Canadian Jen's Reviews > Listen for the Lie

Listen for the Lie by Amy Tintera
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's review

really liked it
bookshelves: mystery, heart-racing-thriller

Perhaps a more apt title for this would be, "Listen for the Sarcasm."

This was a delightfully clever story. Everyone thinks Lucy killed her best friend, Savvy. Yet, there was never enough evidence to convict and Lucy has no recollection of that night. She fled that small town in Texas to end the speculation. Five years later, she returns for her Grandma’s bday and just as coincidental -a podcaster is there recreating that alleged night for his show: Wanting to discover the truth about that night; Wanting to solve the crime: Who did what where and when?

I wasn’t sure of the format- previously podcasts within a story didn’t work for me. This one surprisingly did.
As for the character, Lucy, she’s sarcastic, witty and interesting. Very likeable. Especially when she talks back to her inner voice. Which is quite vivid about murdering people. Maybe she did do it; Maybe she didn’t. Guess you’ll have to read it to find out.
A fun 4.5⭐️
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Reading Progress

February 2, 2024 – Shelved
February 2, 2024 – Shelved as: to-read
March 23, 2024 – Started Reading
March 24, 2024 –
page 140
March 24, 2024 –
page 202
March 25, 2024 – Shelved as: mystery
March 25, 2024 – Shelved as: heart-racing-thriller
March 25, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 79 (79 new)

Tracy Greer- Hansen I loved how she imagined killing everyone she came in contact with. 😂 Probably not healthy but entertaining.
Great review as always

Canadian Jen Tracy wrote: "I loved how she imagined killing everyone she came in contact with. 😂 Probably not healthy but entertaining.
Great review as always"

It was...LOL. It made me laugh! Thanks Tracy 😊

Catherine (alternativelytitledbooks) - back but so behind I’m so glad you enjoyed it Jen, and that she didn’t drive you crazy but made you smile! :) Wonderful review as always!! 🌟

message 4: by Rich (new)

Rich Sounds like a fun read. Nice review Jen👍

Jayme I loved it! ❤️ And, your review!

Brenda ~The Sisters~Book Witch Great review, Jen!!

Canadian Jen Catherine wrote: "I’m so glad you enjoyed it Jen, and that she didn’t drive you crazy but made you smile! :) Wonderful review as always!! 🌟"

I enjoyed your thoughts, Catherine! She didn't drive me crazy - another surprise! 😁

message 8: by Carmel (new)

Carmel Hanes Sounds like you were richly rewarded!

Rosh Ah good! I have this on my list so it's nice to see that most of my friends enjoyed this one. A clever story is always welcome. Nice review, Jen. :)

Sujoya - theoverbookedbibliophile Great review, Jen! Glad you enjoyed this one too! :)

message 11: by Tina (new) - rated it 4 stars

Tina I'm really glad you enjoyed this one too. A wonderful review Jen 👍

Canadian Jen Thank Rich, Jayme & Brenda!

Canadian Jen Carmel wrote: "Sounds like you were richly rewarded!"

Indeed I was, Carmel 😁

Canadian Jen Rosh (is busy; will catch up soon!) wrote: "Ah good! I have this on my list so it's nice to see that most of my friends enjoyed this one. A clever story is always welcome. Nice review, Jen. :)"

This is a light one for you, when you need a palate cleanser, this is the one for you to try! TY

message 15: by Ann (new)

Ann Great review, Jen! This one sounds fun.

message 16: by Karen (new)

Karen Terrific review, Jen!

message 17: by Fran (new)

Fran Superb review, Jen!🥰

Canadian Jen Sujoya(theoverbookedbibliophile)- Lots of catching wrote: "Great review, Jen! Glad you enjoyed this one too! :)"

Thanks Sujoya. It did have me guessing!

Canadian Jen Susan wrote: "Great review"

Thanks Susan!

Canadian Jen Tina wrote: "I'm really glad you enjoyed this one too. A wonderful review Jen 👍"

Wasn't it a fun one, Tina?!

Debbie I totally agree with you Jen! I thought this was a very clever and fun story! 🤩

Canadian Jen Thanks Ann, Karen & Fran!

Barbara She was one sarcastic protagonist. Glad you enjoyed it and read it. Most loved it when they listened to the audio. It certainly worked on audio. Great review Jen.

Canadian Jen Debbie wrote: "I totally agree with you Jen! I thought this was a very clever and fun story! 🤩"

Thanks Debbie!

Canadian Jen Oh glad to hear that, Barbara! I loved her sarcasm 😊

message 26: by Mark (new)

Mark  Porton You made this one sound very interesting indeed Jen Jen, terrific review as usual!

Whitney Erwin Great review, Jen!! I have this one on my TBR list and I'm looking forward to it!

message 28: by Rowan (new)

Rowan A wonderful review, Jen! I'm glad you enjoyed this 😊

Diana Luckily I speak fluent sarcasm. 😂 This book is on my list coming up here soon. Nice to see your high rating! Great review!

message 30: by Cheri (new)

Cheri A wonderful and very tempting review, Jen!

Canadian Jen Mark wrote: "You made this one sound very interesting indeed Jen Jen, terrific review as usual!"

TY indeed, Mark!

Canadian Jen Whitney Erwin wrote: "Great review, Jen!! I have this one on my TBR list and I'm looking forward to it!"

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did, Whitney!

Canadian Jen Rowan wrote: "A wonderful review, Jen! I'm glad you enjoyed this 😊"

Thanks Rowan. It was a fun read after some heavier ones!

message 34: by Maureen (new)

Maureen Great review Jen, keep hearing good things about this one.

Canadian Jen Diana wrote: "Luckily I speak fluent sarcasm. 😂 This book is on my list coming up here soon. Nice to see your high rating! Great review!"

Haha! Me too, Diana, me too. I excel in this language :) Can't wait for your thoughts!

Canadian Jen Cheri wrote: "A wonderful and very tempting review, Jen!"

TY Cheri!

Canadian Jen Thanks Maureen!!

Jennifer ~ TarHeelReader The perfect review ending to go with this book that kept me guessing, too, Jen!

MarilynW I could feel the sarcasm and snark as I listened to the very clever 😁 Wonderful review, Jen!

Canadian Jen Glad you both enjoyed it too, Marilyn & JT!

message 41: by Lisa (last edited Mar 28, 2024 01:01PM) (new)

Lisa Jen, this sounds like one I might enjoy. I talk back to my inner voice constantly. Fortunately mine doesn't often suggest murder, only on occasion when I had teenage daughters. 🤣

message 42: by Mary Beth (new) - added it

Mary Beth Fab review! 💜 I just finished it and liked it too.

message 43: by Jan (new)

Jan I like Lucy already! Glad you enjoyed, Jen!

Canadian Jen Lisa wrote: "Jen, this sounds like one I might enjoy. I talk back to my inner voice constantly. Fortunately mine doesn't often suggest murder, only on occasion when I had teenage daughters. 🤣"

I have that inner voice too, Lisa....I'm sure we all have it!

Canadian Jen Mary Beth wrote: "Fab review! 💜 I just finished it and liked it too."

Glad you enjoyed it, MB!

Canadian Jen Jan wrote: "I like Lucy already! Glad you enjoyed, Jen!"

She is a likeable character, Jan! Perhaps a little more confused than normal...!

Debra Great review, Jen!

Canadian Jen Debra wrote: "Great review, Jen!"

TY Debra! Glad you enjoyed this one too!

Meredith (Trying to catch up!) Yay, I am glad that you had fun with this one! Fabulous reivew, Jen!

Canadian Jen TY Meredith!

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