Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) 's Reviews > The Sense of an Ending

The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes
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Update: There is going to be a movie after the book and it is coming out this month! if interested you can see the trailer here:

A story about the unreliability of memory and how we can chose to forget or to reinvent the past in order not to remember disturbing truths.

I discovered this book by Julian Barnes when reading comments about Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan which is a book I also enjoyed. The tone of the story is quite similar in some ways. Barnes, McEwan and Coetzee have a way with words that I find brilliant. They use simple prose but with such a punch.

I am not fully satisfied about how the author finished the book and left some of the events unexplained. Maybe that was the intention but I would have liked to understand a little bit better the reason behind some of Veronica's behavior.
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Comments Showing 1-45 of 45 (45 new)

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message 1: by Melissa (new)

Melissa Nice review, Adina!

message 2: by Ed (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ed It's hard to imagine this translating well to the screen. So much of what makes this book good is in Barnes's prose and the view into the mind of the protagonist.

message 3: by Cecily (last edited Mar 07, 2017 11:56PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Cecily Edward wrote: "It's hard to imagine this translating well to the screen. So much of what makes this book good is in Barnes's prose and the view into the mind of the protagonist."

True, but it has a fabulous cast, including Jim Broadbent, Charlotte Rampling, Harriet Walter, Michelle Dockery, Matthew Goode, Emily Mortimer, and James Wilby.

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Melissa wrote: "Nice review, Adina!" Thank you. I wrote it two years ago but I updated the movie part.

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Edward wrote: "It's hard to imagine this translating well to the screen. So much of what makes this book good is in Barnes's prose and the view into the mind of the protagonist." I agree with you but I will give the movie a chance for its cast. As Cecily said, there are some talented actors.

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Cecily wrote: "Edward wrote: "It's hard to imagine this translating well to the screen. So much of what makes this book good is in Barnes's prose and the view into the mind of the protagonist."

True, but it has ..."
I am excited about the cast as well.

message 7: by Steven (new)

Steven Godin Interesting to see how book & film compare, a great cast is certainly promising.

Cecily Steven wrote: "Interesting to see how book & film compare, a great cast is certainly promising."

The promise was fulfilled, imo.

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Steven wrote: "Interesting to see how book & film compare, a great cast is certainly promising." Yes, it would be interesting. Especially since It does not feel like an easy novel to film.

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Cecily wrote: "Steven wrote: "Interesting to see how book & film compare, a great cast is certainly promising."

The promise was fulfilled, imo."
You saw the movie? How was it? Was it faithful to the novel or a bit changed?

Cecily Yes, I saw the film. It's a few years since I read the book, but it matched my memory very well in terms of plot and mood, though Tony was rather more likeable.

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Cecily wrote: "Yes, I saw the film. It's a few years since I read the book, but it matched my memory very well in terms of plot and mood, though Tony was rather more likeable." Interesting that you talk about memory... as we learn from the book that memory is not to be trusted. :)) You remember Tony well though. He wasn't a likable character. I hope to find some time to see the movie as well.

Bianca It's already showing in Australia. I haven't decided if to go watch it, since I haven't read the book, yet.

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Bianca wrote: "It's already showing in Australia. I haven't decided if to go watch it, since I haven't read the book, yet." i would read the book first. IT has a certain atmosphere that I do not think it can be translated to the screen.

Vanessa Looking forward to seeing a movie version of this book. Like you I would have liked more from the ending but I also felt it was fitting where it ended. Kept me wanting more by this author!

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Vanessa wrote: "Looking forward to seeing a movie version of this book. Like you I would have liked more from the ending but I also felt it was fitting where it ended. Kept me wanting more by this author!" It's a good think he wrote other wonderful books so we can take a pick anytime.

Cheri Terrific review, Adina. I didn't know this was made into a movie / was being made into a movie, I'll have to check that out.

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Cheri wrote: "Terrific review, Adina. I didn't know this was made into a movie / was being made into a movie, I'll have to check that out." I think it was released. I have to look for it. Glad you enjoyed the novel .You can now check his following one and make a comparison. Quite similar subject.

message 19: by Wen (new) - rated it 4 stars

Wen Nice review Adina

message 20: by Candace (new)

Candace Great review, Adina! I tried to access the movie trailer on Facebook. It won't connect to the page.

message 21: by Deanna (new)

Deanna Excellent review, Adina!

Jonathan Pool I plan to go to the upcoming Barnes talk in London on his new book. Let me know which unexplained events trouble you and I'll try to ask him!!

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Jonathan wrote: "I plan to go to the upcoming Barnes talk in London on his new book. Let me know which unexplained events trouble you and I'll try to ask him!!" You know i hate you right now, right? I passed that bloody talk announcement 6 times last week (3 times I visited Waterstones Piccadilly x 2 in/out), thinking that I chose the wrong time to come to London. And here you are attending the event. Or is it another one? Well, at least I get to read the book before others.

