Carol's Reviews > Gerald's Game

Gerald's Game by Stephen        King
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bookshelves: read-2013, thriller

YIKES! This is one scary, creepy and unsettling book! Also sometimes disturbing, this horror story has many angles and surprises all the way to the unexpected ending. Quite a page-turner.
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Reading Progress

April 4, 2013 – Shelved
July 14, 2013 – Started Reading
July 14, 2013 –
page 239
July 15, 2013 – Shelved as: read-2013
July 15, 2013 – Shelved as: thriller
July 15, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-15 of 15 (15 new)

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

You sure read that one fast! I read it long ago and don't remember much except that we were going from Newfoundland into Maine about the time this book was set. The bit about her husband dying and the black dog scared me silly! It was disturbing.

Carol ~☆ Alice☆~ wrote: "You sure read that one fast! I read it long ago and don't remember much except that we were going from Newfoundland into Maine about the time this book was set. The bit about her husband dying and..."

Do you remember what her horrid father did? And the ending surprised me too.

Carol Don't want to say so we don't ruin it for readers. :-)

message 4: by [deleted user] (new)

Carol wrote: "Don't want to say so we don't ruin it for readers. :-)"

yeppers, you are so right!

message 5: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer I just added this to my TBR list. Currently reading Itand plan to read some more King this summer. Thanks for the review.

message 6: by Florence (Lefty) (last edited Jul 17, 2013 04:23PM) (new)

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Jennifer wrote: "I just added this to my TBR list. Currently reading Itand plan to read some more King this summer. Thanks for the review."

I loved It, very creepy, in a good way:)

message 7: by Jennifer (last edited Jul 17, 2013 04:35PM) (new)

Jennifer Florence wrote: "Jennifer wrote: "I just added this to my TBR list. Currently reading Itand plan to read some more King this summer. Thanks for the review."

I loved It, very creepy, in a good way:)"

Florence, I am loving it. It is very creepy. The first night into it I had trouble sleeping and the next day I noticed a missed call on my display. I looked up the number and the area code was from Maine. Can't imagine who it would have been. Must have been a telemarketer because they didn't leave a message. I don't want the book to end though. I really feel attached to the characters.

Carol Jennifer wrote: "I just added this to my TBR list. Currently reading Itand plan to read some more King this summer. Thanks for the review."

There are so many Stephen King books I want to read. Am reading Sharp Objects now and it is one messed up psychological murder mystery. Can't wait to find out what happens!

message 9: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Carol wrote: "Jennifer wrote: "I just added this to my TBR list. Currently reading Itand plan to read some more King this summer. Thanks for the review."

There are so many Stephen King books I want to read. A..."

I read Gone Girl in November and Flynn's other two novels have been on my TBR list ever since. I have a hold on them at the library, but the wait list is extremely long. I will likely break down and purchase the books. The entire time that I read Gone Girl, I couldn't help but wonder what Flynn's state of mind must have been like while she was writing that book. I loved the book and hated all the characters in that one. Not one was likeable or had any redeemable qualities in my humble opinion. I would be depressed after living day in and day out with such people. I was also shocked by her prose. If the book had been published anonymously I would have bet my life savings that it had been written by a man. Hope she's working on another book. I read somewhere that all three of her books are going to be made into movies. Apparently Reese Witherspoon has the rights to Gone Girl, but I don't know if the cast has been decided upon for that one.

Carol Jennifer wrote: "Carol wrote: "Jennifer wrote: "I just added this to my TBR list. Currently reading Itand plan to read some more King this summer. Thanks for the review."

There are so many Stephen King books I wa..."

I so agree with your comments on Gone Girl. I only gave it 3 stars because I too didn't like any of the characters. I like Sharp Objects much better so far.

message 11: by Florence (Lefty) (last edited Jul 18, 2013 03:21AM) (new)

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Carol wrote: "Jennifer wrote: "I just added this to my TBR list. Currently reading Itand plan to read some more King this summer. Thanks for the review."

There are so many Stephen King books I want to read. A..."

See you've already got The Dead Zone TBR'd - now that's classic King. I've got to get around to Sharp Objects soon - might not do the series... but I just HAVE to see what everyone's talking about!

Carol Hope you like GONE GIRL. It sure is a favorite on GR. Perhaps I should move THE DEAD ZONE up on my TBR list??

message 13: by Florence (Lefty) (new)

Florence (Lefty) MacIntosh Carol wrote: "Hope you like GONE GIRL. It sure is a favorite on GR. Perhaps I should move THE DEAD ZONE up on my TBR list??"

It's a doorstopper...but I would:)

message 14: by Suz (new)

Suz I have this! Still haven't read one of his, Carol.. Where to start?! Your teview has given me food for thought ;))

Carol Suzanne wrote: "I have this! Still haven't read one of his, Carol.. Where to start?! Your teview has given me food for thought ;))"

Boy! You have lots of great Stephen King reads ahead of do I. I read Gerald's Game a couple years ago, and am frustrated bc any time I get a "like" on one of my older reviews and see I didn't mark it "own a copy" I mark it not to add to my update feed and it pops up anyway....oh well.....perhaps that is a good thing. Glad you noticed it Suzanne. I love his books!!!! :-)

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