Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘'s Reviews > Finnikin of the Rock

Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta
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it was amazing
bookshelves: genre-fantasy, young-adult, 2015-reads

4 stars - 4.5 stars - 5 stars? Oh, well, I don't know people. Sorry.

Finnikin of the Rock is the story of people who try to step forward, and forward, and forward... Until perhaps, one day, perhaps they'll share a land called home again.

"Speak, Finnikin wanted to shout at her. Lay blame. Shout. Rage. Rage!"

Ready to travel with me?

Finnikin of the Rock is a journey. The journey of Lumatere people who struggle to survive after their exile. I'll be honest, I didn't expect it to move me so much - and yeah, I realized pretty fast what a fool I'd been to underestimate Melina Marchetta's ability to take my heart and squeeze it. Hard.

The fact is, I'm always fooled in the same way with this author : I'm travelling through her words, confident, conceited even, until I come across a sentence which breaks my heart. Repeatedly.

"Men who in Lumatere had voices loud and passionate, who provided for their families and were respected in their villages. Now they sat in silence and relied on their children to translate for them as if they were helpless babes. Finnikin wondered what it did to a man who once stood proud. How could he pass on his stories without a language?"

There's a lot of talking in this book but it never bothered me. Why? Because as Sir Topher expresses it, stories and languages and well, talking are links we don't want to destroy. They're bonding, history, family .

People of Lumatere are going through all the trials refugee have to face. Yes that's fantasy, yet their suffering sounds so real and reminds me so much of what happens near every one of our houses I got chills. Sadly, I don't think there's a country in the world which doesn't have its refugee, somehow, and yeah, sure, we could argue that their country didn't disappear magically like Lumatere - no, war and poverty and corruption and selfishness did it. I'm not sure it isn't worst.

"You are evil," he seeted.
"Oh, the way that word is thrown around!" she said. "Everything is evil that humans can't control or conquer."

In addition to the necessity to forget their own language, entire families find themselves scattered throughout the kingdoms closed to Lumatere after the disappearance of their home. Desperate. Abused. Threatened. Hopeless.


There's so much to say about the plot and yet I'm feeling as I've already said too much. The only thing you need to know is this : following Finnikin, Evanjelin, Sir Topher and all the other *cough* Froi! *cough* has been a meaningful experience for me and I can only hope you'll feel even a glimmer of the emotion I felt.

As per usual with Melina Marchetta, the characterization is flawless. Really, I'm in awe of this author for her ability to create characters so real. Far from perfect. Both loveable and detestable. Each and every one of them found the path to my heart, each in their own way. Although I can be annoyed by their doubts (yes Finnikin, I'm totally staring at you - but yes, I still love you), amused by their repartee, in love with their courage, frightened for them - and sometimes, by them, they can make me feel restless, proud, mad, confused -

If I you ask me to tell you one thing about them, it'd be that they never ever leave me indifferent.

Finally, what can I say about the writing apart from repeating how beautiful it is? I always trusted Melina Marchetta to create complex and so dynamic characters. Now I know she can also deliver full-detailed settings. Indeed her words resonate within us, mesmerizing, alternating between descriptions full of details and short sentences when the action requires it.

Well, I think that's pretty clear that I loved this book, even if in some parts I felt a bit lost and wavering, especially in the third part which was a bit anticlimatic. But then, in my opinion no book is perfect, and I enjoyed so much this journey I can't hold a grudge.

I'll let you with this quote -
"Perhaps they would act as a deterrent. He could not believe anyone who heard such stories of wickedness would allow it to happen again."

Oh dear Finnikin, if you knew...

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Reading Progress

July 29, 2014 – Shelved
January 23, 2015 – Started Reading
January 23, 2015 –
page 22
5.29% "How could I live 3 months without reading a book from Melina Marchetta? This woman is a genius.

"Speak, Finnikin wanted to shout at her. Lay blame. Shout. Rage. Rage!""
January 24, 2015 –
61.0% ""He didn't believe in fate and destiny and gods and guides. He didn't believe in people or goodness or love or what was right."

I have a soft spot for Froi. Can't help it."
January 25, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-29 of 29 (29 new)

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message 1: by [deleted user] (new)

Well wow, a journey? That's how I feel about The Mortal Instruments...and it is my favorite series <3 Hmm, I have not read a book by Melina Marchetta before, but this, I think, could be a great start. :) Wonderful honest review, Anna.

Pamela Been seeing this book in my recommendations since forever, but I'd never given it much attention. Now I've added it :)

✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans) This is one of the books that's supposed to cure me from my YA allergy. We'll see about that^^

Sarah I was hesitant about this since I love her contemporaries so much, but now I'm convinced that she can take on fantasy too.
Amazing review!

Sarah Lola wrote: "Well wow, a journey? That's how I feel about The Mortal Instruments...and it is my favorite series <3 Hmm, I have not read a book by Melina Marchetta before, but this, I think, could be a great sta..."

Lola.. you haven't read a Marchetta book? GIRL, WHO ARE YOU?! :C

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Lola wrote: "Well wow, a journey? That's how I feel about The Mortal Instruments...and it is my favorite series <3 Hmm, I have not read a book by Melina Marchetta before, but this, I think, could be a great sta..."

Thank you! I second Sarah on this : How in the world haven't you read a Marchetta's book yet? ;)

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ ||♣Pamela♣|| wrote: "Been seeing this book in my recommendations since forever, but I'd never given it much attention. Now I've added it :)"

Yeah! Keep me updated if you try it!

