Kim's Reviews > Into the Wild

Into the Wild by Erin Hunter
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bookshelves: children

** spoiler alert ** So... Warriors. No, not that awesome 80's flick starring that guy from Xanadu. Unfortunately.

Warriors, Into the Wild is Book 1 of 6 (SIX!!) in the first of like---- a zillion series. My 10 yr old daughter is in love with these books---she can devour one a day (and the way that they are churned out....) She is so into these that she asked my husband and I to give them a shot. Fine, I can take one for the team, I mean, heck, she's reading, right?

Thing is, it's not so bad. You've got a li'l bit of Tolkien and a splash of Shakespearean tragedy in a Jets vs. Sharks sorta way... It makes for a lively story.

Here's my issue...

So, you have the kittpet, Rusty, longing to pounce on mice and rabbits, tearing into their cold, fuzzy, flesh--he meets Graypaw and is introduced to Thunderclan and meets Lionheart and Tigerclawand Dustpaw and Sandpaw and they take him in and he becomes Firepaw and apprentices with Bluestar but Tigerclaw has this chip on his shoulder and doesn't like him and he runs into Yellowfang and falls for Spottedleaf, then has to save the honor or Ravenpaw who watched Redtail be killed by Oakheart, but it wasn't Oakheart it was Tigerclaw and meanwhile you have Shadowclan, which is Yellowfang's old gang and they're led by Brokenspear who has daddy issues and offs Raggedstar and sends Clawface to capture Frostfur's kits so there's this A-Team like maneuver to invade Shadowclan that Whitestorm leads and then Graypaw becomes Graystripe and Firepaw who was Rusty now becomes Fireheart...


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Reading Progress

May 10, 2009 – Shelved
Started Reading
June 1, 2009 – Finished Reading
September 21, 2009 – Shelved as: children

Comments Showing 1-50 of 54 (54 new)

Staci cause they're cool Kim!!! Enjoy!

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

Ummm, I dig YA, but I think I'll pass...

message 3: by Kim (new) - rated it 3 stars

Kim Really, Ames? Not even a little interested????


Jackie "the Librarian" Hahahahahaha!!!! You don't care for Firepaw as a character name, Kim? C'mon, I've read series with worse character names.

The Black Dagger Brotherhood (cheesy sexy vampire thrillers) comes to mind: Rhage, Psadist, Tohrment, etc...

message 5: by Kim (new) - rated it 3 stars

Kim Just call me Khim.

Jackie! I had no idea you'd read such books!!!! Hmm... must re-examine the Jackster..

message 6: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Jackie, it's Zsadist, not Psadist. Sheesh.
; )


Jackie "the Librarian" :::slaps forehead::: Zsadist, right! It's so hard to keep these creative spellings right, especially when the sex is so distracting. Thanks Mhishel! ;)

message 8: by Michelle (new)

Michelle You're very welcome, JhackE.

Maya You dont want to give the series away to ppl who haven't read it. But i have already so. The thing is all that drama and excitment is what makes the book good! but everyone has their opinions....

message 10: by Marley (new) - added it

Marley Mom, there's a reason for the allegiances section. Anyway, you get used to it.

message 11: by Kim (new) - rated it 3 stars

Kim Maybe after 19 books, YOU get used to it, Marley... :(

message 12: by Marley (new) - added it

Marley More than 19. Oh come on, try the series.

Kat (Lost in Neverland) Brokenspear?! It's Brokenstar.....? Lol
Marley's right, after a few books, you know all the names and cats.
People either love this series to death, or are like you who are like 'Ehh...'
I for one, are part of the love-these-books-so-fricking-much-if-I-had-to-choose-one-series-to-die-with-I'd-no-doubt-choose-this-one.

message 14: by Kim (new) - rated it 3 stars

Kim Marley has not given up. I find one on my nightstand or in my bag every now and then. :)

Kat (Lost in Neverland) Haha, go Marley!

message 16: by Erin (new) - rated it 4 stars

Erin Thanks for the refresher! I just realized I had forgotten most of what happened in this book after all this was 20 books ago!

Katie I agree with marley and kat so to die for

Nineflames Good point. But if you can get past that, it's one of the most awesome series' ever. As far as I'm concerned.

Sophia Johnson I love this series! It is so action packed so that your are NEVER- I mean NEVER bored!

