Paula M's Reviews > Demons at Deadnight

Demons at Deadnight by A.  Kirk
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So I'm just gonna leave these right here...




You guys have to know.. I've never fangirled this hard! The Hex Boys is.. Oh gosh.


And I'm talking about all of them.

Aurora is pretty awesome too. ;) Full review to follow. AND I HAVE A LOT TO SAY. NOW, I'm off reading book twooooo!
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Quotes Paula M Liked

A.  Kirk
“I launched into a graceful ninja-like front roll, then stood my ground to face the monstrous heathen, fearless in my determination to vanquish the deadly foe.

Nah, just kidding. I bolted, discretion being the better part of not getting dead.”
A and E Kirk, Demons at Deadnight

A.  Kirk
“Ayden and Blake stared each other down.
"Oh. My. God," Luna blurted from Ayden's back seat. "It's a love triangle."
We all looked at her like she'd sprouted an alien from her head. "it's just like in a book. Two guys after one girl and-"
I groaned. "That's ridiculous, Luna, this is not a love triangle."
"Says the girl in the middle of a love triangle. Luna ignored my protests and prattled on. "Not one Hexy Boy but two. I've got to call Danica. Oooo," she squealed and clapped her hands,"We could have teams. Team Ayden and Team Blake. With T-shirt and buttons and-"
"I could make a website," Lucian offered.
"No!" My voice pitched with panic. "No teams. No shirts. No-"
"I'll get you some headshots," Blake said, turning his profile towards Luna and Lucian. "I've been told the left is my best side. What do you think?"
"Aurora's right," Ayden said. "This is buts. Blake you can follow us-"
"Dude, you know no one would pick Team Ayden. You're just jealous."
"That's not true. My team would be way bigger than yours."
"Dare to dream, little man, dare to dream."
"Care to make a wager on it?"
"Fine. How about-"
"You two shut up!" I shoved myself out of the car.”
A&E Kirk, Demons at Deadnight

A.  Kirk
“Ayden strolled up and nonchalantly tossed me the keys. I caught them with ease.

Nah, I dropped them. Okay, technically I didn’t drop them. I just flinched when they hit me in the shoulder then I watched them drop. Did I mention I didn’t sleep well?”
A and E Kirk, Demons at Deadnight

A.  Kirk
“We are killers,” Matthias said.
Bad news.
“Not girls. We don’t kill girls.”
Good news.
“She’s no girl.”
Insulting news?
“What? Of course she’s a girl.”
“Want me to check?”
“Shut up, Blake,” the rest of them chorused.”
A&E Kirk, Demons at Deadnight

A.  Kirk
“Wish I could say it was a deviously clever move, but the truth is I’ve got grace management issues.”
A and E Kirk, Demons at Deadnight

A.  Kirk
“What do your parents do? Do they travel a lot?"
My brow wrinkled. "No, they don't." I was tired of the interrogation. "Do yours?"
He blinked. "What?"
"Do your parents travel a lot? Are they still married? How many in your family? How old are you? What classes do you have? Boxers or briefs? What's your GPA? Do you always go around knocking strange girls off their feet and then hammering them with a barrage of personal questions?" I finished with a cocky smile.

Tristan hid a grin behind his fist. Mr. Exotic levelled me a steady stare, a sly smile gaining momentum. "Do you always end up straddling the guys that do?"

Tristan choked. My smile froze. Crap.
"And as for boxers or briefs." One hand went to his belt buckle. "I'd be happy to..."
Double crap. I jabbed a thumb over my shoulder towards my house "I've gotta go.”
A&E Kirk, Demons at Deadnight

A.  Kirk
“You don’t understand.She was mean to me. Very mean. And she’s dangerous. A very dangerous girl. I’m your guardian, Ayden. I have to protect you!It’s my sworn duty. My sworn duty!”

“Protect me?”

“Yes!” Pearl hovered frantically in front of “her boy,” and slathered her voice with disgust. “She threatened to…”

Oh, she wouldn’t.

“Kiss you!”

She would. My cheeks fired. I stared at the floor.

Ayden laughed. “Kiss me?”

“Yeeeeesss,” Pearl wailed in agony. “She promised a big juicy kiss! On a real date. No pretending. With hand holding and—and cuddling!”

And I thought it couldn’t get any worse.”
A&E Kirk, Demons at Deadnight

Reading Progress

August 25, 2014 – Shelved
September 18, 2014 – Started Reading
September 20, 2014 –
54.0% "Ayden reminds me so much of Will from The Infernal Devices! So, uhm, YES I WANT HIM. WHERE CAN I GET AT LEAST ONE OF THE HEX BOYS???!"
September 26, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-5 of 5 (5 new)

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message 1: by A. (new) - rated it 5 stars

A. Thanks! So happy you loved it and are an Aurora and Hex Boys fans. More Hex Boys, but hey, certainly can't blame you.

FYI, we're having a Massive Giveaway just for fantastic fans like you. There’s cash and tons of Hextraordinary prize packages.

To enter, all you need is a review, which you’ve already written! Just head over to the post that explains it all. You’ll find details and entry forms here -

Good Luck and Thanks Again. Love all the quotes!
Hugs and Gratitude,

Paula M A&E wrote: "Thanks! So happy you loved it and are an Aurora and Hex Boys fans. More Hex Boys, but hey, certainly can't blame you.

FYI, we're having a Massive Giveaway just for fantastic fans like you. There’..."

I'm part of the blog tour though, can I still join? :P If not, its totally fine. I'm currently loving book two!! Like, LOVE!!! Cannot wait for the third book to come out :)

message 3: by A. (new) - rated it 5 stars

A. How cool! Of course you can join and we're thrilled you're loving Drop Dead Demons! Thanks! And now back to book 3. So happy you're part of the tour!


Aj the Ravenous Reader OMG, Paula. I've never fangirled this hard either. Lol.

message 5: by A. (new) - rated it 5 stars

A. Aj the Ravenous Reader wrote: "OMG, Paula. I've never fangirled this hard either. Lol."

Aw, thank you! We are so flattered!

Hugs and Gratitude!


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