JaymeO's Reviews > We Used to Live Here

We Used to Live Here by Marcus Kliewer
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“Don’t let them in!”

This was me screaming at the book. Alas, we wouldn’t have a horror novel without the gullible characters who make bad decisions with dire consequences!

Eve and Charlie receive an unbelievable deal on a house to flip in a great neighborhood. Once they begin renovations, Eve answers a knock on the front door. A couple and their three kids are standing on the stoop, the husband claims to have once lived in the house. Would she mind if he showed his family around for a 15 minute tour? Ignoring her better judgement, Eve agrees to let them in.

“No she didn’t!”

Once let in the house, the family does not leave. What happens from here is anyone’s guess. Seriously. I finished this book with so many unanswered questions! But, sometimes those are my favorite kinds of books.

I listened to the audiobook, which includes haunting music and beautifully captures the creepy atmosphere, sense of dread, and impending doom. I would say that I recommend this format, but in looking for answers to my questions from other reviewers, I found out that I missed MANY clues, simply because they only appear in the print version. I plan on reading the hard copy ASAP!

Did you love I’m Thinking of Ending Things or The Blair Witch Project? We Used to Live Here leaves you with the same determination to figure out what in the world you just read. The book will soon be made into a Netflix movie starring Blake Lively and I can’t wait to watch it!

Some reviewers claim this is the scariest book they have ever read. Personally, I was not frightened, but imagine it would be much scarier on the big screen!

4.5/5 stars rounded down for inability to decipher the clues in a coherent way
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Comments Showing 1-40 of 40 (40 new)

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message 1: by Jayme (new)

Jayme Fantastic review! 💞

JaymeO Thanks Jayme!

Rachel Hanes Terrific review, Jayme!! This book is getting a lot of attention lately, and I feel like I’m missing out! I’m hoping to read this soon! I also hope you enjoy the print version a little more as well. :)

JaymeO Thanks Rachel! I’ll look out for your thoughts on this! Hope you can make more sense of it!

Cassie Awesome review, Jayme! I loved this one and the scene in the attic scared me SO much!

message 6: by Keri (new)

Keri Stone Great review. Curious to know what clues included in written book but not audio? I really listen to audiobooks exclusively so this seems like such an oversight by publishers?

JaymeO Thanks Cassie! This plot was bonkers!

JaymeO Keri, if you are curious private message me—it’s partially a spoiler

NZLisaM Terrific review! 🤍

JaymeO Thanks Lisa!

message 11: by Kaceey (new)

Kaceey Fantastic review Jayme! This sounds so good! But maybe too scary for me!🙈💗

message 12: by JanB (new)

JanB Sounds like a good audio book but have the print nearby. Fab review Jayme!

JaymeO Thanks Kaceey!

JaymeO Jan, yes that would be ideal! Thank you!

message 15: by Tara (new) - added it

Tara Stellar review, Jayme! This book is flying off the shelves in all the local bookstores, and the waitlist for the hardcover or e-book at my local library is insane. I can't wait to read it and discover if the hype is real.

JaymeO Thanks Tara! Hope you get a copy soon!

message 17: by Yun (new)

Yun Great review, Jayme! I'm a big scaredy-cat, so this definitely isn't for me. Glad it didn't frighten you much! ;)

JaymeO Thanks Yun!

message 19: by Anna (new) - rated it 4 stars

Anna This was such a bizarre and entertaining book

JaymeO Anna, I missed so much by listening to it. Just got the book from the library and found so many more clues as to what is going on!!

message 21: by Holly (new)

Holly  B (slower pace!) Terrific review Jayme! 💜

JaymeO Thanks Holly!

Michelle Stellar review, Jayme! 💗 This is one of my favorite books of 2024 and I can't wait to see the movie, too.

JaymeO Thanks Michelle! Excited for the movie too!

message 25: by Jackie (new) - added it

Jackie But doesn't it get aggravating when characters are that dumb to "let them in"?

JaymeO Jackie, yes but this book is confusing and will have you thinking about it long after you finish it!

Tina (slowly easing back in) The audio seems really good! Great review Jayme! 👍

JaymeO Thanks Tina but you will miss key clues with audio!

message 29: by Ceecee (new) - added it

Ceecee Great review Jayme!

JaymeO Thanks Ceecee!

message 31: by Kat (new) - added it

Kat Very intriguing review, Jayme! I'm a horror movie wimp, but you had me at Blake Lively. It sounds like it'll be good!

JaymeO Thanks Kat! If you read it grab the hard copy or
You will miss vital clues! Looking forward to the movie!

message 33: by JanB (new)

JanB Probably not a movie I’d watch lol, but it sounds like a fun read. Great review Jayme!

JaymeO lol thanks Jan! This one was super creepy!

message 35: by Jayne (new)

Jayne Not my genre but I am intrigued. Fabulous review, Jayme.

JaymeO Thanks Jayne!

Dutchie I wasn’t frightened either, but could totally feel differently watching it. Terrific review!

JaymeO Thanks Dutchie!

Diane Dachota Great review! I loved this one but I agree there were unanswered questions

JaymeO Thanks Diane! I need answers!

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