liv ❁'s Reviews > Book Lovers

Book Lovers by Emily Henry
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it was ok
bookshelves: family, im-not-mad-just-disappointed, romance, rtc

Book Lovers is a bit of an odd lower rating for me in that I really did love Charlie and I thought the romance was… pretty solid, but I had so many issues with so many other aspects of the story that it all fell flat. A huge part of the reason that Happy Place fell flat for me was because I am so aggressively a “to be loved is to be known” person, so when two people who have “loved” each other so intimately for so long fundamentally do not understand the other person or cannot communicate with each other, I get a bit annoyed at all parties and tend to wonder how these people can claim to care so much about each other when they refuse to see anything from the other’s side. While this wasn’t the case with the romance, it was the case with the sister relationship, which I feel like took up the majority of the book but it’s possible that I hated it so much that it felt much bigger than it was. It was quite frustrating for me to read about two sisters that allegedly love and look after each other and have for DECADES fundamentally misunderstand the other so badly (literally it’s on both of them). I would’ve understood if they weren’t close, but they are apparently best friends or something and take care of the other often, so it’s just baffling to me that it took this long for them to realize that they are two separate people with different needs who have different values in life. Like please talk to each other and also observe what makes the other people happy. I know it was mainly for the sake of the plot, but oh my god it made me as mad as Wyn and Harriet did (which was very mad). This aspect kind of tainted the whole book for me as I was seeing red anytime an interaction between them happened. But, the ending, as always, was very sweet and happy and almost made up for it. I just can’t get over the fact that they lived for thirty years like that. (I’m kind of a confrontational person)

Now, my feelings towards the rest of the book can be described as “fine.” The small town vibes were great, not in the Hallmark movie way, but actually in a small town way. The people were as expected. Charlie is one of my favorite Emily Henry love interests (Miles might still be ahead of him), and I really do have to give Emily Henry credit for always writing male love interests that I really do like, if not love. I’m very picky with my male love interests, and Emily Henry always seems to hit the mark with them. Charlie’s backstory and the banter between him and Nora was my favorite part of the book, but I do wish that their relationship was a bit more fleshed out. I also really wish we got at least one other scene of both of them in New York being high-strung hardworking, kind of bitchy people because they were genuinely just… nice people in Sunshine Falls. Which is fine in theory, but I want proof that they’re cutthroat which I didn’t feel like we got. They were both just nice, hardworking people that are honestly just a bit socially awkward.

This book has unfortunately made me start thinking that maybe I don’t really love Emily Henry books and maybe People We Meet on Vacation was a fluke. Naturally, I’ll still probably read every other book she comes out with, but that’s mainly because so many of my friends love her and I want to be included. Despite my complaints, Emily Henry does always stick the landing with her endings, and the last chapter wrapped everything up quite sweetly.

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Reading Progress

July 28, 2024 – Started Reading
July 28, 2024 – Shelved
July 28, 2024 – Shelved as: to-read
July 29, 2024 –
page 64
16.98% "can this grown woman please stop referring to her sister exclusively as “Sissy” because it’s making me irrationally annoyed"
July 29, 2024 –
page 90
23.87% "call me a gemini venus poster child, but quick-witted banter where it is unclear if you’re bullying each other or not is also the only way i know how to flirt/the only way i like being flirted with. so i love them."
July 29, 2024 –
page 90
23.87% "quick-witted banter where it is unclear if you’re bullying each other or not is also the only way i know how to flirt/like being flirted with"
August 1, 2024 –
page 210
55.7% "not what i was supposed to be reading on the plane but i am in love with charlie and want to strangle libby"
August 6, 2024 –
page 256
67.9% "this sibling dynamic is so toxic. it’s so clear that neither of them have ever given any thought to what the other actually wants and are just making assumptions and it’s so frustrating 😭"
August 9, 2024 –
page 268
71.09% "the further i get into this, the less i enjoy it :/"
August 12, 2024 –
page 347
August 12, 2024 – Shelved as: family
August 12, 2024 – Shelved as: romance
August 12, 2024 – Shelved as: im-not-mad-just-disappointed
August 12, 2024 – Finished Reading
August 17, 2024 – Shelved as: rtc

Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

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ren ☆ if u turn off all critical thinking skills this was pretty good !!!!

liv ❁ ren ☆ wrote: "if u turn off all critical thinking skills this was pretty good !!!!"

honestly, i really am enjoying it as long as i don't think too hard about how much i hate that her adult sister exclusively refers to her as "sissy"!
also txt me, loser. imy.

Imme van Gorp Oh babe, good luck😔🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

clenirey me rn 😭✌️

message 5: by veerali (new)

veerali good luck bestie 💗

liv ❁ Imme wrote: "Oh babe, good luck😔🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻"

siiiiighhhh it did not go well 😖 but thank you, love 🫶

liv ❁ clenirey wrote: "me rn 😭✌️"

i’m in the TRENCHES!

liv ❁ veerali (semi-hiatus) wrote: "good luck bestie 💗"

ty 😭 i cannot say it went well, but we will try to break the slump tomorrow 💪

Ahjeen Oh no!! Hope ur next read is better xx

tiffany nooo i was really hoping u would love this!! u have had such an awful streak, i hope ur next read is better!

Charles Sorry this one didn’t work out for you. I am a fan of Justin, who is the MMC of Just For the Summer, the book I recently finished. Hopefully your next read will be better than this one was for you

liv ❁ Ahjeen wrote: "Oh no!! Hope ur next read is better xx"

thanks, love xx

liv ❁ tiffany wrote: "nooo i was really hoping u would love this!! u have had such an awful streak, i hope ur next read is better!"

me too 😭😭😭 i think i just don’t like romance unless it’s a slow burn tbh. i think i’m finally on an upswing and having better luck with books! (hopefully i didn’t jinx it)

liv ❁ Charles wrote: "Sorry this one didn’t work out for you. I am a fan of Justin, who is the MMC of Just For the Summer, the book I recently finished. Hopefully your next read will be better than this one was for you"

me too 😭 oh i’ll have to check that out! thanks for the rec. i did really like charlie to be fair, i just really couldn’t stand the sister dynamic and wish charlie and nora’s relationship was a bit more fleshed out.

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