Shannon 's Reviews > The Thorn Birds

The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough
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it was amazing
bookshelves: classics, historical-fiction, favourite, 2007, australian-women-writers, family-saga

I've wanted to read this book for years, but I'm glad I waited till I was at a stage in my life when I might appreciate it the most (though it wasn't deliberate). I didn't know anything about the story before I started except that it's a classic Australian novel, epic in scope, and was made into a mini-series or something starring Rachel Ward years ago. I like not knowing much about books before I read them, though: it leaves you wide-open for the story to be told, and absorbed.

This is indeed an epic book. It spans three generations of the Cleary family, focusing mostly on Meggie. Starting in New Zealand on the day of her fourth birthday, The Thorn Birds follows the large family of Paddy and Fee and their children Frank, Bob, Jack, Hughie, Stuart, Meggie and baby Hal as they sail to Australia at the invitation of Paddy's wealthy land-owning sister Mary, who intends him to inherit the vast estate of Drogheda in northwest NSW. Even by Australian standards, it's a big farm: 250,000 acres, 80 miles across at its widest point, home to over 100,000 merino sheep.

The Clearys, who had been poor farmhands in NZ, fall in love with Drogheda and learn the ways of the land, the climate, the weather, the animals, pretty quickly. The book is divided up into 7 sections titled Meggie 1915-1917; Ralph 1921-1928; Paddy 1929-1932; Luke 1933-1938; Fee 1938-1953; Dane 1954-1965; and Justine 1965-1969. These provide a slight focus, but the only characters who really dominate the story are Meggie, Ralph - the Catholic priest who falls in love with her - and Justine, Meggie's daughter by Luke.

There is definitely tragedy in this book, but I never once found it depressing. It is similar in its structure to Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude, but completely different, and successful in a way the latter book was not (for me): The Thorn Birds made me care. Each character is so beautifully rendered, as if they were indeed living people whose memories were captured by a light, non-judgemental hand. Every character evoked strong feelings in me, which changed as the characters changed. Luke, for instance, I wanted to throttle and ended up pitying. Meggie, in her naivete, was at times exasperating, yet she learned and I was proud of her for that - then angry, for the way she set Dane above Justine. Sometimes I absolutely hated Ralph and wanted to smack him; at other times I felt so deeply for him and his emotional turmoil.

I can't get over how well written this book is. It is simply told, in an omniscient third-person voice, only sometimes, when needed, delving in deeper into the hearts and minds of the main characters to reveal their thoughts and feelings. The clashing perceptions people have are accurately portrayed, the poor judgements, bad decisions, mistakes - all so life-like, so real. Inferences, connections and insights can be deduced from hints in the story, but McCullough leaves a lot for the reader to realise on their own. And behind it all, like a glorious backdrop, the gorgeous landscape, so vivid and true. History and politics are there also: two world wars, the Depression, the Great Drought that ended when WWII ended, everything from clothing to attitudes to cars, as well as changing Australian slang, attitudes, the quirks - most of it slipping in unobtrusively, at other times pivotal to the plot.

That there is a plot is undeniable: that it is noticeable, I doubt very much. I don't like to predict stories anyway - the only ones I do that to are unavoidable, like Steven Seagal movies - but there was very little in this book that I could have predicted had I tried. Maybe I'm just out of practice, but there was no sense of an author dictating or pushing the characters towards certain goals. A few things I could see coming, like Dane turning out just like his father, but even then it felt completely natural, not as though McCullough was manipulating the story.

It seems funny, reading a book of extreme heat, drought, flies, fire, endless silvery grass while outside it's freezing, snowing, bleak. But I was utterly transported, and the only thing that jarred my pleasure was the strangeness of seeing American spelling and a couple of changed words amidst the Australian slang. Why, for instance, change "nappy" to "diaper" while leaving "mum" for "mom"? (As an aside, in general I really hate it when books from the UK and Australia, for instance, must undergo an Americanisation before being published in North America, whereas when books by US authors are published in Australia it's with the American spelling and all. That just doesn't seem fair! It seems pretty insulting to the Americans I've talked to, actually, but also patronising to us.) I think, though, regardless of whose decision that was, McCullough was writing to an international audience. She never intended this book to stagnate in Australia, as many works do which are "too difficult to understand" in other countries. She doesn't talk about crutching the dags on the sheep without explaining what crutching means and what dags are, or that the big lizards are called goannas and rabbits were introduced to Australia so that it would look a little more like England for the homesick settler - I know all this, but it was still interesting to read about it.

