Linda's Reviews > The Book of Cold Cases

The Book of Cold Cases by Simone St. James
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's review

it was ok
bookshelves: fiction, mystery


In the Book of Cold Cases, Simone St James attempts to mesh detective fiction with paranormal gothic a la Daphne de Maurier. But, unfortunately, the book didn't work for me. There was too much melodrama, and much of the dialogue was choppy. I also found the climax too long and over the top.

However, in all fairness to the author, I selected this book because I wanted a page-turner to listen to during my colonoscopy prep. So, while I should have read about the book beforehand, I just responded to the title and pushed the audible button. I was expecting a detective story where mere mortals solve cases without the aid of ghosts. But that's me. Fans of horror would like this more than I did.
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Reading Progress

March 12, 2023 – Shelved
March 19, 2023 – Started Reading
March 20, 2023 – Finished Reading
March 22, 2023 – Shelved as: fiction
March 22, 2023 – Shelved as: mystery

Comments Showing 1-6 of 6 (6 new)

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message 1: by Barbara (new)

Barbara Well Linda, I am not sure there is any book out there that could possibly distract me from the pains of a colonoscopy prep. That is a fairly high bar!! I'm teasing; I am not a fan of paranormal gothic, so, I'll pass. Great review!

Linda Barbara wrote: "Well Linda, I am not sure there is any book out there that could possibly distract me from the pains of a colonoscopy prep. That is a fairly high bar!! I'm teasing; I am not a fan of paranormal got..."

You have a good point. I don't have to go through that again for another three years! Hopefully, I'll find a better book next time.

message 3: by Bob (new)

Bob Newman Not planning to read this, but how did your colonoscopy go? I did three or four over the years, but they got easier thanks to new techniques.

Linda Bob wrote: "Not planning to read this, but how did your colonoscopy go? I did three or four over the years, but they got easier thanks to new techniques."

Thanks, Bob. It went fine. As you know, the prep is the worst part.

message 5: by Bob (new)

Bob Newman Yeah, the first time was really awful, then they stopped requiring you to drink so much of that horrible stuff the day before.

message 6: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Paranormal isn't generally my genre of choice either. I am generally pretty careful about looking up what I want to read, and I think we've all made a mistake by just picking something without thought.

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