Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read**'s Reviews > Prickly By Nature

Prickly By Nature by Piper Vaughn
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bookshelves: 3-star, back-of-the-bike, mm, i-like-your-tats, other-worldly, who-done-it, paperbacks
Read 2 times. Last read May 24, 2017 to May 27, 2017.

***3.5 Stars***

Reaching for the bond, Dylan made sure Avery felt what he felt, in his heart. In his soul. That this was what they were. Two halves of a whole. Two hearts beating in time.

This sequel follows Dylan and Avery as they continue to navigate their relationship. Avery is still on the hunt for the missing Lacey, but now he's also juggling his private investigator apprenticeship. And with that comes Dylan's struggle with his protective instincts, Avery's busy schedule, and his depth of his feelings for his mate.

I love the evolution of Dylan and Avery's relationship. The love, affection, and passion between them is evident on every page. Avery has come so far from the spoiled, rich kid he was...and seeing how Dylan's love and support has made him blossom was great. Especially when the two went up against Avery's cold and snobby family.

"I will be right beside you no matter what. All you have to do is remember that. He won't hurt you, because he can't. He can't hurt us." Dylan let his fingers drift from Avery's lips, over his jaw, and down his neck to rest at his mating mark.

"This says you're mine," Dylan whispered, and Avery nodded. "I'm not letting you go, not letting anyone take you from me. Ever. And I won't let anyone hurt you."

A slow smile crept across Avery's face. He slipped a hand form Dylan's grip and brought it up to cup his jaw. "Mine," he breathed, leaning in.

"I am." Dylan nodded and closed the distance between them.

While I enjoyed the romance immensely, I do feel there were too many places where other things overshadowed that (mainly filler about Avery's cases) and I found myself skimming at times.

But other than that, I gobbled up this sequel. Avery and Dylan melted my heart and my kindle! I'm here to tell you....a wolf shifter mated with a hedgehog shifter....TOTALLY WORKS!!

I know there's lots of uncertainty on whether this series will continue, but I really hope it does. I'm so interested in Jayden & Heath's story....and I REALLY, REALLY wanna know what Lucas is up to in New Orleans!

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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
May 24, 2017 – Started Reading
May 27, 2017 – Shelved as: 3-star
May 27, 2017 – Shelved as: back-of-the-bike
May 27, 2017 – Shelved as: mm
May 27, 2017 – Shelved as: i-like-your-tats
May 27, 2017 – Shelved as: other-worldly
May 27, 2017 – Shelved as: who-done-it
May 27, 2017 – Finished Reading
September 14, 2018 – Shelved as: paperbacks
September 20, 2024 – Shelved

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message 1: by Aisling Zena (new)

Aisling Zena Fab review Mirjana! :)

Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read** Aisling Zena wrote: "Fab review Mirjana! :)"

Thanks so much, Aisling!! xx

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