Brendan (History Nerds United)'s Reviews > The Devil at His Elbow: Alex Murdaugh and the Fall of a Southern Dynasty

The Devil at His Elbow by Valerie Bauerlein
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it was amazing

Ah, the piece of trash that is Alex Murdaugh. If you are unfamiliar with this poor excuse for a human, then allow me to compliment you on the mighty fine rock you have been able to live under because this case was everywhere for a while. His story was reported on daily and there was already (rushed) documentaries and books on the saga of him murdering his wife and son. I've watched nearly all of them, so the question is whether or not Valerie Bauerlein's The Devil at His Elbow is the definitive source for the whole story. Quite simply, yes.

Bauerlein was on hand for almost all, if not all, of Murdaugh's trial and has done amazing work pulling together all the little details in this tangled web. It's not enough to just talk about Alex Murdaugh. He did not come out of nowhere. He was part of a dynasty that ruled part of South Carolina for 100 years. You know those movies where someone gets jammed up in a small town where the villain seems to control everyone? That was Hampton County, South Carolina for a very long time and Alex wasn't the first villain.

Bauerlein's research is impeccable, but her storytelling chops are what I really need to highlight. Valerie Bauerlein had me going and she got me good. As I mentioned, I know a lot about the case already so the first half before you get to the murders felt like well-trodden ground for me. In fact, I caught myself thinking, "Ok, Valerie, you are stating too many unnecessary facts. Get on with it." Except they weren't unnecessary and like a magician, Bauerlein makes it all come together when the state prosecutor rips Murdaugh in half on the witness stand. I'd like to take a moment to humbly apologize to Bauerlein for being impatient. That's my bad. Won't happen again.

If you know the case, there is more to it and it's all in here. If you don't know the case, then you are in for a ride. It's a must read for everyone.

(This book was provided as an advance copy by Netgally and Random House.)
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Comments Showing 1-24 of 24 (24 new)

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Vickie Sonderman There are several books that I have physically and on a tbr list. Because of this review, THIS will be my next book to read. I cannot wait to get my hands on it. Thank you.☺️

Brendan (History Nerds United) Vickie wrote: "There are several books that I have physically and on a tbr list. Because of this review, THIS will be my next book to read. I cannot wait to get my hands on it. Thank you.☺️"

Thanks, Vickie! That makes my day!!

Keila (speedreadstagram) I’ve lived under a rock

Brendan (History Nerds United) Keila wrote: "I’ve lived under a rock"

I know. We all know.

message 5: by Rachael (new) - added it

Rachael Hodson (still skiing) I’ve lived under a rock too apparently…but not for long.

Megan Smith This is an amazing review for this book! I fully agree that going in knowing a lot about it, I was like “this feels unnecessary” but it all came together!

Brendan (History Nerds United) Rachael wrote: "I’ve lived under a rock too apparently…but not for long."

I think this is a great time to come out in the sunshine and catch up on some true crime! :O)

Brendan (History Nerds United) Megan wrote: "This is an amazing review for this book! I fully agree that going in knowing a lot about it, I was like “this feels unnecessary” but it all came together!"

Thanks, Megan!

message 9: by Dakota (new) - added it

Dakota I’ve also lived under a rock but that’s because not everyone lives in the US lol. Looking forward to reading this, though.

Brendan (History Nerds United) dakota wrote: "I’ve also lived under a rock but that’s because not everyone lives in the US lol. Looking forward to reading this, though."

Well in this metaphor your country is the metaphorical rock so it still counts! Hope you like the book@

LeAnne G. Canton I’m like you and thought I knew a lot about this whole thing. But this book is amazing! So much I had no idea about! Currently reading, it’s been gripping for sure!

Brendan (History Nerds United) LeAnne G. Canton wrote: "I’m like you and thought I knew a lot about this whole thing. But this book is amazing! So much I had no idea about! Currently reading, it’s been gripping for sure!"

Awesome, hope it stayed gripping all the way to the end!

message 13: by Jill (new) - added it

Jill Hutchinson Loved your review, Brendan. It is on my tbr.

Brendan (History Nerds United) Jill wrote: "Loved your review, Brendan. It is on my tbr."

Hope you enjoy it like I did, Jill!

message 15: by Kim (new) - added it

Kim I have followed this case with interest, ok horror, and wasn’t sure I needed to read a book about it. Your review convinced me that I do. Thanks for a great review.

Linda Terrific review, Brendan. Yes, it's quite a story.

message 17: by DARLA (new) - added it

DARLA KIDDER I live in MYRTLE BEACH SOUTH CAROLINA and saw all about this in the news .

message 18: by DARLA (new) - added it


Karen I am halfway through and am having great trouble putting it down! Excellent research, reporting and writing!

Brendan (History Nerds United) Kim wrote: "I have followed this case with interest, ok horror, and wasn’t sure I needed to read a book about it. Your review convinced me that I do. Thanks for a great review."

Thanks, Kim! I'm flattered you trust me enough to read it. Hope you love it like I did!

Brendan (History Nerds United) DARLA wrote: "Gives SOUTH CAROLINA as bad name ."

Agree, Darla. Well, a very specific part of SC!

Brendan (History Nerds United) Karen wrote: "I am halfway through and am having great trouble putting it down! Excellent research, reporting and writing!"

Glad you are loving it, Karen!

Sharon Orlopp Outstanding review! Wholeheartedly agree with your assessment. I listened to it on audiobook and was already familiar with the family dynasty and murders. Still, it was jaw dropping to hear the story so well woven into a tapestry.

message 24: by Barbara (new)

Barbara So great—and read as much as possible about him when is lies unraveled and he was in the news daily. There’s something about watching a bully, dominating force, or someone who’s been given power he hasn’t earned— you love to see them fall.

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