Emily May's Reviews > Beautiful Ugly

Beautiful Ugly by Alice Feeney
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it was ok
bookshelves: arc, mystery-thriller, 2024

It's been years since I read an Alice Feeney book because the last one I read-- I Know Who You Are --was so bad that it really put me off. But she's gained an impressive fan base since then; enough to make me want to try another. So here we are.

And I can now feel confident in my decision to avoid the author's books. Beautiful Ugly is simply one of those types of thrillers I never like and, for some reason, are extremely popular. The Freida Mcfadden-type thrillers where weak characters, loose plotting, everything is built around a wacky twist that of course you didn’t see coming because it’s so ludicrous.

We open Beautiful Ugly to struggling author Grady detailing his wife's disappearance a year ago. While on the phone to him, she saw a woman lying by the side of the road, got out to help her, and hasn't been seen since. Her car was found abandoned at the roadside.

Now, Grady is tortured by what happened to her. He can't sleep. Can't write. When his agent offers him a unique opportunity-- to live in the remote writing cabin of a much-loved and deceased author --even moving to a strange little island seems worth it if he can rescue his career.

The premise is interesting and there is enough in the first half that is compelling and eerie to make me give this two stars instead of just one. But there is not a single character worth caring about and, in fact, I cared less about both Grady and Abby the more I read about them. Plus, the further I got into the book, the more the implausibility mounted.

Everything is built up around the twist, and the truth is that I just couldn't believe in it. Part of the explanation of events made me laugh out loud because it was so bizarre and silly. Many characters behaved in a way that didn't make sense. (view spoiler) And when we got to the whole island backstory, my god... what a convoluted mess.

I like a good twist as much as anyone, but it is not enough, for me, for it to be shocking. It also has to be somewhat believable.
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Comments Showing 1-50 of 66 (66 new)

message 1: by Belle (new) - added it

Belle Oh darn. Was hoping on this one. Trying to decide if I should read your spoilers and might as well since I fully trust your reviews.

Emily Hardinger Wright Oh darn from me too!

message 3: by Mikaela (new)

Mikaela I didn’t like Rock Paper Scissors so I’ll probably avoid this one too.

message 4: by Abi (new)

Abi Wood I read His and Her from Alice and it was laughably bad, seems not much has changed. It’s a shame because her work always sounds super interesting

message 5: by Maddy (new)

Maddy I found Daisy Darker laughably bad but was open to trying this author again, I got His & Hers on my kindle for free but maybe I won't bother.

message 6: by Laurie (new)

Laurie Conney Awe jeez,I’m almost halfway through the advance listening copy and I just don’t think I can go any further! Reading your review helps me feel justified in my decision to quit while I’m ahead. Thanks!

Emily May Laurie wrote: "Awe jeez,I’m almost halfway through the advance listening copy and I just don’t think I can go any further! Reading your review helps me feel justified in my decision to quit while I’m ahead. Thanks!"

Yes, I can confirm it's not worth it!

message 8: by Eliss (new)

Eliss Totally agree! I loved her book Sometimes i lie but that’s it… the rest are just disappointments and cannot believe she is so popular with the least believable twists.

Marcia Yes!

message 10: by Nicole (new)

Nicole Daisy Darker is the only one I've read by her and I really loved it, it's got a very different vibe from her other books!

Jeanine Lanza You people are so negative

message 12: by Karen Ayn (new)

Karen Ayn Thanks for saving my BOTM club pick. There are a few thriller authors that you want to believe that this book will be better. I’m getting gun shy, so I feel like I dodged the bullet

message 13: by Vicky (new)

Vicky Thank you for this review. I saw that this book had a recommendation by Lisa Jewell which I love and it made me wonder if I should try this author again, since I had tried twice before, I DNF one and hated the other. It seemed as she is not the type of author I enjoy just as I don't enjoy F.Mcfadden at all. So thank you for saving me the time and frustration. I will skip this one.

message 14: by Sherri (new) - added it

Sherri Thacker I’m not loving the audio yet and I’m
At 33%

Cristina Vanalstine Such a bummer! I do think you’ll like her book Rock, Paper, Scissors. Very unique, smart. I was impressed. Didn’t like the 2 other books I read by her that much.

Denise I read it in less than 24 hours. I couldn’t put it down. That’s a good book to me! I don’t mind the twist being “ludicrous” because I don’t hate anything more than a predictable story line. This kept me reading and reading until the very last page.

Emily Just finished it and definitely agree that the creepy island factor earlier in the book was the only thing that kept me going. Tbh I wish the women had killed him at the end.

Jocelyn Agreed.