Katlyn LOL Brokenspear. The series is good once you get into it a bit more. (:

Harlie this so true you just need to read a little bit more of it.

Angel Lynn Preston Hey it's the best book in the world u just don't know because u to worried being a jerk

Andrew & Jamie I am on the 2nd to last book :P LOL actually I am on the last book :P

message 24: by Lex (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lex Martin The names may sound confusing, but if you actually read the books it's very easy to follow. Most of the cats are genuine characters and makes remembering them easier. It's not an issue, really.

message 25: by Emma Ferris (new)

Emma Ferris I remember in on of the books an elder named rose died in thunder clan and I checked the beginning and there was no elder named rose so ??????

message 26: by Missie (new) - added it

Missie Thank you for this review. I feel the same way and am reading them for the same reason. My son devours these books. I said I'd read it if he read Harry Potter. The deal was struck. I feel like I got the short end of the stick here. Not a bad series. Just too...simple? Expectant? I don't know. The names bother me. The pace bothers me. I'll probably read them because I'm a completionist but that's really the only reason.

message 27: by Missie (new) - added it

Missie Thank you for this review. I feel the same way and am reading them for the same reason. My son devours these books. I said I'd read it if he read Harry Potter. The deal was struck. I feel like I got the short end of the stick here. Not a bad series. Just too...simple? Expectant? I don't know. The names bother me. The pace bothers me. I'll probably read them because I'm a completionist but that's really the only reason.

Lucas All this review did was prove what's great about these books. There's a lot of cats with different personalities, and from that list I can talk about each one in pretty good detail because I've gotten to know them through the BRILLIANT character development.

misha bodnar IT IS THE BEST BOOK SERIES EVER!!!!!! Just sayin' :)

message 30: by Anna (new) - rated it 2 stars

Anna Sobczak Totally agree, I was like "Whoa, Whats with the paw names?,can't someone just be named Bob?".

message 31: by Kara (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kara Cat I really like this series too, but take it easy! We've read it all, and we all know what happens.

(By the way I'm on the 1st book in the new prophecy) ;)

message 32: by Kara (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kara Cat (By the way I'm on the 1st book of "the new prophecy") ;)

Emily Ha, I read most of the books… some of the books. There are probably a million more of them.
My problem with this series is the number of characters. There are SO MANY cats in Thunderclan! How am I supposed to remember the difference between Mousepaw and Mouseclaw? Then there are some characters who are important in about two books, and aren't even mentioned in the other 20! Do they just lie around in the warriors' den all day? Also, the list of Thunderclan cats are like two pages long, while Riverclan has about five warriors.
It's an okay series besides that, though.

Amanda Weissman Okay, yes I see it's confusing! But apprentices have paws at the end of their names. And come on, if you really love the series you can name pretty much every single cat no problem.

message 35: by ... (new) - rated it 5 stars

... I love warriors. This was my fave review that was below four stars. It was funny.

Tatum Kent I love the Warriors series and that there are so many books to enjoy and the action that is packed into it. I love the events and how much is packed into the books, hate to say it, but I kind of disagree with you, my opinion

Katlyn I love this series but this is all very true. It actually gets worse in the later books as there are more cats.

Maria . Tatum Kent, i totally agree.

message 39: by Jeffery Clark (new)


message 40: by Doreen (new)

Doreen Hong There are way more warriors books then just those six. Read them in order and you will get a rich storyline of fire star's life.

message 41: by Stella (new)

Stella Such a late reply but this comment was funny af. I read this when I was young, it does get a bit childish though.

Heather Kim, your review is spot on!

message 43: by Diffy (new) - added it

Diffy yes yes yesz i agree

ladislaus boo my fav book man have you read this and not speed read jeez

Ellie Wallace All I see is that it's a super complex puzzle filled with twists and turns. I think these books are amazing. I mean, there made for teens anyway.

Titus Hart This is why there is a dramatis personae at the beginning of every book, so the reader can reference it if they forget a certain cat. But it definitely is confusing, and I can totally understand how it could ruin the book for someone who is not great at remembering names.

。◕‿◕。 Bit, still, IT IS THE BEST BOOK EVERR!😂

message 48: by JGV (new)

JGV To think that your daughter read so many books 12 years ag

『A U R O R A 』 .o.

I have never thought of the book like that before.

*brain explodes*

minutes Confusing review...

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