Tatiana's Reviews > Tempt My Heart

Tempt My Heart by Jade  Church
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it was amazing

The amazing jade Church, delivering again in this great fast pace, spicy workplace romance. 
This is the second book of the "living in cincy " series of stand alone romances, with "in too deep" being the first. I absolutely enjoyed "in too deep", but for me, this one was even better. Maybe because I liked the characters better and found Christopher's personality much more attractive than Blake's. As for the FMC, it also helps that she is a working person instead of a socialite. I love to read about rich people, but generally, I feel more connected to books with more "normal" people.

You can read this book without reading "in too deep". It gives enough information to not feel lost as to why is happening what's happening. But if you intend on reading "in too deep", try reading it first, as this one is quite spoilery. 
As I said, this is quite a fast paced romance with suspense  and quite a difficult situation for the MC, but I loved Allie's integrity, how lying and doing the wrong thing was always the most unlikely option for her. It is  refreshing and we need more of it in books. I never lost interest in the story and read the whole thing in a day. The spice is really good and varied. I loved the semy public spicy scenes. That's my kind of kink.

There are new characters here I would love to read about more too, like Jesse and Freya, but I am still praying for Noah's story 🙏  just saying. 

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Reading Progress

June 15, 2023 – Started Reading
June 17, 2023 – Finished Reading
June 18, 2023 – Shelved

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