Karen's Reviews > The Diary of a Young Girl

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
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This book was given to me by my Rabbi as a gift on my confirmation.

My edition is so old, you can't even find it. It is a Modern Library Book edition with an introduction by Eleanor Roosevelt. It doesn't mean that I am that old (although I am old-ish), but, the copyright is 1952 (I will say I wasn't born then).

I still have this book.

So this book is very personal to me. For a past I experienced growing up in a very prejudiced neighborhood. The anti-semitic past and hatred I endured living in Southern California. So a lot of times, I had to hide that I was Jewish. To protect myself.

And it is especially hard to see the hatred in today's world.

I don't practice Judaism today. But it is my history. It is a part of me. And my ancestors have endured a lot. So, yes, this book, Anne Frank's experience, it is personal.

Premise: the diary of a young girl beginning on her 13th birthday (6-12-42). {Interesting that I am posting this review on the date that would have been celebrating her birthday 81 years later.} The diary ends August 1, 1944.

Despite all that was going on around her, Anne was a happy and cheerful person. She was talkative and inquisitive. She was challenged as a teenager, and didn't always understand everyone or the situation, but she still had a great sunshine spirit.

I think this was another reason the Rabbi felt this was an important book to share with us young ones as we were entering our commitment to Judaism. He not only wanted us to understand what it meant to be a Jew, and the sacrifices of those before us, but the joy of a good positive attitude - despite the circumstances they endured.

I'm not sure that always worked for me. I questioned why the Jews didn't fight back. Why they allowed themselves to be shuttled into camps so easily once they knew that was what was happening. And as I questioned, I was reminded of the deepness of their religious beliefs of love and fellowship and the goodness and belief in humanity.

Thank you Anne.

We need to get back there again. Love. Fellowship. Goodness and belief in humanity. Yes?
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July 3, 2023 – Shelved as: transformative

Comments Showing 1-50 of 53 (53 new)

message 1: by Zainab (new)

Zainab Qadeer - Hiatus till May Great review lovely :)

Karen Zainab wrote: "Great review lovely :)"

Thank you so much Zainab.

Jayme A Classic! One of the first books that made me sob! 😭

Karen Jayme wrote: "A Classic! One of the first books that made me sob! 😭"
Ahhh.... I can see why.

Nina (ninjasbooks) Great review and I feel shame for not having read it yet 😭

Karen Nina wrote: "Great review and I feel shame for not having read it yet 😭"

Oh Nina, don't feel that way. When it is time, you will know it.

message 7: by Carmen (new) - added it

Carmen Great review.

Karen Carmen wrote: "Great review."

Thank you so much Carmen.

Jsiva First of all, your review made me tear up because I'm so so sorry you ever had to hide who you were to protect yourself... that is just so unfair and scary and incomprehensible of why people hate so deeply without real reason. I love your questioning and your courage in writing it, too, because it's honestly easier to say you loved it all because it may have even been expected of you. I'm grateful for you sharing more about you and I hope your experiences have also redeemed your belief in humanity... it's hard for it to be continuous but it does glimmer and shine from time to time. 💛💛

Karen Jsiva wrote: "First of all, your review made me tear up because I'm so so sorry you ever had to hide who you were to protect yourself... that is just so unfair and scary and incomprehensible of why people hate s..."

Jsiva, thank you so much for your compassion. And yes, I do believe in humanity. I am a Hope girl, through and through. I am a fighter, too. If I don't like something, I just won't sit back and take it - I will stand tall and say something about it. And do something, too. I've done this all my life. In my career. In my volunteer life. I think going through what I did as a child taught me a lot. I hated my experiences as a kid. It overwhelmed me, hurt, and confused me. But it also gave me the strength to grow and question and decide that I wasn't going to let these people win. It's just so hard to watch what is happening in our world now. We need Hope for Humanity. So, thank you for saying what you did. I have to believe that you are more than a reviewer of books. I would like to believe you contribute in your world in a very beautiful way for others. Thank you for this conversation. :)

Jsiva I'm so glad to hear that those terrible experiences motivated you. Honestly it's the only way we can change things at least in our little sphere but fighting back and taking a stand is also the toughest path to take. Thank for your very kind words and thank you for creating a dialogue where meaningful conversations can happen. 🥰💛

Karen Jsiva wrote: "I'm so glad to hear that those terrible experiences motivated you. Honestly it's the only way we can change things at least in our little sphere but fighting back and taking a stand is also the tou..."

Hand Over Heart Emoji!

Gaurav Excellent review, Karen :)

Karen Gaurav wrote: "Excellent review, Karen :)"

Thank you so very much Gaurav! :)

Ulana Rey Karen, thank you so much for sharing your personal thoughts and experiences. Anne Frank's diary is very powerful and emotional. I will never forget my visit to the Anne Frank House. Left speechless. And, yes, we truly do.

Sujoya - theoverbookedbibliophile Beautiful heartfelt review, Karen! 💗Thank you for sharing!

