Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog's Reviews > A Reason to Breathe

A Reason to Breathe by C.P.  Smith
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3 Jumping Jehosaphat Stars!!!

(BR with Denisse)

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A Reason to Breathe is the story of a 39 year old widow, who picks up and moves to a small town in Colorado to start a new life.
Jennifer Stewart is the new "Event" reporter for Gunnison County.
Her husband of twenty years recently passed away, and her daughter has gone off to College.

I was looking forward to this one as I heard it being compared to the works of Kristen Ashley, who I haven't read anything from yet, but after reading this one, I plan to read a KA book SOON!!!

The book started off promising.
We meet the HOT Sheriff, Jack Gunnison and he's 40!!
This is my first book with characters that are close to my age and let me tell you, I'd not be looking at the young ones, if there were men like Jack in my town!!! WOOOOO!!
He's the town's most sought after bachelor.
Never been married.
Never been in love.
Doesn't want to be tied down.

The moment these two meet, the attraction is INSTANT.
This guy is already saying "MINE" in his head when he looks at her.
Ok, I'm chuckling at this, finding it a little cheesy.
But as the story goes on, I started to really enjoy it.
I was hooked on Jack as soon as he's introduced in the story.

There's a serial killer on the loose and he has a thing for women 35 - 40, single, with long brown hair and brown eyes!
Hmmmm.....sounds a lot like our heroine.

Jack and Jennifer butt heads because she's constantly sticking her nosy reporter nose into police business.
I have to say throughout the book she continues to do the stupidest things and is just extremely annoying!! I did not like her!
Also I questioned why all the men in town were falling all over themselves over her??!!
It's not like she was the only woman in town!!

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I will say the SEX was H-O-T!!!
And I mean SUPER HOT!!!
If it weren't for those sexy scenes and Jack, I'd not have enjoyed this book as much as I did.

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I completely had the wrong guy pegged as the serial killer and felt that the identity was revealed too soon.
This should have been dragged out a bit further because the drama that comes up afterwards just felt out of place and should not have been a part of this story at all!
I had planned to give this one a 4 but when that mess was added to the story, I had to deduct points and Jack started to irritate me a little towards the end as well.
He kept telling Jennifer how amazing she was because she wasn't demanding of his time and understood how important his job was.
Oh Jack, just say it once!!
Shut up, get naked and just sex it up!!!

This is an enjoyable read if you can overlook the annoying heroine and haphazard events at the end.
Jack pretty much makes it worth your while for the majority of the story. :)

Thank you, Denisse, my lovely friend, for making this a fun read for me!!! xoxoxo
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Reading Progress

January 17, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
January 17, 2014 – Shelved
January 25, 2014 –
January 26, 2014 – Started Reading
January 26, 2014 –
34.0% "We're pretty much enjoying this so far. There have been a few really HOT make out sessions and Denisse and I both agree, it's nice to be reading a story about people in their 30s and 40s. Sex isn't just for the teenagers and people in their twenties!!! LOL"
January 26, 2014 –
34.0% "Just realizing that a lot of the single men in this town are in their 40s and super hot. I think I need to move there since the single men over 40 here, look like they're 60!!!! LOL"
January 26, 2014 –
36.0% "Holy shit that's hot!!! Woooooooo!!!!!"
January 26, 2014 –
40.0% "Oh yea!! Sexy time!!  photo daily_gifdump_159_07_zps18e76734.gif "
January 26, 2014 –
46.0% " "Lorraine, you know they have these things you can use--" "Got me one of those, girl, not the same as a sweaty man grinding on you." Poor Lorraine."
January 26, 2014 –
January 27, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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message 1: by • Lisa • (new)

• Lisa • Enjoy my gorgeous girls !!

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog We are so far love!!!!

message 3: by Dee (new) - rated it 3 stars

Dee Montoya Jack is HOT!!!!

message 4: by • Lisa • (new)

• Lisa • YAY - looking forward to your reviews !!! Mwaaaah x

Katy Loves Romance ❤️ Oh I'll be waiting for your review!! I've got this one on my list too :))

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog Denisse wrote: "Jack is HOT!!!!"

JACK and YOU made this an enjoyable read for me love!!

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog Katy wrote: "Oh I'll be waiting for your review!! I've got this one on my list too :))"

It was OK!!
I pretty much only like the hot and sexy ALPHA male and the sex was STEAMY!!
The story just started to go all over the place towards the end. :)

message 8: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Kyle Love love this review!! Please read ka already !!! Xox xoxox

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog Jennifer wrote: "Love love this review!! Please read ka already !!! Xox xoxox"

I promise for you, I'm reading her SOON!!!
If the men in KA are better than Jack, I need to get into her books and FAST!!!
Love you Babes!!!

Michelle Great review, Patty.

Shut up, get naked and just sex it up!!!

Jesus I fell in love with Jack...well maybe a certain body part of his...well two if you throw in his mouth ;)

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog Elizabeth wrote: "LOL Patty! I think I will skip this one, although I do like that the characters were older than 30.

I have only read a couple Rock Chick books from KA, but so far I love her. Let me know if you wa..."

YES Elizabeth!
Let's make a date to BR KA!
I've never read any of her books!! :)

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog Michelle wrote: "Great review, Patty.

Shut up, get naked and just sex it up!!!

Jesus I fell in love with Jack...well maybe a certain body part of his...well two if you throw in his mouth ;)"

Me too Michelle!!
The sex scenes were damn hot!!

message 13: by Dee (new) - rated it 3 stars

Dee Montoya Wonderful review my love!! But seriously, we need to get you to read some KA pronto!!!! I had a lot fun reading this with you!!xoxo

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog Denisse wrote: "Wonderful review my love!! But seriously, we need to get you to read some KA pronto!!!! I had a lot fun reading this with you!!xoxo"

KA has moved up to my short list.
I'm going to read her soon!!!

message 15: by Christy (new)

Christy Wonderful review, Patty!
I will join in the KA peer pressuring... DO IT! LOVE HER! ASAP! Hehe!

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog Christy wrote: "Wonderful review, Patty!
I will join in the KA peer pressuring... DO IT! LOVE HER! ASAP! Hehe!

Aww..thanks Love!!!
Yes I will be reading KA very soon!
Gonna go with "Dream Man" :)

message 17: by Dee (new) - rated it 3 stars

Dee Montoya Patty wrote: "Christy wrote: "Wonderful review, Patty!
I will join in the KA peer pressuring... DO IT! LOVE HER! ASAP! Hehe!

Aww..thanks Love!!!
Yes I will be reading KA very soon!
Gonna go with "Dream..."

Which one of the series??

message 18: by Mo (new) - rated it 4 stars

Mo Nice review.

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog Mo wrote: "Nice review."

Thanks Mo! :)

message 20: by ♥Rachel♥ (new)

♥Rachel♥ Wonderful review, Patty. I have this one, but I'm a little hesitant to read it seeing that the heroine does some pretty stupid stuff. I hate that!

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