Rain's Reviews > The Kite

The Kite by N.R. Walker
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bookshelves: dnf

Stilted, unrealistic, an awkward story. I actually had to go back and look at the publishing date, because I thought this was perhaps a first book by this author.

Shocked at how simple the writing feels. There was no emotional connection to either one of these characters, in fact, I couldn’t force myself to continue after 28%.

I hope if you read this story and don’t enjoy it, you give this author another try. Her older works are some of my most favorite.

Red Dirt Heart (the entire series)
The Weight of It All
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September 7, 2024 – Started Reading
September 10, 2024 – Shelved
September 10, 2024 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Gloria (new)

Gloria Wow, not every book from an author is a masterpiece, but for one to be this disappointing is unusual. Sorry it happened to you!

message 2: by Rain (new) - added it

Rain Gloria wrote: "Wow, not every book from an author is a masterpiece, but for one to be this disappointing is unusual. Sorry it happened to you!"

I was really surprised and disappointed myself. There are plenty of other books waiting for me to find them, so I remain optimistic!

Lau ♡ red dirt heart is SO GOOD! I think this one was too action-packed to care about the story. i don't remember much but I've reread more books by this author and not this one 😂😂 hope your next read is amazing, Rain 💜

message 4: by Vee (last edited Sep 12, 2024 09:12PM) (new)

Vee Sometimes it just doesn’t click. I have so many of those. Hope your next one is better x

message 5: by Rain (new) - added it

Rain Lau (semi-hiatus) ♡ wrote: "red dirt heart is SO GOOD! I think this one was too action-packed to care about the story. i don't remember much but I've reread more books by this author and not this one 😂😂 hope your next read is..."

That makes me feel better about not finishing it! Yes, red dirt heart is one of my absolute favorites 💜

message 6: by Rain (new) - added it

Rain Vee wrote: "Sometimes it just doesn’t click. I have so many of those. Hope your next one is better x"

Exactly this, sometimes it’s the mood, sometimes it’s the story. Thanks for your good wishes 🙏😊

message 7: by Imme (new)

Imme van Gorp Oh yikes, that honestly sounds a bit embarrassing for the author😬🫡

message 8: by Rain (new) - added it

Rain Imme wrote: "Oh yikes, that honestly sounds a bit embarrassing for the author😬🫡"

Could have just been my mood, but I had zero desire to continue 😒

Linda Reads Audiobooks, mostly First, thank you for not giving a rating since you DNF. More people should do that! I absolutely love Red Dirt Heart and The Weight of it All. If you haven't yet read these and enjoy hurt/comfort, try "Endless Stretch of Blue" and "On the Mountain." And I think the best by her I've read so far is "Dearest Milton James."

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