If you're interested in reading about Australia (or just epic stories in general), this is a great book to start with. It's not even out-of-date, things change so slowly! Just picture stockmen flying helicopters around herds of cattle instead of riding, their properties are so humungous. The droughts are still there, the floods, the flies, the fires, the vernacular - though the Catholics have almost disappeared. The religion aspect of the novel is equally fascinating, and handled diplomatically as well. It is a book about ordinary people living ordinary lives, and sometimes deliberately causing themselves pain: hence the reference to the thorn bird, which pierces its breast on a rose thorn as it sings, and dies.
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Reading Progress

September 27, 2007 – Shelved
October 27, 2007 – Shelved as: classics
December 10, 2007 – Shelved as: historical-fiction
Started Reading
December 15, 2007 – Shelved as: favourite
December 15, 2007 – Finished Reading
January 4, 2008 – Shelved as: 2007
July 29, 2013 – Shelved as: australian-women-writers
October 18, 2013 – Shelved as: family-saga

Comments Showing 1-21 of 21 (21 new)

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Shannon It is rather an obscure title - but it gets explained in the book, and it makes a kind of poetic sense.

message 2: by [deleted user] (new)

When I was a young lad, the mini-series was on TV, and I was ridiculously excited for each episode. You might have just persuaded me to read the book.

Shannon I think I was too young for the show, but I got the tale-end of satires of it :) I hope you do read the book; if you liked the mini-series so much I'm sure you'd like the book too.

message 4: by Megan (new) - added it

Megan McGee My mom absolutely loved this movie she probably read the book as well. My mom named me after Meggie, too bad for her I liked being called Megan. I look forward to reading this book.

Shannon I hope you like it as much as I did Megan - and I loved hearing the story of your name! My mum says she got my name from a movie (we're talking late-70s here) but she can't remember what it was! It feels like a missing jigsaw piece in my life! (corny metaphor but you know what I mean!)

Megan This is a wonderful review.

Laura I love your review! You stated everything I've always felt about this novel, but much more eloquently than I ever could.

As for name stories, my sister was named after this movie. My mother was in labor when the miniseries aired. My parents both watched it together at the hospital (I was not quite two years old), and they loved the movie. My dad kept thinking about the name Rachel because of Rachel Ward. Hence, my sister's name!

I love this book and have read it about four times, and I never get sick of it. And, as an American, I too find revised expressions and spellings irritating. Honestly, one of the main reasons I want to read a novel from another country is to experience the language in addition to the story. Oh well...

Great review!

Joanne Masters I loved both the mini series as a young girl, as well as the book. I have read the book 3 times, and have sought out the DVDs of the mini series as an adult. Richard Chamberlain was well cast in my opinion as the priest in the series. The story is truly captivating whether you read the book or watch the series. It wrings the full range of emotions from the reader, we see love, innocence, seduction, tragedy and more. It would have to be one of my favourite books, and Colleen McCullouch one of Australia's greatest Authors.

Shannon Joanne wrote: "I loved both the mini series as a young girl, as well as the book. I have read the book 3 times, and have sought out the DVDs of the mini series as an adult. Richard Chamberlain was well cast in my..."

Well said, Joanne! I wonder if the old series is still available?
It seems like McCullough is writing more mysteries set in America these days. Every time I see a new book by her I get excited, hoping it'll be something set in Oz, only to be disappointed again.

