autumn ✶'s Reviews > Binding 13

Binding 13 by Chloe Walsh
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: favorites, 6-star-reads

I have way too many thoughts in my head so this review will, uhm, be the opposite of structured.
This book made me feel like no other book ever has. I was never bored. Not on one single of these 577 pages with the tiniest font you'll ever see (because tinier wouldn't be visible anymore). This is really conversation heavy, but omg all these interactions were just so perfect. Like none of them was unnecessary. I have to say, sometimes there was a thought or something a character said that was unnecessary to me in the sense that I didn't like it (like Gibsie obsessing over Johnny's injury and whatever johnnys dick does) BUT I STILL LOVED IT. 💃💃
This book made me feel more emotions, visible emotions, than any fictional story has before. There were times I was so shocked I needed to take a break, hundreds of times where I could hear myself giggling, times I was scared and emotional, and times I was sad. And I barely feel emotions (like that) while reading books.
My brain decided it wanted to annotate this book because THE QUOTES, THE CONVERSATIONS, THE THOUGHTS?!! HELLO?! (almost every time Johnny and Shannon ever talked was included 🤌🤌)
I loved the setting, with the Tommen school and everything.
How is it possible to write a story like that??? Thank you, thank you, thank you, Chloe Walsh!
I feel like this is the book I needed. I never ever got the hype more than with this one.
The thoughts of the characters were just so realistic, the way they developed and the flow of them.
I didn't want this novel to end. I dragged the ending out, but when I didn't read, I thought of it. I don't know what I would do if there wasn't a second book.

I love this book so much, I even love the ugly cover.


𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 😬
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Reading Progress

February 8, 2023 – Started Reading
February 8, 2023 – Shelved
February 8, 2023 –
page 2
0.32% "pls be good pls be good pls be good 🤞🤞🤞"
February 9, 2023 –
page 119
19.01% "chapter 10>>>

omg their interaction, I'm in love 🤭"
February 9, 2023 –
page 182
29.07% "i'm enjoying this sm
i LOVE shannon's pov
hoping it stays this good 🤭🤞"
February 10, 2023 –
page 304
48.56% "ok but gibsie's a little annoying 👀"
February 10, 2023 –
page 313
50.0% "❗spoiler❗

but why did johnny think, shannon didn't know about the miscarriage, when her mom had it on friday?"
February 10, 2023 –
page 330
52.72% "❗spoiler❗

what??? what!?
I'm shocked
joey's leaving shannon alone??
I literally had to close the book and stare into nothing and that NEVER happened to me before
I need a break before johnny's pov
idk what is wrong with this book to be so extremely enjoyable"
February 12, 2023 –
page 529
84.5% "I don't want it to end 😭"
February 13, 2023 – Shelved as: favorites
February 13, 2023 – Finished Reading
August 18, 2023 – Shelved as: 6-star-reads

Comments Showing 1-18 of 18 (18 new)

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message 1: by lila ⋆ (new) - added it

lila ⋆ OMG YES!! I'm so glad you loved this, this is obsession worthy and YES you do need K13 at once cos that's even better fr. hope you enjoy! and omg amazing review!! 🥰🥰

autumn ✶ lila - yes! I'm reading k13 rn and it's so heartbreaking. thank you. 😊

♡Gabi♡ [life & work is chaotic hiatus] this review is my thoughts of the book times 10000x!! Johnny & Shannon forever and ever 🥹♾️🫶🏼

autumn ✶ @Gabi Thanks, yeah nothing will ever beat Johnny and Shannon 🥲

message 6: by Me (new) - rated it 5 stars

Me I knowww It's so good

message 7: by Hoda (new) - rated it 1 star

Hoda I’m sososo happy u loved it that much lovely! Seeing people loving this series always makes my heart so happy ♥️ i agree with everything u said and i really can’t waif for the other books in the series to come out💗 also u should definitely check chloe other books series but they’re so sooo goodddd i have read 2 of her book series and omg I love love love them 💗💗 amazing review bbe 🫶🏻

message 8: by lulu (new) - rated it 1 star

lulu ahh im so happy you loved the book sm 🥹💗 its always nice when you just feel so connected to the characters and the book ugh unmatched fr. not u deleting the rest of ur review tho 💀 the way im so curious now jxhxjsjdhhshau

Kelani Ahhh yes!!! I'm excited for you to read the rest. You just get more and more and more emotionally invested.

autumn ✶ @Me omg yes!!

autumn ✶ @Hoda tysm, love! sameee I'm so excited for the next books. 🤭 omg I'll definitely do that if you recommend them 🤭💗

message 12: by BOOKLOVER_81 (new) - added it

BOOKLOVER_81 Me too!!!

autumn ✶ @lulu thank you ml. 🥲 it was too embarrassing too keep, you don't wanna know (I went back to my review after your and iqras and jgjajafk it needed to go)

autumn ✶ @Kelani I've actually read to s6 so far!! and r6 is next, thank you! im glad you love them too

autumn ✶ @BOOKLOVER_81 this book>>

message 16: by Hoda (new) - rated it 1 star

Hoda @autumn ofc i only read broken series but I didn’t love it as much as the carter kids it’s a series about the kids of the broken series it’s sososos good u will absolutely love 💗💗

autumn ✶ @amina the book rly is 💋💋 but not my review and that's why I deleted i and it's not coming back it's was v ugly 😠 but thank uu

autumn ✶ @Hoda wait do I need to read the broken series first then? I'm so excited for it, thank u for recommending them to me 🤭💗

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