Olivia Kaskie 100% agree. I also find a lot of her writing to be repetitive and most chapters end with some ominous sentence that ends up meaning nothing. I felt the same way about Rock Paper Scissors. I won’t be reading another one of her books.

Janalyn, the blind reviewer Bob Myrtle tea anyone?

message 21: by Gabi (new) - rated it 5 stars

Gabi Lebron Some of yall need to be reading non fiction if you don’t want crazy fictional twists 🙄

Kalin Stevey You said it perfectly.

Shelly Candelaria Schnauber I completely agree with you Gabi!

message 24: by Jamie (new) - rated it 1 star

Jamie Cousin I couldn’t agree more! Just a real miss.

Jodie Spilak Read Daisy Darker before you give up on her for good. I’m a fan of hers, but I didn’t love Beautiful Ugly either.

Holden Wunders @emily girl they did 👀

Emily May Gabi wrote: "Some of yall need to be reading non fiction if you don’t want crazy fictional twists 🙄"

No, I disagree. I have read tons of great fiction with clever, well thought-out twists.

Emily Daisy Darker is also bad. Don’t do it.

Debbie Sanchez I just finished it and hated it for the same reason! I wanted to love it. Everyone else did lol. But sadly I did not

Deborah (debbishdotcom) I couldn’t work out which Abby was talking to the ‘woman in black’. I’d assumed Grady’s wife but then she described Kitty meeting Charles as the way they met (on a plane).

message 31: by Jean (new) - rated it 2 stars

Jean Right on! I agree!!

message 32: by Gabriella (new) - added it

Gabriella Burch Totally agree. What a bizarre book. Especially the ending. I thought they wanted to keep him as a writer to fund the island for a long time to come but they just randomly decide to bury him alive?

message 33: by Jen (new) - rated it 3 stars

Jen That's what got me! So he produces a bestseller and they're reaping the rewards and then ooops, forget it, into the ground with you! It felt like another cheap "twist" just for the sake of shock value. In reality, it was creepier and much more twisted keeping him around as a moneymaker.

Tianna Leinhos The best character in this book was Columbo if you ask me!

Mrs Volkov Agree to everything

Priscilla Wood Kitty was talking to the woman in black about wanting to leave Charles! I did like that because I felt her POV sounded so off from the younger Abby’s - because it was a different person! I thought they do kill him at the end by burying him drugged/alive? Did I misunderstand that??

Nikki Lee That whole reveal and ending pissed me thoroughly off!!!? Like what????? Preposterous!!! Ridiculous. Sentences that were amazing with poignant meaning only to lead to this??? I’m a fool!!! I even cried in a part. WTF …. I must be getting too old 🤡🤡🤡

message 38: by Bridget (new) - added it

Bridget C I agree! Just finished and left underwhelmed... I totally agree with the characters being unlikeable and the twists unbelievable..any authors you can recommend instead?

message 39: by Kim (new)

Kim Smiley I'm listening to this mess and I"m 3 1/2 hrs. in and have almost 6 hrs. left and I'm bored with it and wondering if it's worth wasting another 6 hrs on. I agree with you about this author. I think I've listened to one book that I enjoyed but I always end up abandoning most of them as they are disappointing and like you say, I can't care about the characters.

Kerri Couldn’t agree more! It didn’t make sense to bury him - he was making money for the island and that was the whole point of Kitty bringing him there instead of just killing him.

It had some good ideas, but had so many plot holes, underdeveloped characters, and random details that didn’t connect with anything.

Vanessa That ending was the worst!!!

Nancy Duenas I do agree that this book was not good and the ending seemed so stupid and pointless. I usually like all her books except for the one you started with - I Know Who Are. That book was the worst book/ending! Ever!

Madeline I agree with both of you. What a senseless ending. And I don’t see the inhibited Grady as the type to force his way next to Abby on the plane and slyly carry on with her. And how was she suddenly a gay woman all of a sudden?

iamnita This was my experience to a T.

message 45: by O (new) - rated it 2 stars

O The whole thing was absurd. Also, if we’re going to go for it, are there no women writers that could help bring money to the island trust? Grotesque.

message 46: by Coral (new) - rated it 1 star

Coral Cope i hated. so bad

Amanda May I totally agree.

message 48: by Dee (new) - rated it 1 star

Dee Why did they still need a man to fund the island?

a rose ♥︎ I don’t think the motives excuse the crime in this story, and I don’t agree with the revenge they chose. The whole thing feels so convoluted and far fetched, especially at the end, so I really couldn’t enjoy that part. I really had a hard time believing the reasoning behind why Grady did what he did.

Cindy Bokma I thought it was just me. Did not love it!

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