Joanne Masters Hi Shannon, The DVDs still seem to be available in Oz if you go looking for them. Most of her recent writings are historical novels, such as her series based on Ancient Rome for which I believe she was awarded an honorary doctorate here in Australia. Her novel "Angel Puss" is based in OZ, but it is not the great epic of the Thorn Birds. She has also written "The Touch" , which starts in Scotland & moves to Australia to the goldfields, which is more in keeping with the style of the Thorn Birds, however It has been a few years since I read this one and it doesn't stand out to me in my memory like the Thorn Birds did.

If you like books based on Oz, Bryce Courtney is also a great Author, his earlier books "Power of One" etc, are based in South Africa, but his more recent works such as The Potato Factory are Australian based stories. My eldest son is name Bryce after him.

Shannon Joanne wrote: "Hi Shannon, The DVDs still seem to be available in Oz if you go looking for them. Most of her recent writings are historical novels, such as her series based on Ancient Rome for which I believe she..."

Bryce is a great name, and it's so cool that you named him after the author. :)

I have a few of Courtenay's books but I haven't read any of them yet! I get homesick and like to read Aussie books, yet while I keep collecting them I don't often have a chance to read them. :( I don't know why that is.

I loved McCullough's P&P spin-off novel, but that's the only other book by her I've read.

Alice I read this book many years ago, it was a great read then and since seeing it here, I want to reread it as soon as I can!

Dot-dorothy Mcguire I am 56 yrs. old. I read this book in my 20's and still consider it my all-time favorite. I recall mourning the end because I missed the characters so when I had finished reading. Great review!!

message 14: by Megan (new)

Megan Wheeler I was also named after Meggie. My mom told me when I reached my teenage years about the book. Since then I have read the book maybe 5 times from the prologue about the birds that sing just once in their lives until that last amazing paragraph tying the significance of those birds to the characters in the book. I felt so strongly about this story and loving that my name came from this book, I named my son after Dane (even though his father's name was Luke, haha.) I just wanted to say, Shannon, that your review on this book was incredible and spot on!

Shannon Megan wrote: "I was also named after Meggie. My mom told me when I reached my teenage years about the book. Since then I have read the book maybe 5 times from the prologue about the birds that sing just once in ..."

That's a great story, Megan, thank you for sharing that with me. :)

Julie Well said Shannon. This has been a favourite of mine since I was a teenager (I'm into my 40s now). I fell in love with the Clearys and funny enough, I fell in love with my native Australia. Born and bred here, The Thorn Birds was my first real look at our Aussie sheep stations. My grandfather and his father before him were shearers. They travelled around from station to station - just like Luke. I wish I was old enough to ask him about it before he died and that I could have shown him this book because I'm sure he would have said "Yep! That's what it was like!" I now live in Queensland and every time i see sugar cane, it reminds me of The Thorn Birds. Thanks for your review. Loved reading that as well :)

Shannon Julie wrote: "Well said Shannon. This has been a favourite of mine since I was a teenager (I'm into my 40s now). I fell in love with the Clearys and funny enough, I fell in love with my native Australia. Born an..."

It's funny, but every time I think of sugar canes, I think of this book. I've never seen sugar cane growing (never been to QLD sadly) but she created a vivid image of it with the smell etc. I felt like I was there in the heat and all!

I'm not sure how serious he was, but when I finished year 12 and my dad asked what I was going to do and I said I'd go to uni, he said "Why don't you roustabout? You can travel the country, earn good money." I used to roustabout for him and I was good at it, but do it for a living when I could read and study and learn?! Not something I could take seriously! But I did take it as a compliment. :)

Jodell I read this book when I was so young, like 18 and then went on to watch the mini-series. Of course I was all over it. You know forbidden love-family-religion-all the good stuff. oh and suffering and angst...don't forget that.

message 19: by Rina (new) - rated it 5 stars

Rina Pebriana I was just 17 when I read the book once in 2007. This is one of my favorite book of all time. I love the book and the mini-series. Thank you for your review, Shannon. It reflects my view about the book..

Jenny May Calvin I watched this movie years ago when it first came out

Karen I read this book 40 yrs ago while pregnant with my first daughter, after the miniseries years later... we named our 3rd daughter Megan, after Meggie.... so happy you loved it too!! Fab review!

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