Christy's Reviews > Home

Home by J.A. Huss
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's review

it was amazing

5 #PerfectEnding stars!

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Reading Home is a bittersweet thing. After spending the last few months reading Grace and Vaughn’s story bit by bit, I was not ready for it to end. Unsurprisingly, this was a perfect conclusion. I felt like the series was ended in a fantastic way.

Grace and Vaughn have been through so much in such a short amount of time. I really don’t want to re-hash anything that has happened in this book or that happens in the others, but I will say that after reading, I am completely satisfied. Questions have been answered, final revelations were made and the ending was just fabulous. It hasn’t been any easy journey for these two. Nothing for either of them has come easy, but when it’s all said and done- they have each other.

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Grace has shown us all kinds of sides. She has a past. She had her secrets from Vaughn. She’s been weak, she’s been strong, she’s been vulnerable. She is a fighter and she is a surviver. Some of the installments I loved her more than others, but in the end, I think she may be my favorite Huss heroine.

Then there is Vaughn Asher. Vaughn is bossy. He is sexy, moody, sweet, a jerk, a lover a fighter, full of his own secrets. Vaughn has lots of sides too. Lots of different pieces. But I loved every one. More than anything, he wants to protect Grace, to love Grace. To be her prince and give her the fairytale ending she so deserves.

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When it comes to JA Huss’s books, the one thing I’ve come to expect is to expect the unexpected. If your looking for a same old same old romance, erotica etc you are looking in the wrong spot. This series is full or originality. If you think you know whats going to happen next, what secrets these characters hold or how it’s going to turn out, you really have no idea. And I freaking love that. So few books/series really surprise me anymore so to find a unique story line that really threw me for a loop- well, lets just say these books are some gems.

Follow, Like, Block, Status, Profile and Home. Each and every installment had something fresh and something different. I loved watching this story and these characters evolve. This is most definitely the best group of serials I have had the pleasure of reading. And for those of you that don’t love the serial concept- now that all 6 are live, you have no excuse not to pick them up for yourself!

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Reading Progress

August 29, 2014 – Shelved as: to-read
August 29, 2014 – Shelved
November 2, 2014 – Started Reading
November 2, 2014 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 65 (65 new)

Wendy'sThoughts you go girl!

message 2: by Vieira (new)

Vieira #6? I guess these are little novellas?

Christy Yes! It's the final one <3

Ashlie L I'm biting my nails for this one!!!!!! Come on Nov. 5th!!!!!

Ashlie L Your sooo lucky!!!!!! Beotch!!!!!!

Christy Yes! So lucky LOL xoxo

Kelly Enjoyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

Joan Wow Christy!! Hope you put aside time to read it straight through!! Cannot wait for your review! ;)

Sophie's Reading Corner I'm so jealous!! Looking forward to reading your review! <3

message 10: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Looking forward to your review, Christy. :D

Beverly Can't wait to read this one!!!! Glad you loved it, bestie! Looking forward to your kick ass reviews!

Janey Great review, Christy. I'm looking forward to dipping into this series now they are all locked & loaded!

Christy Thanks hun! They are incredible xoxo

Lisa *-* GiViNg It To YoU * LoCk StOcK & TwO SmOkiNg BaRrELs Great Review Christy xoxo

Christy Lisa *-* GiViNg It To YoU wrote: "Great Review Christy xoxo"

Thanks, Lisa! <3

message 16: by [deleted user] (new)

Amazing review Christy...Now that the whole series is live, I'll start soon ;)

Cindy Fab review! I love this series too, and it's crazy ride.;)xo

message 18: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Kyle Terrific review Christy! I had to get to this series :DD

Sophie's Reading Corner Fantastic review, Christy! (: It is indeed bittersweet , but I'm looking forward to reading this one.

Penelope ✘ that awkward girl that doesn't go here ✘ Lovely review, Christy! <3 I'm glad that it ended perfectly for you. Definitely gonna get into this now that all the books are out. :)

message 21: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine Fantastic review babe!! :D ♥♥ Glad you enjoyed the series overall! Time to get into this one now that it's complete ;)

message 22: by Dee (new) - added it

Dee Montoya Fab review C!!

message 23: by Brandi (new)

Brandi Gorgeous review, Christy! xo :)

message 24: by AJ (new)

AJ So glad you loved this one Christy! I'm really looking forward to these! Great review :)

message 25: by Flo (new)

Flo Stunning review, Christy!! <33

Shayla Awesome sad to let these two go :(

Lady Vigilante (Feifei) Wonderful review Christy! xx

Katy Loves Romance ❤️ Fab review Christy!!! Xo

Eda** Awesome review Christy!!

Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾ Amazing review, honey! xx

message 31: by [deleted user] (new)

Can you pretty pretty please let me know when they have an all-in-one package??

Christy Mrs. JesseWard wrote: "Amazing review Christy...Now that the whole series is live, I'll start soon ;)"

Thanks, hun! Hope you like x

Christy Cindy wrote: "Fab review! I love this series too, and it's crazy ride.;)xo"

Thanks babe! It sure is xoxo

Christy Jennifer wrote: "Terrific review Christy! I had to get to this series :DD"

Thanks, lovely! xoxo

Christy ღSophieღ wrote: "Fantastic review, Christy! (: It is indeed bittersweet , but I'm looking forward to reading this one."

Thanks, honey! Enjoy! <3

Christy Penelope wrote: "Lovely review, Christy! <3 I'm glad that it ended perfectly for you. Definitely gonna get into this now that all the books are out. :)"

Thanks, doll! Hope you enjoy them x

Christy Jasmine wrote: "Fantastic review babe!! :D ♥♥ Glad you enjoyed the series overall! Time to get into this one now that it's complete ;)"

Thanks, sweets! They've been great x

Christy Dee is Elec's Lucky Charm ♣️♣️ wrote: "Fab review C!!"

Thanks, Dee! <3

Christy Brandi wrote: "Gorgeous review, Christy! xo :)"

Thanks, Brandi! xo

Christy Vrsha wrote: "Fantastic review Christy ;)"

Thanks, Vrsha! <3

Christy AJ wrote: "So glad you loved this one Christy! I'm really looking forward to these! Great review :)"

Thanks so much, AJ! xo

Christy Jackie wrote: "Stunning review, Christy! It is bittersweet ,I'm so gonna miss sexy Vaughn Asher!!:):)"

Thanks, Jackie! I'll be missing Mr. Asher too LOL! <3

Christy ღFloღ the coffee addict wrote: "Stunning review, Christy!! <33"

Thanks, babe! x

Christy Shayla wrote: "Awesome sad to let these two go :("

Thanks, Shayla! Me too x

Christy Lady Vigilante (Feifei) wrote: "Wonderful review Christy! xx"

Thanks, Feifei! x

Christy Katy the die hard romance addict ❤️ wrote: "Fab review Christy!!! Xo"

Thanks, sweetie! :)

Christy Eda** # Cole Maddon's Jewel # wrote: "Awesome review Christy!!"

Thanks, darlin! xoxo

Christy Lisa wrote: "Awesome review, hun!"

Thanks, lovely! x

Christy Lkay ❇✾The one-click buy button addict❇✾ wrote: "Amazing review, honey! xx"

Thanks, babes! xoxo

Christy Kat Stark wrote: "Can you pretty pretty please let me know when they have an all-in-one package??"

I sure will, Kat :D

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