CanadianReader's Reviews > Intermezzo

Intermezzo by Sally Rooney
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did not like it
bookshelves: dnf, fiction, never-again, ireland, 2024-books-read-in

Zero patience for this author. Zero. Maybe I’m just too old, but I doubt I would like her work even if I were younger. I can’t stand her characters—who are depressing and uninteresting with ugly lives— and her fragmentary writing style isn’t my bag either. I see no beauty or wisdom in the work.

I truly don’t get the to-do about Rooney. I’ve tried three of her novels and have never succeeded in getting very far in a single one. I understood that Intermezzo was supposed to be different. It wasn’t—for me, at least. Aversion therapy has not been successful.
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message 1: by Laura (new) - added it

Laura I can't stand her either.

My mum read this recently and said in horror "the story is told via emails"! It was my niece who gave it to her - 21. So that explains why my mum had it in the first place.

CanadianReader Laura wrote: "I can't stand her either.

My mum read this recently and said in horror "the story is told via emails"! It was my niece who gave it to her - 21. So that explains why my mum had it in the first place."

Ha! That makes me smile.

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