NickReads's Reviews > Horrorstör
You can find the full review and more about this book on my blog!
First of all,as always,I want to talk about the cover,the design of the physical book in general.I must say this is the most unique book I have ever seen.The pictures inside,the front and the back cover,the maps and the furniture,they are all perfectly made and they raised the book's awesomeness.So greatly done:)
Horrorstör is a dark horror creepy novel with suspense and hell of scary moments.I warn you,if you are not used to horror,or don't like the genre,that you should consider again reading this book,because it might give you nightmares.
The first half of the book was great,a little slow,but still good,and you are introduced to the characters,which to be honest,are some of the most natural and real characters I have ever read about.They seemed to me so random,yet so unique.You happen to meet Amy,a girl who is not really happy with her job,she works at Orsk,which is a furniture shop.There also is a hipster with the beard,Matt.Basil,the boss who is always complaining.So you get the idea.
After the first part,everything changes,the sense of humor vanishes,the novel gets darker and darker,and that's where the scary begins.And I am not talking about the fluffy scary,but as creepy nightmary scary.
I am amazed with the author's writing style.It matches the design of the book.The plot is awesome and relatable ,and the ending rocks.This would be a great awesome scary movie.
I highly recommend this book to every horror reader out there.If this doesn't scare you out,then I don't know what will.
*Pictures from the review are not mine, I took them mostly from Google images or Tumblr*
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Comments Showing 1-24 of 24 (24 new)
Even though this book has my name in it... I think I'm too chicken to read it. :)
Even though this book has my name in it... I think I'm too chicken to read it. :)"
Thanks Amy,it is awesome,you should read it:)
Thanks Patty:))
I actually looked back,hahahahah:)
Thanks Maria<333