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ oOSarahOo wrote: "This is one of the books that's supposed to cure me from my YA allergy. We'll see about that^^"

Lol! Hmm... No alpha-male in Marchetta ;D I love her writing and her stories, now I think that's not for everyone because there is a lot of talking... I'm curious to see what you think if you try!

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Sarah wrote: "I was hesitant about this since I love her contemporaries so much, but now I'm convinced that she can take on fantasy too.
Amazing review!"

Thank you Sarah!! Well, I read her contemporary before and don't worry, the writing and the feels are here as well... And the characterization is really awesome :))

Pamela Alienortothemoon✭ wrote: "||♣Pamela♣|| wrote: "Been seeing this book in my recommendations since forever, but I'd never given it much attention. Now I've added it :)"

Yeah! Keep me updated if you try it!"

I will! Have to takle a few other books first but now this one is in my sights *father's wallet quivers*

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

I don't know. XD But I will fix this!

✘✘ Sarah ✘✘ (former Nefarious Breeder of Murderous Crustaceans) Alienortothemoon✭ wrote: "oOSarahOo wrote: "This is one of the books that's supposed to cure me from my YA allergy. We'll see about that^^"

Lol! Hmm... No alpha-male in Marchetta ;D I love her writing and her stories, now ..."

No alpha male? Why am I no longer interested? Weird. According to my dear friends, I'm supposed to luuuuurrrrrrve this one. No need to tell you heads will roll if I don't hahaha!

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ oOSarahOo wrote: "Alienortothemoon✭ wrote: "oOSarahOo wrote: "This is one of the books that's supposed to cure me from my YA allergy. We'll see about that^^"

Lol! Hmm... No alpha-male in Marchetta ;D I love her w..."

Hahaha - I'm looking forward to your thoughts then (and I'll prepare some hiding if needed :p)

Lizet I loved your review Anna! And I liked the images :) It's impossible not to love Melina Marchetta's books. She's such a genius.
And I see you are currently reading Froi of the Exiles ^^. If you liked Finnikin of the Rock, then I'm sure you'll loooove Froi of the Exiles; it's an emotional rollercoaster, I warn you, if you haven't seen that yet, but it's beautiful, beautiful, beautiful :)

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Lizet wrote: "I loved your review Anna! And I liked the images :) It's impossible not to love Melina Marchetta's books. She's such a genius.
And I see you are currently reading Froi of the Exiles ^^. If you like..."

Thank you Lizet!! I totally agree with you, Marchetta is a genius, I'm so in awe of her work! And yes I'm reading Froi, not so far yet (36%) because I'm savoring it, but you're right, that's beautiful!

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ David "proud member of Branwen's adventuring party" wrote: ""

ROFL!! I'm totally stealing that picture. Well done, David!

Jen (jenslostinthepages) ♥Star-Crossed Book Blog♥ Outstanding review, Anna! I love everything you put in your backpack too, especially a patience potion! Can I have a little swipe of some of that stuff too? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Jen wrote: "Outstanding review, Anna! I love everything you put in your backpack too, especially a patience potion! Can I have a little swipe of some of that stuff too? Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

Thank you Jen!! Of course you can have all that I put in my backpack too, Ith cherry and even chocolate if you want ;) (if that's the apocalypse, I'll take it, pinky swear :p)

David - proud Gleeman in Branwen's adventuring party Alienortothemoon✭ wrote: "David "proud member of Branwen's adventuring party" wrote: ""

ROFL!! I'm totally stealing that picture. Well done, David!"

HA HA, steal away, Alienor, glad you liked it! ;)

message 21: by Marga (new) - added it

Marga I have this series! Hopefully I'll pick them up soon! Anyway, I also just bought Looking for Alibrandi. Will you recommend that one? :) And of course, lovely review! xx

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Marga wrote: "I have this series! Hopefully I'll pick them up soon! Anyway, I also just bought Looking for Alibrandi. Will you recommend that one? :) And of course, lovely review! xx"

Thank you Marga!! Aww, it's the only one of her contemporary that I haven't read yet... That's her debut and it's less good according to the reviews.
My favorite are (in that order) :

Jellicoe Road (the beginning is confusing, but the rest is incredible)

The Piper's son

Saving Francesca (you have to read it before The Piper's son because that's the same characters ;)

And I'm reading Froi of the Exile right now and it's about to become my favorite I think <3

message 23: by Marga (new) - added it

Marga I already read Saving Francesca and liked it! Thanks for the info! :)

Chelsea ✨Arielle’s Nebular Ally and Team Acrux✨ So glad you loved! Great review, Anna. I wish dearly that I Could have found something to love but I just couldn' are much more patient than I! lol

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Chelsea ❤Peril Please❤ wrote: "So glad you loved! Great review, Anna. I wish dearly that I Could have found something to love but I just couldn' are much more patient than I! lol"

Thank youuu <3 <3 I know, and I get it, but there's something who can't fail to move me in these books - I can't explain^^ And that's even better in book OMG.

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Marga wrote: "I already read Saving Francesca and liked it! Thanks for the info! :)"

You're welcome!! Aww, if you read Francesca then go read Thomas' story <3 I loved him <3

Jen (jenslostinthepages) ♥Star-Crossed Book Blog♥ Alienortothemoon✭ wrote: "Jen wrote: "Outstanding review, Anna! I love everything you put in your backpack too, especially a patience potion! Can I have a little swipe of some of that stuff too? Pretty please with a cher..."

Pinky swear! :D

message 28: by Hionia (new) - added it

Hionia Beautiful review! I should probably give this book a try! =)

Alienor ✘ French Frowner ✘ Hionia wrote: "Beautiful review! I should probably give this book a try! =)"

Thank you!! I love everything Marchetta writes, her characters are so flawed and interesting!

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