Connie's Reviews > The Longest Autumn

The Longest Autumn by Amy  Avery
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bookshelves: arc-giveaway-freebie, adult-fantasy, adult-romance

A captivating story that weaves together elements of magic, romance, and mythology.

Tirne was among the fortunate few mortals who had the honor of escorting their season's God between the divine and human realms. Her assigned deity was Autumn, the God of Death, who brought cool weather and the harvest of apples and gourds. (Who may be inspired by the Egyptian God of agriculture and death, Osiris.)

As the season transitioned, Tirne and Autumn would walk through an enchanted mirror to cross the realms. However, on one fateful day, the mirror shattered after they passed through it, leaving them both trapped in the mortal world. This incident had disastrous consequences for the world as crops started failing, and people faced starvation. Autumn's inability to return to his world resulted in him slowly losing his divine powers, which would ultimately strip him of his immortality.

The blame for the incident fell on Tirne. She knew that she had been falsely accused and that the real culprit was still on the loose. With time running out, Tirne made it her mission to uncover the truth and save Autumn and herself from certain doom. Who could have wanted Autumn trapped in the mortal world, and why?

This was a captivating story that was beautifully written. The world and the gods were intriguing, and I found myself invested in the story. However, I think the pacing could have been improved, and the ending seemed a bit rushed. I would also love to see more world-building. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the unique and intriguing tale, and I am looking forward to reading more works by the author.

***Thank you to NetGalley, Amy Avery, and Macmillan Audio for graciously sending me the audiobook to review. As always, all thoughts are my own.***
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Comments Showing 1-12 of 12 (12 new)

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Shelley's Book Nook Lovely review, Coco. 🤗💕

Connie Shelley's Book Nook wrote: "Lovely review, Coco. 🤗💕"

Thank you, Shelley! 💛

message 3: by Debbie Y (new)

Debbie Y Wonderfully to know you enjoyed this one, Coco, It sounds magical, indeed! Great review!🖤

message 4: by JustJJ (new)

JustJJ Great review Coco!! This sounds good!

Connie Debbie Y wrote: "Wonderfully to know you enjoyed this one, Coco, It sounds magical, indeed! Great review!🖤"

Thank you so much, Debbie! 💛

Connie JustJJ wrote: "Great review Coco!! This sounds good!"

Thanks, JJ! It was! The story was very unique. Highly recommend checking it out!

Tina (slowly easing back in) I'm glad you enjoyed it! A wonderful review Coco 💫

Connie Tina wrote: "I'm glad you enjoyed it! A wonderful review Coco 💫"

Thank you, Tina!

Heather Adores Books This one doesn't sound like it's for me, but I'm so thrilled you were captivated by it. Superb review, Coco!

message 10: by Connie (last edited Jan 07, 2024 03:03PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Connie Heather Adores Books wrote: "This one doesn't sound like it's for me, but I'm so thrilled you were captivated by it. Superb review, Coco!"

Thank you so much, Heather! I love mythology! So this was right up my alley. But I can see why it wouldn't be for everyone, especially with the slow pacing.

message 11: by Meagan✨ (new)

Meagan✨ Lovely review Coco. So happy you enjoyed this one

Connie Meagan✨ wrote: "Lovely review Coco. So happy you enjoyed this one"

Thank you, Meagan! 💛

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