Shelby *trains flying monkeys*'s Reviews > The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry
The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry
Shelby *trains flying monkeys*'s review
bookshelves: read-2014, netgalley, goodreads-choice
Apr 11, 2014
bookshelves: read-2014, netgalley, goodreads-choice
I love getting books from Netgalley. You never know what you are going to get. It might be a complete dud or it might be something like this book. A book that sweeps you up. A book that makes you want more. I sit up tonight reading this because I just couldn't stop.
AJ Fikry is a snarky man who owns a bookstore. Every bookworm's dream, and he is a major bookworm. "Despite the fact that he loves books and owns a bookstore, AJ does not particulary care for writers".
AJ has a rare book worth enough money that he could retire and just live the life of luxury. But he gets drunk and someone comes into his home and steals the book. In the next few days he discovers a baby in his bookstore with a note from the mother telling him that she wants him to have the child. The poor man has never been around a baby must less changed a diaper.
Babies move more than books and aren't as convienently shaped.
He and Google manage to find their way through the baby info though. She is a very smart little girl and one of her first words to him is love. Of course he doesn't want her at first and tells her to be careful with giving her love away.
Fucking love-what a bother. It's completely gotten in the way of his plan to drink himself to death.
This book is a book for booklovers. It has a bit of a love story without ever being too mushy.
I simply loved it. Now I need to go to bed before I start snoring here at the keyboard.
AJ Fikry is a snarky man who owns a bookstore. Every bookworm's dream, and he is a major bookworm. "Despite the fact that he loves books and owns a bookstore, AJ does not particulary care for writers".
AJ has a rare book worth enough money that he could retire and just live the life of luxury. But he gets drunk and someone comes into his home and steals the book. In the next few days he discovers a baby in his bookstore with a note from the mother telling him that she wants him to have the child. The poor man has never been around a baby must less changed a diaper.
Babies move more than books and aren't as convienently shaped.
He and Google manage to find their way through the baby info though. She is a very smart little girl and one of her first words to him is love. Of course he doesn't want her at first and tells her to be careful with giving her love away.
Fucking love-what a bother. It's completely gotten in the way of his plan to drink himself to death.
This book is a book for booklovers. It has a bit of a love story without ever being too mushy.
I simply loved it. Now I need to go to bed before I start snoring here at the keyboard.
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April 11, 2014
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April 11, 2014
"Her mother likes to say that novels have ruined Amelia for real men.
April 11, 2014
"What a goddamn Danielle Steel move. If this was a novel, I'd stop reading it right now. I'd throw it across the room.
I may be in love with this book"
I may be in love with this book"
April 11, 2014
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message 1:
rated it 4 stars
Apr 11, 2014 06:06PM
lol I should have gone to bed hours ago. That's part of the problem. It's really wonderful.
I think a lot of us can relate to his sentiments.
I loved it. Well you can tell by the crazy review from sleep depravation. :)
I think a lot of us can relate to his sentiments."
YES!! Definately!
thank you :)"
You're welcome!
Cindy..I can't wait to see what you think.
Aww thanks Margitte :)
go edit the rest of my reviews..I'm sure I spelled some cuss words wrong.
I just do not understand what makes the difference if the baby was left in the next few days or if it was a few months after the book was stolen. It did not make a difference to me in deciding whether I wanted to read this book or not and by all of the other comments about your review Shelby, including mine, it was a great review and made me want to hurry up and read this book.....which I did and enjoyed.
Rachel, while you have the privilege of feeling or thinking however you want about reviews, I'm having trouble understanding why someone's review, that we all use for our own personal reasons, would make enough difference to you that you would take the time to comment. Is there something I am missing here?
I've seen several squabbles about ratings/reviews, most of the time I get the idea that they have to do with 1 star ratings more than anything else, but I must add that what these authors fail to realize is any rating at all makes their books visible to readers. Some situations pertaining to 1 star ratings, I've found that after seeing these ratings I really want to read the book to see if I agree.
You don't have to comment on this Rachel, but I'm just really curious to know, why do you care so much about Shelby's review?
I just do not understand what makes the difference if the baby was left in the next few days or if it was a few months after the book was stole..."
I get a notification on this review and cringed..and it's my girl Cindy! Thanks my friend <3
I know I write reviews sometimes just recapping a book so when I look at it later & read my review I can remember the "Oh yeah!"
I don't want to have to make sure that every detail I write is correct; that would make it seem a little like homework...wouldn't it?
I'm just confused why this person would even care, but it doesn't look like we're going to get an answer.
BTW, you know I'm very passive and really don't like to squabble, especially about books cause reading is my entertainment & my relaxation, but for some reason I couldn't let this slide.
Maybe it's my mood today. Maybe she is just OCD and the incorrect detail really bothered her. If so, I'm sorry. But still, what gives??
OK! Give it up Shelby! Did you piss this person off??
If you did, I still don't care! Cause it's your review!
OK, I'm rambling now.....time for me to stop!!
I know I write reviews sometimes just recapping a book so when I look at it later & read my review I can remember the "..."
I'm lucky to remember something for five minutes to write it down! LOL
I don't want to do homework..I'm too old! I get trolls on five star reviews sadly quite a bit.
I don't know if I pissed her off on's entirely possible. I tend to do that. Muaahahaa
Ramble away anytime..says the Queen of Ramble. I miss YOU!!
It's winter in Illinois...there was an ice warning last night! That's what started my mood! Made me wonder what the heck was I thinking when I left Arizona! HaHa
Then I get to spend time with my three little granddaughters and I remember why! They are 9, 4, and 3 now!
Anyway, remember when push comes to shove, I'm the background....and I got your back!!!
It's winter in Illinois...there was an ice warning last night! That's what started my mood! Made me wonder what the heck was I thinking when I..."
The boy child keeps fussing because we haven't gotten any ice or snow yet. He just wants to miss school.
I've been watching them grow! err stalking you on FB :)
I adore you sweetness!