Emily | emilyisoverbooked's Reviews > I Think He Knows

I Think He Knows by Katie Bailey
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: celebrity-romance, 2023, fake-dating, romance-closed-door

Thanks to Katie Bailey for the ARC!

Omg, SWOON. While I absolutely love Katie’s books for making me laugh and smile as a romance blooms, this book also majorly pulled on my heartstrings and made me FEEL. The single mom pressure and anxiety and feelings of unworthiness from Lana were written so perfectly, and Carter was obviously everything she could ever need. His anticipation of Lana’s needs and interactions with Legs just made me melt. It was great to watch them finally come together as everyone else in their lives was rooting for them, too. This book is perfection: celebrity romance, laughter and heart squeezes, Gilmore Girls references, an amazing family dynamic, personal growth, and swoony romance. You can definitely read this without having read So That Happened, but it’s also incredible so you might as well read that one, too.

Read if you:
- shipped Rory and Jess in Gilmore Girls
- enjoy closed door romance
- have a favorite famous Chris
- like celebrity romance, he falls first, and friends to lovers tropes
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Reading Progress

June 16, 2023 – Started Reading
June 16, 2023 – Shelved
June 17, 2023 – Finished Reading
July 18, 2023 – Shelved as: celebrity-romance
July 18, 2023 – Shelved as: 2023
July 18, 2023 – Shelved as: fake-dating
July 18, 2023 – Shelved as: romance-closed-door

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