Trish's Reviews > Nothing Gold Can Stay: Stories

Nothing Gold Can Stay by Ron Rash
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it was amazing
bookshelves: favorite, fiction, literature, totally-unexpected

”Water has its own archeology, not a layering but a leveling, and this is truer to our sense of the past, because what is memory but near and far events spread and smoothed beneath the present’s surface.”

The gorgeous hardcover edition of a new collection of stories by Ron Rash produced by Ecco Books made me pick it from among the mass of new books on a shelf. I’d never read anything by Rash before, but I so regret the lack of attention that enabled me to overlook this master until now. I exhort you not to make my mistake. Do not miss this!

Ron Rash brings us news of the Blue Ridge backwoods almost untouched by our quickening lifestyle and fulsome economy. The timeframe is extended: we move from the Civil War through the 20th Century, but we see daytime TV now and the characters who find it fascinating. His stories are gems of economy--he paints a picture, and then quietly and inexorably ratchets the tension. Our brains toil away at resolution, but Rash often surprises us, jolting us with a solution that demonstrates our naiveté and gullibility.

This stellar collection of stories from America’s Appalachian Mountain region carries with it the whiff of woodsmoke, the clang of metal in a bird-silent wood, and the chill of an unsmiling blue eye. Gold is a theme that runs through the stories: how to get it, how to keep it, how in the end it means nothing at all. One finds gold easily in the first couple of stories, and then one finds oneself scanning the final stories to see where the gold lay.

A reviewer shows us the Frost poem, the reference to which this title refers, but one cannot help but try to make sense of the title for ourselves, just as it is, with no more knowledge behind it. And in this way we receive confirmation for what we suspect: that beauty, wealth, things that money can buy, are only transitory. Life itself is transitory.

My favorite stories are the first and the last. In the first, “The Trusty”, Rash caught me out completely—it was like an O. Henry celebration. In the last, “Three A.M. and the Stars Were Out”, the writing was so quiet and so generous and so wise. Another reviewer praises Rash's quietude and the following quote, from the story “Night Hawks”, is an example of the quietude and the alienation one finds in the work:
”Often she felt like an inmate pressing palm to glass and yet feeling no warmth from a hand less than an inch away.”

This is a book you may well want to own in paper. Great literature should be visible and accessible on our shelves and publishers create beautiful volumes as a testament to great literature. This one is printed like a collection of poetry. It is slim. Even the spine is gorgeous. But don't pass it up if all you can find is an ebook.
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Reading Progress

April 7, 2013 – Started Reading
April 7, 2013 – Shelved
April 7, 2013 –
page 51
21.34% "Astonishing what this man does with a few are whisked away from your life & given much to a landscape as full of potential as a large-city street in a war zone."
April 8, 2013 –
page 101
42.26% "A thread of gold links these stories---seeking, having, hiding, spending gold."
April 8, 2013 – Shelved as: favorite
April 8, 2013 – Shelved as: fiction
April 8, 2013 – Shelved as: literature
April 8, 2013 – Shelved as: totally-unexpected
April 8, 2013 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Steve (new)

Steve You've sold this one well, Trish. Great write-up! I haven't read any of his short fiction, but could tell from Serena that he was able to quickly and colorfully set a scene and introduce conflict. He's very good with the Southern Gothic feel, too, don't you think?

Trish Steve wrote: "He's very good with the Southern Gothic feel, too, don't you think? ..."

Ooh yeah. Love that hillbilly reticence.

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