Christina ~ Brunette Reader's Reviews > Devil in Winter

Devil in Winter by Lisa Kleypas
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4.5 Stars
Everything has already been said about this top favourite, and there are already tons of great reviews here on Goodreads covering both ends of the scale, so I won't go into storyline details, but as you can see by my rating, I happily fall in the category of readers who have utterly loved Devil in Winter.
The "marriage of convenience", the "opposites attract" and the "reformed rake" tropes are probably as old as the genre itself and have been done innumerable times before, though rarely as engagingly as I've found here. The storyline is nothing new and, frankly, the suspense sub-plot is not particularly well-structured, but the characterisations of the leads, the chemistry and the romance—oh, perfection!

Evangeline is a great heroine, quietly strong and smart, but this is really Sebastian's book. His debauched days are at an end as the novel starts, more due to a shortage of funds than goodwill to tell the truth, so we don't get to witness firsthand all his despicable proclivities though, if this aptly serves to make him more readily believable as a hero, the aftertaste of his rakish past is nonetheless present in the rightful suspicions surrounding him and in his ambivalent reactions to what probably are the most genuine feelings he has ever experienced in life. There's an endearing and ironic self-awareness in this charming roué that, together with a stark loneliness hidden behind a skilfully cultivated insouciance and a natural magnetic sensuality, makes for an irresistible mix, but from the moment Evie gives him purpose and has him glimpse flickers of his own potential worthiness there's no turning back. And it's not an overnight change, thankfully.
The inspired writing, each banter, every playful dialogue, all the touching interactions and meaningful love scenes splendidly do the rest.
"Because I'm Sebastian, Lord St. Vincent. I can't be celibate. Everyone knows that."
Ahh, Sebastian.
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Reading Progress

December 22, 2013 – Shelved
March 2, 2017 – Started Reading
March 4, 2017 –
page 106
28.8% "Nature had squandered an unreasonable quantity of male beauty on this undeserving creature.

Finally "meeting" the legendary Sebastian Lord St. Vincent, The King of Rakes, in his own book ;)"
March 9, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-35 of 35 (35 new)

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WhiskeyintheJar 5 stars! Yeah!

message 2: by Bubu (last edited Mar 13, 2017 08:45PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Bubu 'Cause I'm in the mood ;)


Christina ~ Brunette Reader Thanks, ladies!! :)

I mean, we're talking about Sebastian St. Vincent here *dreamy sigh*

Review coming soon! ;)

Christina ~ Brunette Reader Andrea (Catsos Person) is a Compulsive eBook Hoarder wrote: "Love this one."

Me too! :)
Loved both the story and the H/h.

Esther I just reread this one! One of my favorite HR. Happy to see you loved it too!

Christina ~ Brunette Reader Esther wrote: "I just reread this one! One of my favorite HR. Happy to see you loved it too!"

Thanks, Esther!
And glad you enjoyed the reread! :)

Jessica Lovely review, Christina! :) I loved it too!

message 9: by Gio (last edited Apr 20, 2017 04:49PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Gio Listmaker Christina,

Stunning Review My friend. Very few have captured both characters as your review.

Christina ~ Brunette Reader Jessica wrote: "Lovely review, Christina! :) I loved it too!"

Thanks, Jess, glad we agree! :)

Christina ~ Brunette Reader Gio wrote: "Christina,
Stunning Review My friend. Very few have captured both characters as your review."

Thanks, Gio! :)
I think this is definitely the best LK's I've read so far.

WhiskeyintheJar Yes! I'm so happy you liked this one :) Evie and Sebastian are a couple that have stuck with me all these years.

Christina ~ Brunette Reader Kyraryker/WhiskeyintheJar wrote: "Yes! I'm so happy you liked this one :) Evie and Sebastian are a couple that have stuck with me all these years."

Thanks, Kyra! :)
I agree and this will be a beloved reread for sure!

message 14: by Luli (new) - rated it 2 stars

Luli So glad you loved it!
Fabulous review, Christina :)

Christina ~ Brunette Reader Luli wrote: "So glad you loved it!
Fabulous review, Christina :)"

Thanks, Luli! :)
Sorry to see it was not so for you instead, but I guess it's not a half-measures book :)

A_Ryan This is by far, my fave LK book... I'm so glad you loved it too

Christina ~ Brunette Reader A_Ryan wrote: "This is by far, my fave LK book... I'm so glad you loved it too"

Mine as well, Agi, thanks! :)

Linda (NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS) Wonderful review, Christina. I couldn't have said it any better!

Christina ~ Brunette Reader Linda wrote: "Wonderful review, Christina. I couldn't have said it any better!"

Thanks, Linda! :)
Glad you enjoyed it as well!

message 20: by Melisa (new)

Melisa You've sold me on this series!

Christina ~ Brunette Reader Melisa wrote: "You've sold me on this series!"

Looking forward to your thoughts, Melisa! :)
This was the absolute best, imo, followed by book 2. Book 1 and 4 were just okay for me, but as a whole a very enjoyable series.

Sandra Fantastic review Christina! I also enjoyed this one! :D

message 23: by Dorine (new) - added it

Dorine oh wow, Christina -- you make me want this now! Great review, my friend. :) Putting it on my wishlist - do I need to read the two previous books to understand/appreciate this one?

Christina ~ Brunette Reader Sandra wrote: "Fantastic review Christina! I also enjoyed this one! :D"

Thanks, Sandra! Glad you enjoyed it as well! :)

Christina ~ Brunette Reader Dorine wrote: "oh wow, Christina -- you make me want this now! Great review, my friend. :) Putting it on my wishlist - do I need to read the two previous books to understand/appreciate this one?"

Thanks, Dorine! :)
It works perfectly fine as a standalone as well. Looking forward to your thoughts if/when you decide to read it!

message 26: by Dorine (new) - added it

Dorine Thanks, Christina - I appreciate that insight. I will let you know when I do that. This book has popped for me numerous times so it's one of those books I'll read just because it won't quit calling me. HA

Christina ~ Brunette Reader Dorine wrote: "Thanks, Christina - I appreciate that insight. I will let you know when I do that. This book has popped for me numerous times so it's one of those books I'll read just because it won't quit calling..."

You're welcome, Dorine! :)

Marquise So you've come out of reading this book converted into a St Vinnie's Ninny? :D

(That's how fans of this book used to be called at a GR group=

Christina ~ Brunette Reader Marquise wrote: "So you've come out of reading this book converted into a St Vinnie's Ninny? :D
(That's how fans of this book used to be called at a GR group="

lol... St. Vinnie's Ninny, that's cute, I didn't know that :)
Well, not as far as "ninny", but let's say Sebastian will always rank very high in my Best Heroes List ;)

Marquise Christina ~ Brunette Reader wrote: "ell, not as far as "ninny", but let's say Sebastian will always rank very high in my Best Heroes List ;)"

Not a bad list, if he's an example. ;)

Christina ~ Brunette Reader Marquise wrote: "Not a bad list, if he's an example. ;)"

Definitely ;)

Christina ~ Brunette Reader Nenia *The Flagrant Liberal* wrote: "Great review!"

Thanks, Nenia! :)

message 34: by Kim (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kim Howard I’m late to the party but so happy to have arrived. Loved your review. You perfectly summed up what I was feeling after finishing this beautiful story.

Christina ~ Brunette Reader Kim wrote: "I’m late to the party but so happy to have arrived. Loved your review. You perfectly summed up what I was feeling after finishing this beautiful story."

Thanks so much, Kim! :)
LK has always been a hit-or-miss with me, though this one's still a fav of mine among her titles.

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