Zoë's Reviews > Red Queen
Red Queen (Red Queen, #1)
Book 19/100 for 2015
UPDATE: Giving it 3 stars because it's only been three months and I've already forgotten everything about this book. I enjoyed reading it, but it was so similar to many other YA books that it's not memorable.
WOAH. That was an intense book and I really enjoyed it! I am a sucker for superpowers and this book had such a cool variety of them! I was so into this book that I stayed up very, very late two nights in a row so I could see what happened next. It was a little predictable at times and I can see why people say that it's really similar plot-wise to a couple of other books, but I still liked it very much! I just want a little more world building and a little more romance (I'm always going to vote for more romance, to be honest), but I'm almost positive that that will all happen in the next book!
Also, I really want a map for the world! I feel like that would be such a cool addition to the book.
UPDATE: Giving it 3 stars because it's only been three months and I've already forgotten everything about this book. I enjoyed reading it, but it was so similar to many other YA books that it's not memorable.
WOAH. That was an intense book and I really enjoyed it! I am a sucker for superpowers and this book had such a cool variety of them! I was so into this book that I stayed up very, very late two nights in a row so I could see what happened next. It was a little predictable at times and I can see why people say that it's really similar plot-wise to a couple of other books, but I still liked it very much! I just want a little more world building and a little more romance (I'm always going to vote for more romance, to be honest), but I'm almost positive that that will all happen in the next book!
Also, I really want a map for the world! I feel like that would be such a cool addition to the book.
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Reading Progress
February 19, 2015
Started Reading
February 19, 2015
– Shelved
February 19, 2015
"I just downloaded the ebook so that I can read (or at least start) it before I meet Victoria Aveyard tomorrow at the book signing in Orlando!"
February 20, 2015
"JUST MET HER AND SHES SO NICE! Also, this book is GOOOOOD so far (even though I'm only this far in hahaha)"
February 20, 2015
"I'm so sucked in already! There has never been a dull moment so far and the world building is great!"
February 20, 2015
"Okay duh definitely knew her special ability from the first couple of pages but NOW THINGS ARE HAPPENING ayyyyyy"
February 21, 2015
"I stayed up soooo late reading this book and had to wake up early and now I am dead to the world No regrets though honestly"
February 21, 2015
"Okay I really don't trust this Julian fellow he's a little too accepting of everything"
February 22, 2015
"Okay jk about the loving Maven thing, Cal is the man for me <3 (Also my book actually has 383 pages, not 320 like it says)"
February 22, 2015
Finished Reading
July 29, 2022
Started Reading
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message 1:
added it
Feb 22, 2015 08:28PM
THAT'S INSANE! And thank you :D
What other novels was this a lot like for you?
Just started reading... OMG SO GOOD