Jess-i-ca 's Reviews > Making Faces

Making Faces by Amy Harmon
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: made-me-boo-hoo, my-absolute-favorites, bad-ass-heroine, v-is-for-virgin

5 Overcoming Stars!

”Victory is in the battle”

Wow this book… What can I say other than it just moved me in ways that I didn’t expect… I laughed, I cried, my heart broke for the characters. I as well as most every other girl has felt a case of UGS growing up. I knew a boy who suffered from MD. I was 18 and just starting college when the September 11, 2001 attack happened. I know how that day affected me. I know people who joined the military and went off to war as a result of the attacks and I have seen the effects is has put on people who have return as well as their families. It's like I just felt everything that happened in this book......

This is one of those books that it breaks your heart but is so worth reading!

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Fern suffers from Ugly Girl Syndrome (UGS) but has a heart made of gold. She is awkward but funny and so pure at the same time. She’s just a great human being in general.

"If God makes all our faces, did he laugh when he made me?"

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She takes care of her cousin, Bailey, who unfortunately suffers from Muscular Dystrophy (MD) and is wheelchair bound. Bailey is hands down one of the BEST supporting characters ever! LOVED HIM! He has an absolutely wonderful sense of humor and you put him and Fern together and they have the best time…

"I’ve got Rocky Road Ice cream. It looks a little like poop. Can we become one with Rocky Road instead?”
“It does look a little like shit. Nuts and everything. Count me in.”

They assist Bailey’s dad Coach Sheen with his wrestling stuff and that’s how they grow up with Ambrose Young. Ambrose is a superstar in the wrestling world as well as hot stuff around the school.

Fern is in love with him and has been since they were 10. Unfortunately he isn't attracted to her.

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After high school is out, Ambrose (aka Brosey, Brose, Hercules) decides to enlist in the army.

He comes back from the war a changed person.

”The lucky ones are the ones who don’t come back.”

Fern along with Bailey, help Ambrose accept who he is and remember who he was.

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"She liked the option of flying without responsibility of saving the world"

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"What good was flying if there was no one on the other end of the string?"

Because this review needs some humor, here ya go! Go read it!

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Big props to my BBB, JAnne there with me to hold my hand when I was boohooing like a baby! Now on to my funny book….
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Quotes Jess-i-ca Liked

Amy Harmon
“I wrote your name across my heart

So I would not forget.

The way I felt when you were born

Before we'd even met


I wrote your name across my heart

So your heart beats with mine

And when I miss you most I trace

Each loop and every line


I wrote your name across my heart,

So we could be together

So I could hold you close to me

And keep you there forever.”
Amy Harmon, Making Faces

Reading Progress

September 15, 2013 – Shelved
October 22, 2013 – Started Reading
October 22, 2013 –
1.0% "I'm diving in!
October 22, 2013 –
October 22, 2013 –
25.0% "The lucky ones are the ones who don't come back...."
October 23, 2013 –
65.0% "Omg I love Bailey! He's hilarious!"
October 23, 2013 –
68.0% " crying photo cryyyyyy3-1_zps522c96fa.gif "
October 23, 2013 –
noooo photo 3161016590_1_2_AWfBs9d3_zps700537db.gif "
October 23, 2013 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-31 of 31 (31 new)

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*J* Too Many Books Too Little Time LOVE! We survived it together!!!

Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen Spectacular review Jessica!

message 4: by Mo (new) - rated it 5 stars

Mo Fantastic review, Jessica. You nailed it.

message 5: by Dee (new) - rated it 5 stars

Dee Montoya I agree with everybody else, Awesome! Spectacular! Fantastic review!

Lady Vigilante (Feifei) Wonderful review Jessica! I love your dose of humor in it! <3

Jess-i-ca J *I did it all for the nookie.The book nookie* wrote: "LOVE! We survived it together!!!"

Yes we did! LOL!

Jess-i-ca Denisse wrote: "I agree with everybody else, Awesome! Spectacular! Fantastic review!"

Mo wrote: "Fantastic review, Jessica. You nailed it."

Christine The Dark Romance Junkie wrote: "Awesome review Jessica :)))"

Thank you ladies! I loved it! This one is reread worthy!

Jess-i-ca Lady Vigilante (Feifei) wrote: "Wonderful review Jessica! I love your dose of humor in it! <3"

I try to make it a little more lighthearted ;)

Amy | Foxy Blogs LOL!!! Love your gifs...especially the last one- READ THE BOOK!
Gosh, I remember where I was when 9/11 happened... unforgettable day

Ashleigh love your review!! great gifs!!!!

Wendy'sThoughts just the best... :D

Angie **loves angst** Great review Jess! I'm reading this right now and the tears won't stop :(

Jess-i-ca Amy (Foxy) wrote: "LOL!!! Love your gifs...especially the last one- READ THE BOOK!
Gosh, I remember where I was when 9/11 happened... unforgettable day"

Thank you Amy! Yes, its one of those days you will never ever forget!

Kristin (KC) Wonderful review, Jessica. Love the gif :)

Jess-i-ca Wm AddictedReader & Loving it wrote: "just the best... :D"

Ashleigh wrote: "love your review!! great gifs!!!!"
Thank you! :)

Jess-i-ca Angie **loves angst** wrote: "Great review Jess! I'm reading this right now and the tears won't stop :("

I know! :(

Jess-i-ca Kristin (KC) wrote: "Wonderful review, Jessica. Love the gif :)"

Thanks KC! It was a great book!

Serena Great Review Jess :)

Johanna WOW!! Superb review, Jessica.. This will be my next read without a doubt :D

message 21: by Patrycja (new)

Patrycja Great review!

Jess-i-ca Patrycja wrote: "Great review!"

Serena **The Klutz** wrote: "Great Review Jess :)"

Thank you ladies!

Jess-i-ca Johanna wrote: "WOW!! Superb review, Jessica.. This will be my next read without a doubt :D"

Johanna I hope you love it as much as I did!

Jennifer Bernard Lovely review :) I enjoyed it!

Jess-i-ca Jennifer wrote: "Lovely review :) I enjoyed it!"

Thank you! :)

Denise - Shh Mom's Reading® Making Faces by Amy Harmon
Exclusive piece featuring Ambrose Young that takes place between the last chapter and the epilogue!

Make sure the enter the giveaway for a Signed Paperback of Making Faces !!

Please feel free to share the link to help spread the word about this heart pulling scene that put us right back in our book hangover!!

✝✝ Ⓓaisy ❣ ✝✝ Brilliant review girl and loving your gifs <3

message 28: by Catharina (new)

Catharina Wonderful review! Want to read this book so much!

Jess-i-ca Catharina wrote: "Wonderful review! Want to read this book so much!"

Hope you enjoy it!

Angela Your GIFs are hilarious and true!!

Jess-i-ca Angie wrote: "Your GIFs are hilarious and true!!"

Thank you! :)

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