Tammy Moldovan's Reviews > Frantor

Frantor by Honey Phillips
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it was amazing

Love and acceptance

I loved, loved Frantor and Florie’s alien-human, forced proximity, snowed in romance. This was my favorite book n the series. The book had a wonderful mix of sweet, spice, real life issues, and big feels. Frantor is an alien who was badly wounded in the war and his body is now deformed. At the end of the war, he and his six brothers in arms purchased a sprawling ranch and settled on the planet of Cresca. Florie is divorced human woman who lives in the nearby town and runs the diner. Two of Frantor’s brothers misconstrue a human story to mean they should steal human brides and decide to get a bride for Frantor too. Florie’s last memory is being approached by a large alien before she woke up in Frantor’s workshop/home. Despite Florie being drugged and kidnapped, this is not a dubcon or noncon situation. Frantor and Florie’s relationship develops organically without forced intimacy as they ride out a blizzard together and have conversations without Frantor revealing himself. I have a soft spot for the people who are a bit uncomfortable in their skin because they don’t feel like they fit in or are worthy, like Frantor. So I love when they finally see their truth and they get swoon worthy HEAs. The story includes sweet moments, steamy scenes, alien physiology and cultures, loyal friends, painful pasts, fated mates, coincidences, danger, and laughs. I am looking forward to reading the final brother’s story.4.5 stars.

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January 16, 2024 – Started Reading
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