doing wrong.

It was cute enough, but I just felt like it was pretty much a copy of the two previous books. It follows the same kind of book formula the other two did and it felt a little stale. Again, there was another 3rd act nonsense that happened and this is the third time in a row now that this writer chooses this direction and it's lacking imagination. I actually really do like her writing style and I feel she could do better with the plotting of these stories.

That being said, I still like the small town background and it was really funny at times. Caleb was so sweet (maybe too sweet) and I loved the all the cameos by the previous couples.
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January 10, 2023 – Started Reading
January 10, 2023 – Shelved
January 13, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-11 of 11 (11 new)

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message 1: by Huda (new)

Huda Great review Rebecca! Glad you liked this. 😭 There’s another 3rd act breakup WTf-😐. I stopped after reading the second book!☺ sort of glad I did that

message 2: by lila ⋆ (new)

lila ⋆ WHY THE THIRD ACT BREAKUP. again. but i'm glad you enjoyed! even if it was formulaic, i get what you meant by that - sweetness can never go wrong 🥰 great review!

message 3: by Dab (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dab I will probably read this and rant about the third act breakup too. They should really ban them! 🤡 Great review babes!

Rebecca (life's chaotic catching up) Dab wrote: "I will probably read this and rant about the third act breakup too. They should really ban them! 🤡 Great review babes!"

✨❤ Summer ❤✨ wrote: "WHY THE THIRD ACT BREAKUP. again. but i'm glad you enjoyed! even if it was formulaic, i get what you meant by that - sweetness can never go wrong 🥰 great review!"

Huda wrote: "Great review Rebecca! Glad you liked this. 😭 There’s another 3rd act breakup WTf-😐. I stopped after reading the second book!☺ sort of glad I did that"

I LOVE all you girlies so damn much!!! 😂💙💙💙 You just get it! WHY?!! Just why with the third act BS?! At least if you have to do it make it make sense! Love you all babes, you make my day brighter! 🥰🥰🥰

Rebecca (life's chaotic catching up) Deema ♡ wrote: "I've been excited to read Mixed Signals, because I really like the glimpses we get of Layla's personality in the previous books. I totally agree, Borison seems to have a formula and like writing 3r..."

Thank you gorgeous! Yes! You nailed it, she definitely is sticking to a certain construction but I wish she would change it up bc I do like the "bones" of her books but it's getting way too predictable, even for a contemp romance! This one is still cute tho and a sweet comfort book for when you just need that! Happy reading my lovely!! 💙💙💙

message 6: by Iqra (new) - added it


message 7: by SK (new)

SK I'm so over the third act breakups 😩 I'm still gonna read it tho haha. Great review 💗

Rebecca (life's chaotic catching up) Iqra wrote: "LOVE ALL YOUR REVIEWS GIRL!!"

Back at you QUEEN!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰

Rebecca (life's chaotic catching up) SK wrote: "I'm so over the third act breakups 😩 I'm still gonna read it tho haha. Great review 💗"

I know!! Just please stop! But..... I also will keep reading! 😂😂😂

message 10: by Kat (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kat Fully agree ! I read all three back to back and I enjoyed them but they were soooo similar 😅

Rebecca (life's chaotic catching up) Kat wrote: "Fully agree ! I read all three back to back and I enjoyed them but they were soooo similar 😅"

Right?! 😂 I still enjoyed it too but I hope the last one mixes it up!😂

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