emma's Reviews > The Wedding People

The Wedding People by Alison Espach
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bookshelves: non-ya, arc, contemporary, from-publisher-author, 4-stars, recommend, reviewed, owned

if i'm not supposed to judge books by their covers, why do they have such beautiful ones?

and i have to call this installment of picking reads based on visual aesthetic a success. what a damn good time!

there is no medicine quite like the subgenre of book club fiction in which everything starts out completely terribly and then is incontrovertibly solved within a few hundred pages. it's restorative, like a good haircut, or a well-toasted bagel. keeps ya going.

this is a great example of that especially, because it's funny. books are rarely funny. i'm a really big fan of them (and i have the serial killer-adjacent level of meticulous goodreads history to prove it) but even i have to admit it. not exactly the go-to location to laugh any harder than when you kind of puff air out of your nose.

but this was funny, and soul-healing, and (although predictable in its plot points and its half-twists) pretty unique.

bottom line: a pretty big win for judging by covers, i have to say.

(thanks to the publisher for the e-arc)
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Comments Showing 1-25 of 25 (25 new)

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Seawitch Good question!!!

Myriam Galarneau Art was done by Fabian Lavater @lavater_art on insta

Edith Henneberg I am not a fan of the current trend towards this type of comic/graphics type of cover. Not just on this novel but on many it makes me initially think that it’s going to be a story without depth.

message 4: by Claire (new)

Claire Barquet Real tho

Kari Smith Pink I like this cover

message 6: by guccishelves (new)

guccishelves @Myriam Thank you! I'm so in love with the design and was wondering who's the illustrator

Linda Visser I do it all the time!

message 8: by Laurie (new)

Laurie The cover is by Fabian Lavater of lavaterart.com

message 9: by Chispita (new) - added it

Chispita Kelly #marketing lol. i felt bad for always judging books by their covers and then my friend was like dude they spend millions on this research, let go and enjoy 🤷‍♀️

Sarah Strother-masse I love the cover! Whimsical and free, like the characters in the book

message 11: by Lauren (new) - added it

Lauren Howley I live in Newport and would LovE a print of this cover in my house!!!! It’s amazing and the book is great too!

message 12: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Lauren wrote: "I live in Newport and would LovE a print of this cover in my house!!!! It’s amazing and the book is great too!"

omg to live in newport, how lovely!

message 13: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Sarah wrote: "I love the cover! Whimsical and free, like the characters in the book"

so true!

message 14: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Chispita wrote: "#marketing lol. i felt bad for always judging books by their covers and then my friend was like dude they spend millions on this research, let go and enjoy 🤷‍♀️"

i love this advice

message 15: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Laurie wrote: "The cover is by Fabian Lavater of lavaterart.com"

thank you!

message 16: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Linda wrote: "I do it all the time!"

it's human

message 17: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Kari wrote: "I like this cover"

me too

message 18: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Claire wrote: "Real tho"

i try

message 19: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Edith wrote: "I am not a fan of the current trend towards this type of comic/graphics type of cover. Not just on this novel but on many it makes me initially think that it’s going to be a story without depth."

i don't think of this is a comic cover, especially seeing as it's an actual print by an artist, but to each their own!

message 20: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Myriam wrote: "Art was done by Fabian Lavater @lavater_art on insta"

thank you!

message 21: by emma (new) - rated it 4 stars

emma Seawitch wrote: "Good question!!!"

one i ask often!

message 22: by total (new)

total bingus I read the cover often

Kelly I agree, the funniest part for me was Ch 15 with the vintage car "catastrophe"

Cheryl Carey What a fabulous review...are you an author incognito?

message 25: by Harrison (new)

Harrison GS Nice job readings that book

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