Catarina's Reviews > Seducing Cinderella

Seducing Cinderella by Gina L. Maxwell
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bookshelves: fighters-and-bad-asses, is-getting-hot-in-here, cotton-candy-romance

4 Stars!

Lucie and Reid used to be friends when they were kids. She was the little sister of his best friend, but then she went to college, he went becoming an MMA champion and never saw each other again. Until now.


Now Lucie is a PA and he’s a champion who suffered an injury. Fate decided to put them together as doctor and patient. And everything would be just lovely if she wasn’t in love… with another man. A doctor at the hospital that never looked in her way twice.
So they make a deal: He moves to her house for the time of his treatment and in return he teaches how to seduce a man. But that’s the thing about teaching: it comes a time where the student become the professor, and Reid starts to fall for the girls he is trying to help get another guy.
And how do you win a girl that is trying to win another person?


I really liked this book. I wasn’t expecting to like it this much. The story is sweet and sexy and I got hooked from the first page.
Definitely, a series to follow.


Rating: 4 stars.
Storyline: Slightly predictable but sweet and engaging. The end felt a little short for me, I was expecting more.
Writing Style: Pretty good, flawless and addictive writing. Third person, alternated POV’s.
Character Development: Lucie was a great female character. She was sweet and strong and I liked her from the beginning. Reid was also a great example of the perfect alpha-male. I got a little annoyed with him in one point, but he redeemed himself. The supportive characters are also great. Can’t wait to read Vanessa’s book.
Steam: Hot.
HEA: (view spoiler)
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Reading Progress

October 24, 2013 – Shelved as: to-read
October 24, 2013 – Shelved
January 7, 2014 – Started Reading
January 7, 2014 –
1.0% "On sexy-fighter mode. Again."
January 8, 2014 –
100.0% "Sweet and fast reading!
Review to come."
January 8, 2014 – Shelved as: fighters-and-bad-asses
January 8, 2014 – Shelved as: is-getting-hot-in-here
January 8, 2014 – Shelved as: cotton-candy-romance
January 8, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-28 of 28 (28 new)

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message 1: by Imy♥♥ (new) - added it

Imy♥♥ Great review Catarina!

message 2: by S (new)

S Wonderful review, Catarina! <3

Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  Wonderful review Cat :))

Katy Loves Romance ❤️ Fab review Cat loved this one :)))

message 5: by Amber Rose (new)

Amber Rose Great review, Catarina. :)

Catarina Imy♥♥ wrote: "Great review Catarina!"

Thank you, Imy <3

Catarina Susanne wrote: "Wonderful review, Catarina! <3"

Thank you, Susanne <3

Catarina Katy wrote: "Fab review Cat loved this one :)))"

Thank you, Katy <3

Catarina Amber's Reading Room wrote: "Great review, Catarina. :)"

Thank you, Amber <3

Catarina Pavlina loves Dex ❤❤ wrote: "Wonderful review Cat :))"

Thank you, Pavlina <3

* Meli Mel * Lovely review, Catarina! :)

Jennifer Great review, Catarina!

Catarina ✽ Sharon is an emotional book junkie ✽ wrote: "great review Catarina!"

Thank you, Sharon <3

Catarina Meli Mel *Ty and Zane's Creeper* wrote: "Lovely review, Catarina! :)"

Thank you, Meli <3

Catarina Jennifer wrote: "Great review, Catarina!"

Thank you, Jennifer <3

MK~ Picky Girl Lovely review Catarina

Catarina MK~ Picky Girl wrote: "Lovely review Catarina"

Thank you, MK <3

• Lisa • GREAT review babes x

Ⓐlleskelle - That ranting lady ッ Great review Catarina!

Catarina Lisa Jayne wrote: "GREAT review babes x"

Thank you, Lisa <3

Catarina Ⓐlleskelle #teamSøren♗ ⊲I like big b00ks⊳ wrote: "Great review Catarina!"

Thank you <3

Jx PinkLady Reviews ♡ Yep, think this is a series I want to get into. Great review, Catarina x

Catarina Jxxx ♥ Pink Lady ♥ wrote: "Yep, think this is a series I want to get into. Great review, Catarina x"

Thank you, J <3

message 25: by Patrycja (new)

Patrycja AWESOME review, sweetie.

Deanna❤Pink Lady❤️ Nicely done Sweetie❤️

Catarina Patrycja wrote: "AWESOME review, sweetie."

Thank you, Pat <3

Catarina Deanna ❤Pink Lady❤ wrote: "Nicely done Sweetie❤️"

Thank you, Deanna <3

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