Victoria's Reviews > Lost Lake

Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen
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The books I read when I was twenty completely changed when I read them when I was sixty. You know why? Because the endings changed. After you finish a book, the story still goes on in your mind. You can never change the beginning, but you can always change the end.

At this time of year I tend toward lighter reading, not enough energy to dive into deep or emotional subject matter and this fit my mood perfectly. Lovely storytelling, quirky and lovable characters and while the plot is predictable, you go along for the ride because you want to spend time in this world that Addison Allen has created for you. This is my fourth novel by this author and she never disappoints. Some magical realism, a dose of comeuppance and a lot of heart made for a light, satisfying, read.

She understood that the hardest times in life to go through were when you were transitioning from one version of yourself to another.

This is a story about the haunting of the past, loss, longings, second chances, mending hearts and, to an extent, closure. It’s the cast of eccentric characters, however, that really shines from Eby, the stalwart aunt with a heart of gold; to Lisette, haunted by the boy who committed suicide when she rejected him; to Buhladeen, the octogenarian with a penchant for the bottle; and Selma, seven times divorced and sashaying her way through town on her way to the eighth. Each has a back story that illuminates who they became and why this special place holds a place in their hearts and each will burrow their way into yours.

When your cup is empty, you do not mourn what is gone. Because if you do, you will miss the opportunity to fill it again.

Filled with homespun wisdom, ghosts, love charms and even a magical alligator, this was a 3.5 rounded up to 4 because for a few hours I was lost in a magical place.
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January 22, 2014 – Shelved
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December 1, 2016 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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message 1: by Amy (new) - rated it 4 stars

Amy !!!!! I was selected to read & review this by the publisher. You know I'm totally gonna let you borrow it after I read it. Now you can say stuff like "My friend Amy who is a professional athletic model is also a book reviewer for publishing companies. She lets me borrow the books after she reads them. I have a friend with connections in the book world." ;-)

Victoria Congratulations and is that a statement I can put on my Linked In page? 'Cause you know I'm not allowed to say things about my other 'connected' friends. Which makes me is it that I've read THREE of this woman's books and you've read none and, yet, you are selected? Hmmmm. Publisher or 'family'?

message 3: by Amy (new) - rated it 4 stars

Amy 'Family' Haha! The only 'connection' I have is Internet connection. I went to a website & said I would write a review for it if they'd let me read it for free. They sent it to my kindle within 24 hrs. I'm loving her metaphors...the language is beautiful. This girl is now a fan of this author.

Victoria I'm so happy. Her language IS lyrical and I love magical realism. Hoffman's Practical Magic is one of my favorites. I can't wait to borrow it.

message 5: by Taryn (new)

Taryn I've never tried this author, but I am definitely in the mood for lighter stuff right now! Might have to give her a try one of these days. Is there a particular book of hers you recommend most?

Victoria Taryn wrote: "I've never tried this author, but I am definitely in the mood for lighter stuff right now! Might have to give her a try one of these days. Is there a particular book of hers you recommend most?"

Taryn, it's been a while since I read the others, but I feel as if Garden Spells was my fave. Don't let the comparisons to Practical Magic dissuade, while it is reminiscent, the feeling is different. I also really liked this one for all the back stories, compelling enough that I read in a couple of days. Hope that helps!

message 7: by Cheri (new)

Cheri Wonderful review, Victoria. Lyrical and magical realism? Sign me up!

message 8: by Dean (new)

Dean Cheri, your review is pure magic.
Indeed you owns the gift.

message 9: by Dean (new)

Dean I mean Victoria's review, of course.
But, Cheri, also your reviews are full of magic.
And you also have the gift.....

Victoria Cheri wrote: "Wonderful review, Victoria. Lyrical and magical realism? Sign me up!"

Thanks Cheri...I think you'll love these characters.

message 11: by Victoria (last edited Dec 29, 2016 09:15PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Victoria Dean wrote: "I mean Victoria's review, of course.
But, Cheri, also your reviews are full of magic.
And you also have the gift.....

Dean...I'm so confused! My sister, my daughter, slap! ;-D
Thank you for your kind words. I can't even touch Cheri's gift for words, but I like that you think so.

message 12: by Taryn (new)

Taryn Garden Spells it is! Thanks a bunch!

message 13: by Toni (new)

Toni Just reading this little dialogue put a smile on my face. Thanks friends. Needed that today.

Victoria Toni wrote: "Just reading this little dialogue put a smile on my face. Thanks friends. Needed that today."

Happy to help Toni, we'll be here all week, don't forget to tip your waitress. ;-)

message 15: by PorshaJo (new) - added it

PorshaJo Great review Victoria! I'm a huge Sarah Addison Allen fan and love her books. They do transport you to this other place to escape for a bit. I have two books of hers left to read...and this is one of them. Can't wait to get to it.

Victoria Thank you PorshaJo! So happy to know you're also a fan and looking forward to seeing how you think this stacks against the others.

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