Karen Ulana wrote: "Karen, thank you so much for sharing your personal thoughts and experiences. Anne Frank's diary is very powerful and emotional. I will never forget my visit to the Anne Frank House. Left speechless..."

Thank you so much Ulana. What a beautiful moment to have been there that must have been for you. :)

Karen Sujoya wrote: "Beautiful heartfelt review, Karen! 💗Thank you for sharing!"

Thank you so much Sujoya for listening and reading it. :)

message 19: by D. H. (new)

D. H. Great review. I'm really enjoying your reviews because they're not just about the texts, but also your relationship to them. It's all the cooler when it's such an important book.

Karen D. H. wrote: "Great review. I'm really enjoying your reviews because they're not just about the texts, but also your relationship to them. It's all the cooler when it's such an important book."
Thank you D.H. for telling me that. I like to personalize the experience, as I feel it. So thank you for noticing my style of writing. :)

Colin Baldwin Nice, nice, touching and heartfelt review of a special book in your life, Karen.

Karen Colin wrote: "Nice, nice, touching and heartfelt review of a special book in your life, Karen.

Thank you so much Colin for coming by and seeing this part of me! :)

message 23: by Jill (new)

Jill Hutchinson Your Rabbi couldn't have given you a better book to help you, as a child, to understand the Shoah and how faith can support you at even the worst of times. Wonderful review.

Karen Carol wrote: "What a powerful, impactful and moving read!! Stunning review, Karen ♥️!!!"

Oh Carol, thank you so much. :)

Karen Jill wrote: "Your Rabbi couldn't have given you a better book to help you, as a child, to understand the Shoah and how faith can support you at even the worst of times. Wonderful review."

Thank you so much. Obviously you have a deep understanding of all of this Jill. :)

Corey Such a powerful and sad story

Karen Corey wrote: "Such a powerful and sad story"

So very true, Corey. We can learn much from it. :)

message 28: by Sara (new)

Sara Machado (trying to catch up) Beautiful review Karen!

Stacey B Guard it with your life Karen!!!

Karen Sara wrote: "Beautiful review Karen!"

Thank you so much Sara. :)

Karen Stacey B wrote: "Guard it with your life Karen!!!"

It is in a very special place, Sara. :)

message 32: by sofia✧˖*°࿐ (new)

sofia✧˖*°࿐ that was beautiful, karen. thank you for sharing your experience! :)

Karen You’re a lovely soul, Karen🩷

Karen sof (taylor’s version) wrote: "that was beautiful, karen. thank you for sharing your experience! :)"

Thank you so much for reading it sof. :)

Karen Karen wrote: "You’re a lovely soul, Karen🩷"

Ahhh....my sister Karen...thank you so much for saying that...I appreciate you. :)

message 36: by Carol (new)

Carol Your personal recollections enhance this already fine review, Karen.

Karen Carol wrote: "Your personal recollections enhance this already fine review, Karen."

Thank you so very much Carol for your thoughtful comments. :)

message 38: by JanB (new)

JanB Absolutely! Very heartfelt review Karen

We toured the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam some years ago - a powerful experience

Karen JanB wrote: "Absolutely! Very heartfelt review Karen

We toured the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam some years ago - a powerful experience"

Thank you Jan. And what a wonderful experience for you to have, Jan. :)

message 40: by da (new) - rated it 5 stars

da AL beautifully stated - I can't imagine how anyone wouldn't absolutely love this book!

Karen da wrote: "beautifully stated - I can't imagine how anyone wouldn't absolutely love this book!"

Thank you so much da. :)

Margaret M - (having a challenging time and on GR as much as I can) Wonderful and personal review Karen. How touching. This has to be one of the most powerful stories I’ve ever read. Simple but so effective and emotional 💞💞

Karen Margaret M - wrote: "Wonderful and personal review Karen. How touching. This has to be one of the most powerful stories I’ve ever read. Simple but so effective and emotional 💞💞"

Thank you Margaret. Yes, very touching - and powerful!

message 44: by Mark (new)

Mark  Porton Wonderful heartfelt review Karen and yes, I am with you, it is so hard to see the hatred in the world today.

message 45: by [deleted user] (new)

Thank you for sharing your background. Beautiful review. I was a pre-teen when I read this book.

Karen Mark wrote: "Wonderful heartfelt review Karen and yes, I am with you, it is so hard to see the hatred in the world today."

Thank you so much Mark. Yes...very difficult.

Karen Cheryl wrote: "Thank you for sharing your background. Beautiful review. I was a pre-teen when I read this book."

Thank you so much Cheryl. I have to imagine that the book had an impact on you, too at that young age, as well. :)

Sneha Pathak (reader_girl_reader) This is such a hard-hitting book. I don't think there's anyone who won't be moved reading this book.

Karen Sneha Pathak (reader_girl_reader) wrote: "This is such a hard-hitting book. I don't think there's anyone who won't be moved reading this book."

You are absolutely right Sneha. I'd like to believe that everyone would be moved by reading this book, as well. :)

Shelley's Book Nook Such a great review, Karen. 💕🤗

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