I read The sense of An Ending 3 years ago but I answered to a comment and that's why it got into my feed. However, I am currently reading his new book. it is obvious from the beginning that one of the main themes is the unreliability of memory, the same as in this one. It is so obvious, that everybody who read both books started comparing the two novels. I wonder if it was a intentional, If he wrote it as a Sense of An Ending part 2?

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Candace wrote: "Great review, Adina! I tried to access the movie trailer on Facebook. It won't connect to the page." Try this link:

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Thank you Deanna and Wen, it's an old review. The one for his latest book is coming this week. I speed read to finish until it is published on Thursday.

message 26: by Candace (new)

Candace Adina wrote: "Candace wrote: "Great review, Adina! I tried to access the movie trailer on Facebook. It won't connect to the page." Try this link:"

The link worked. Thanks! It looks like an interesting movie

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Jonathan wrote: "I plan to go to the upcoming Barnes talk in London on his new book. Let me know which unexplained events trouble you and I'll try to ask him!!" I was joking about the hating. Enjoy and I am expecting a summary of the talk.

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Swaroop wrote: "That's a nice review, Adina!" Thank you

message 29: by Ahmed (new) - added it

Ahmed Great review, Adina! I came to know about this book after its movie adaptation. would like to read more books from Julian Barnes in future.

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Ahmed wrote: "Great review, Adina! I came to know about this book after its movie adaptation. would like to read more books from Julian Barnes in future." You should. he is a very good writer.

message 31: by Jodi (new) - added it

Jodi Adina, thanks so much for providing the link to the trailer! Watching it has inspired me to finally start this book that I've owned for nearly 5 years! I'm very appreciative and hope to enjoy it as much as you did!🙏

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Jodi wrote: "Adina, thanks so much for providing the link to the trailer! Watching it has inspired me to finally start this book that I've owned for nearly 5 years! I'm very appreciative and hope to enjoy it as..." i hope you will like like it. It was my first Barnes.

message 33: by Théo d'Or (new) - added it

Théo d'Or Finally, we agree on a book :)

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Théodore wrote: "Finally, we agree on a book :)" :)0 I am sure we agree on more than one.

message 35: by Théo d'Or (new) - added it

Théo d'Or Moby Dick ?

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Théodore wrote: "Moby Dick ?" I haven't read it but I am not a big fan of talk about boats and fishing. Which means I'll probably never read it. Sorry. I read the Man And The Sea instead. Same obsession with a fish.

message 37: by Théo d'Or (new) - added it

Théo d'Or Haha ! I chose this example especially for those 50% of readers who see only a madman chasi g a fish, and another 50%
perceive it as a philosophy of human nothingness, and the need for constant search, in the satisfaction of pride. And you know what ? Both sides see correctly.

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Théodore wrote: "Haha ! I chose this example especially for those 50% of readers who see only a madman chasi g a fish, and another 50%
perceive it as a philosophy of human nothingness, and the need for constant s..."
I would probably see both. I would say something like men and their pride :))

message 39: by Théo d'Or (new) - added it

Théo d'Or Yes, men's pride vs women's intuition :)
Two defining features...

message 40: by Alexandra (new) - added it

Alexandra I finished the book last night and didn't understand the ending. I googled an 'ending explanation', where two different theories seemed most common. Neither of which, I'm embarrassed to say, even crossed my mind! I am now skimming through it again to try to pick up on things. Maybe this means literature is not my cup of tea since I clearly miss out on things :))

Karen Lovely review Adina. I felt disappointed with the book.

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Alexandra wrote: "I finished the book last night and didn't understand the ending. I googled an 'ending explanation', where two different theories seemed most common. Neither of which, I'm embarrassed to say, even c..." :)) i only saw your comment now. I do not remember the ending to say anything.

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Karen wrote: "Lovely review Adina. I felt disappointed with the book." I am sorry you did not like it. It probably found me in the right moment.

message 44: by Jenn (new) - rated it 5 stars

Jenn Thanks for dropping the hint about the movie, Adina; this is one I would definitely enjoy watching. I think I would be remiss if I didn't rate this 5 stars to applaud Barnes' brilliance even though my imperfect brain didn't grasp the significance of every scene and gesture. I haven't read McEwan's On Chesil Beach, but I felt shadings of Atonement as I was reading, so we must've been feeling the same vibe. Pleased to see you enjoyed this in spite of the loose ends.

Adina (notifications back, log out, clear cache) Jenn wrote: "Thanks for dropping the hint about the movie, Adina; this is one I would definitely enjoy watching. I think I would be remiss if I didn't rate this 5 stars to applaud Barnes' brilliance even though..." I saw your message only because I decided to look through my reviews and see if I do not have any lost messages. It seems GR forgot to send me messages for quite a few these days. About Barnes and McEwan, yes they have similar vibes. I also put Coetzee with them. I reccomend reading him if you haven’t. I also forgot about the movie so thanks for reminding me.

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