Shelby *trains flying monkeys*'s Reviews > Haunted

Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk
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bookshelves: read-2014

This book is more of a 3.5 star read.
A group of people agree to participate in a "Writer's Retreat". Three months, food and lodging included, while you complete your masterpiece.
The stories begin with probably one of the best, most shocking short stories I've ever read-called Guts. You just have to see for yourself on that one. Some of the stories the people share are more interesting than others. That's why the 3.5 stars instead of higher. The thing that amazed me about this book was the way people act. The chapters that told what was going on in the house had me like this.

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Don't go into this book expecting an easy read though. Humanity at it's basest is what you will see. There are some queasy moments and I have a very stong stomach.
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I think someone said about this book that the stories didn't scare me...the way people act did.

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Reading Progress

February 14, 2014 – Shelved
April 8, 2014 – Started Reading
April 8, 2014 –
0.0% " I just finished Guts..
April 10, 2014 –
0.0% "I now know what foot jobs are.
I live a sheltered life.

April 16, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-7 of 7 (7 new)

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message 1: by Kelly (and the Book Boar) (last edited Apr 16, 2014 05:22PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Kelly (and the Book Boar) How did I miss these updates? Stupid kids and their stupid baseball games. *grumble grumble grumble*

Shelby *trains flying monkeys* Kelly (and the Book Boar) wrote: "How did I miss these updates? Stupid kids and their stupid baseball games. *grumble grumble grumble*"

They were a few days ago! LOL. I finished it last night.

Kelly (and the Book Boar) I know - I've been out of the loop since last Thursday. I'm used to sitting under my bridge, glued to the phone for updates - this sitting at ball games every night is for the birds!

Shelby *trains flying monkeys* Kelly (and the Book Boar) wrote: "I know - I've been out of the loop since last Thursday. I'm used to sitting under my bridge, glued to the phone for updates - this sitting at ball games every night is for the birds!"

Yes it is. Mine decided he just didn't want to do it this year. Kids.

Michelle Only Wants to Read I just finished the book yesterday. I was trying to put in words my feelings for the book, but you have done an excellent job at it. I'm loving the gifs too. Guts was really something memorable. People are more terrifying than any supernatural things we can ever imagine. Great review!

Shelby *trains flying monkeys* Michelle wrote: "I just finished the book yesterday. I was trying to put in words my feelings for the book, but you have done an excellent job at it. I'm loving the gifs too. Guts was really something memorable. Pe..."

Thanks Michelle :)

Jeffrey I think someone said about this book that the stories didn't scare me...the way people act did.

Yeah, and that's exactly why I wasn't scared, because the way people acted in this book has little to do with real life.

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