Mel's Reviews > Lover Eternal

Lover Eternal by J.R. Ward
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really liked it

note: February 6th 2011

I read this book almost 1,5 years ago and it's the only book of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series that I hadn't written a review for. Which is strange because this is the book that sealed the deal for me.

I had just finished Dark Lover a week before and despite of the fact that I wasn't actually loving it, I was pleasantly surprised and positively intrigued by the Brotherhood. I was especially captivated by the mystery that was Zsadist and wanted to get to his book as soon as possible.
So Lover Eternal would be a transition book of sorts. Rhage didn't really push any of my buttons and I wasn't necessarily jumping up and down to find out what would happen to him, just anxious to get to Z's story already.

Needless to say: this book was a very pleasant surprise. I really liked the story, I loved Rhage and liked Mary (although her Wondergirl act does get on my nerves as the series continues- the girl can do literally everything!).
The book was engaging, romantic and at times funny. A very good -almost classic- PNR book which actually made me cry too. And I don't cry easily.
A great read: 4 stars.
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Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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Gwennie This one is what sealed the deal for me too. I was hooked the moment Rhage caught Mary in the hall and insisted she speak.

message 2: by Mel (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mel I was hooked from the restaurant scene. That was so awkward and funny and embarrassing and romantic and cute at the same time :)

By the way: can you say 'classical PNR'. I mean sort of (proto)typical, but that sounds bad.

Gwennie I was caught up with the hallway scene (got all hot and bothered, lol), but you're right the restaurant scene is what really touched me. Rhage was just so honest.

And yes, it was absolutely a classic PNR, luckily just an exceptional one.

Have you read the Christine Feehan 'Carpathian' series? Also PNR, but I just didn't like it as much. It was sorta trite.

message 4: by Mel (last edited Feb 06, 2011 10:05PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mel Thanks, I changed 'classical' into 'classic'.

No I haven't read the Carpathian series. I have read reviews and comments on it and figured it wouldn't be my thing.

I honestly don't like most PNR. I only like it when it's edgy (like the BDB) or really funny (like the IAD). Anything else I usually find too clichéd or cheesy...

Gwennie Most romances tend to walk a fine line for me. When I was younger I was really into them, but now that I'm older I find myself just rolling my eyes alot. It has to have that special something, IMO.

message 6: by Mel (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mel Exactly!

Buggy Yeah this was the deal breaker for me to, the start of the obsession and then of course we had Zsadists story and no PR was ever the same again for me after that. When I re-read this, I was like you surprised by how much I loved the story, the sacrifice and Rhage's sweetness.

message 8: by Mel (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mel Obsession? What obsession?

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